Danger said:
To be honest, I think most people like to "say" they put in the effort, but if they are anything like the majority of people I have worked with, they just want a 9-5 job pressing a button and then go home to a mcmansion. Sorry, that is just not going to cut it.
I'm talking about the ones who truly make an effort to succeed in the system. It is THOSE people who are the actual "victims".
Danger said:
Capitalism is cut-throat, but it's not capitalism that punishes the non-producer, it's life.
Nooo, it's Capitalism that punishes the non-producer. There are other ways, under different systems, to live life that wouldn't punish people. So, it isn't "life" that punishes people, because there are different ways to live life that wouldn't punish people. Stop trying to justify Capitalism, cause it ain't working. In a Capitalist system there will always be "winners" and "losers", just like in a game...and Capitalism is just that, a GAME. You either win or lose. CUT-THROAT, simple. It's inevitable that there will always be winners and losers in it...and it doesn't have to be like that, there are better ways to live. And no, I'm don't think Communism or Socialism are the answers either, as I've said before...they suck as well...they all suck. The old ways of "Tribalism" is the closest to a utopian lifestyle. That would bring people the most happiness. Of course I'm sure there's some flaws within that as well(afterall, we do live in an imperfect world, and no system will ever bring 100% happiness..but I think Tribalism is the closest you can get to happiness). In Tribalism you answered to nobody but YOURSELF..you provided for YOURSELF. You didn't have to rely on MONEY to make it in this world...there was no such thing as wealthy and non-wealthy people...nobody went "homeless", "foodless"(although during crop failures), etc. Everybody was taken care of, eveybody collectively worked together for the common good of everyone. Why do you think the Native Americans fought so hard, passionately, and dilligently against the U.S. government to preserve their way of life?? Because they KNEW their life was a GOOD life, a good way to live, an IDEAL way to live. They knew Capitalism was f*cked up, and seen the evils and ruthlessness of it. Not only did the Native Americans embrace Tribalism, but so did many other ancient civilizations; the Celts/Germanic tribes of Europe are just another such example.