My Dear blienk,
I could have sworn the white house spokesman was on television, and when he was asked if he was going to see F9/11 he replied that if he "wanted to see a good fiction he'd see Shrek 2." I could have sworn I saw John Stuart making fun of him on the Daily Show, but what do I know? I could be mistaken, wouldn't be the first, wouldn't be the last.
It's obvious that the writer of "Unfahrenheit 9/11" is not just criticizing Moore's film, but is flat out hostile towards Moore. It doesn't matter what the author technically is. If Moore's movie is propaganda then the author's essay is propaganda regardless of whether he's left or right.
Sadly, we're all spoon fed a sugar-coated version of everything that happens. Not because the government and the media is trying to keep us in the dark, but because that's the way most Americans want it. For the media it's a matter of trying not to rock the boat and upsetting so-and-so group of people. At least that's the way I see it.
I think most of us is siding with those whom we feel are trying to do the right thing, so we all have good intentions, but we must realize that we're all far more biased than we'd like to think. I mean, how could any of us possibly know the WHOLE story? Each of us is looking at the world through a small window, and a filtered window at that. Just because someone is a well know liberal writer does not mean his opinion is fact, nor does it mean Moore's opinion is fact. Even if so-and-so respected liberal writer's window is slightly larger than ours, it is still a very small and biased window.
So we sit here at our computers wasting our lives away over something that we probably don't care as much about as we let on. We regurgitate other people's opinions back and forth, post links to these opinions, and because the opinion is on a "credible" website expect everyone else to accept it as gospel. All for what? Because being correct, or more pertinently "thinking" we're correct, makes us feel superior to one another. It's depressing to even think about.
Anyway, I hold my opinion. It could be correct, but it's probably wrong like everyone elses, but who really cares?