
Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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actually, i think the author got the title wrong. he probably meant to say white men are no longer needed. lol.

but really, these articles, like others said, are just meant to get clicks. in the interent era, this is what you get, very lame
attempts to get people on the site, and hope they come back.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
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Burroughs said:
You will want to throw up immediately!

This is really beyond anger....beyond anything other than this faggot needs to be gangraped by aids patients...and he's a prof of 'criminal justice'!....

...these are the types of faggots who are the 'influence peddlers' spewing their faggotry ever upwards through the skull and bones faggot system.

the new york fvcking times!!

this is truly frightening...."Ultimately the question is, does “mankind” really need men? With human cloning technology just around the corner and enough frozen sperm in the world to already populate many generations, perhaps we should perform a cost-benefit analysis."


Some pretty excellent comments on that article as well. Ignoring the obvious feminist garbage, some of the other arguments are a great read.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
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Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
Heh I think I should get a greyhound ticket to Boise, wait in the parking lot of the University until Greg Hampikian and stomp his teeth in :crackup: or perhaps bring a large group with me and crucify him for blasphemy and treason.

Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
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Typical feminist product of the university system. It's already been mentioned, these op ed posts are great ways of getting links back to the hosting site. From which come great search engine ranking benefits and more $$.

Regardless of what this feminist tool bag barfs out, women know deep down that men are essential in society, they just hate to admit it. Men may play a limited roll in the actual act of conception, but it's quite the opposite in all other areas of parenting.

Any woman that says otherwise is likely single, fat, unattractive and angry.

Shame on this manb!tch for betraying the gender and for propagating the feminist agenda. Pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Findog said:
The really sad thing is it was written by a guy.
Not too surprising, unfortunately. Note that Michael Moore is the biggest critic of males in the video from this thread, even though there are three females on the panel:


Social Leper said:
Men will vote and supplicate themselves into oblivion.
I was watching the news this morning, they were talking about how the presidential candidates are seeking favor from females, because they make up 54% of registered voters. Not only that, but a higher percentage of women voters than men actually vote. So we're not only outnumbered to begin with, we're also sitting on the sidelines and conceding electoral outcomes to be decided by women.

I don't see us getting candidates favorable to men's issues anytime in the near future, but men should at least vote in high numbers so their concerns are taken into consideration. Add in the fact that more women than men are getting higher education, and I have to wonder what the heck is going on with the male gender these days. We're not losing this war, gentlemen, we're giving it away.

By the way, does anyone think it is a coincidence that the fall of the United States has happened at the same time as the fall of their men?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
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samspade said:
This is the way I see it. Instead of trying to rally the troops and lodge complaints, vote with your actions. Vote with your balls. Nobody forces anybody to marry American feminist women. I went outside the pool myself; I went South American and I'm happy. Our strength as men is our options; our weakness is our (perceived) lack thereof. As long as betas think they have no options, this kind of crap will continue. Betas and feminists can continue their sad charade. If the shyt ever really hits the fan, I'll move to the deepest, darkest corner in the Amazon if I have to. Choose the right women and pay no heed to these desperate provocateurs. Like i said if they don't want men (read: Alphas) around, see ya later ladies. Have fun watching America crumble. We men can start a new civilization anytime and any place we want.
Something like this was what I was thinking the whole thread. The eradication of men completely will never actually transpire and here's why:

Alphas hold such a huge place in women's lives. Sure these b!tches wouldn't think twice or lose any sleep to wipe all the betas off the map. But when they think of that one guy that was (alpha widow) or is their entire universe, they will recoil in terror at trying to eradicate men altogether.

I just broke things off with a HB9 that I've been off and on with for about two years now. This girl is incredibly attractive, smart, funny, best lay I ever had, etc, etc. She's got a world of opportunity open to her. But last night she was so emotional she was texting me she wanted to die, etc, etc. Trust me this didn't make me feel like an awesome alpha, it was depressing and I felt like an a**hole. But as we all know, often the right thing to do is the hardest.

Anyway, the point of all that is this: the solution to all this nonsense and rhetoric is to BE MEN. I agree with Burroughs that 95% of guys will compromise almost anything just to get their d*** wet. It's embarrassing. I see the guys around me and even some of my good friends do this on a regular basis and it's hard to watch.

I have a friend, who is a good guy, about as solid as they come character wise. He and his gf fought all the time, for months and months. She was 17 and he was 26. She was of the trailer trash bent, and a HB5 on my most generous day of rating. So one night they get in a big fight and she sleeps with his roommate/best-friend. So what does he do? He MARRIES her the very next day and cuts off ties with his roomie. I couldn't believe it. More than once before all this happened I had a diplomatic talk with him and warned him not to let this girl suck his soul away.

Now she is obviously a wh0re, BUT, who really is to blame in this scenario? THE MEN. First, the roomie who betrayed his best friend just to get his sorry d!ck into a pitiful HB5. And obviously my friend, for then MARRYING said girl. The whole thing saddened and angered me. Until men stop behaving like this, just for the p*ssy, then nothing changes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
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Reading his wall,.full of female support btw, its clear they are taking the intellectually superior position thinking the tongue in cheek nature is over our heads....with comments like, they don't get it and you hit a nerve. To message the guy I think you have to.friend him. Not going there.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
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AlphaWhiskey said:
Now she is obviously a wh0re, BUT, who really is to blame in this scenario? THE MEN.
You nailed it here with this statement. Men are to blame for the way things are today with women. We've let them skate by for a very long time and now they've passed us on many fronts and we're pissed as hell about it.

By and large men need to be men, plain and simple. But quite frankly, I think many men are perfectly happy wearing the dress in the house. They like letting the women direct things and call the shots. I see it all day every day where I live in beta world.

The women stomp around in their SUVs and designer clothing, ordering the husband around like the drone he is as he pushes the cart around with the kids in it. He's anything but a leader and in my mind quite a deplorable human being. The wife asks him what he wants to do, "i dunno, what do you want to do?" is his reply as if he doesn't even own an original thought. Most seem to lack the balls to even state their opinion on a matter.

Modern women seem to have taken on both roles in the house/society because by and large weak men have let it happen. Until that changes, I don't see feminism, or society's hostile views toward men going away anytime soon. Change starts with us.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Unless it's family, your wife/gf, a long time trusted female friend, or maybe some elderly lady neighbor, stop doing manly favors for women...

No more changing their tires, hooking up their washer/dryer, etc.

If men aren't needed, women can do everything themselves or pay someone to do it.

Her hard drive crashed. You suddenly are too busy or don't know much about computers to help lol.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
zekko said:
I was watching the news this morning, they were talking about how the presidential candidates are seeking favor from females, because they make up 54% of registered voters. Not only that, but a higher percentage of women voters than men actually vote. So we're not only outnumbered to begin with, we're also sitting on the sidelines and conceding electoral outcomes to be decided by women.

I don't see us getting candidates favorable to men's issues anytime in the near future, but men should at least vote in high numbers so their concerns are taken into consideration. Add in the fact that more women than men are getting higher education, and I have to wonder what the heck is going on with the male gender these days. We're not losing this war, gentlemen, we're giving it away.

By the way, does anyone think it is a coincidence that the fall of the United States has happened at the same time as the fall of their men?
during the first world war in the uk, women had been given the vote, however, so many men were being conscripted for service overseas (and loads of them dying) the Govt had to cut back on conscription as now women had the vote, they would outnumber male voters, I Hope that those in control of this effing planet take the same view, the govt at the time made some real balls ups, this wasnt one of them


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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I'm pretty sure this should be taken tongue-in-cheek. This guy is not saying men aren't needed in life, just that they are increasingly not involved in raising the next generation and, perhaps soon, not needed to start it.

And I assume most posters on SoSuave are from fairly middle-class whitebread backgrounds. Where I come from, working-class, majority minority, women are already the only ones around to raise the next generation. Men around here abdicated that responsibility long ago. Which isn't good, but that's our fault.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
FairShake said:
I'm pretty sure this should be taken tongue-in-cheek.
They always are and you've entirely missed OP's point, the continual barrage of misandry adds up.

btw what's your angle here? Here your defending an overtly misandric article.

FairShake said:
Sounds like feminism has given men exactly what they want.
Here you appear to be totally oblivious to our current social and cultural climate. Giving up our freedom and literally being classified as a second class gender so cluster phucks such as zarky et al can finally get laid is not "giving men exactly what they want" you simpleton.

I won't even start on that other thread where you gave MatureDJ a warning for not being politically correct enough for you.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
This article is really nothing to get worked up about. The writer is obviously trying to create interest for the advertisers.

People have to admit most of crimes are committed by men. If the world was going to end tomorrow and it was announced, a lot of guys would go out and commit sexual assault. Sad, but true.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
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Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
Interesting observation oldbutSTRONG, that really says something though does it not? WHY would men go commit a sexual assault if they knew the world was coming to an end? Says something about the "sexual market" today imo.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
ka_mate said:
Hate them because they're black!
Hate them because they're Jewish!
Hate them because they believe in in a different God to you!
Hate them because they don't believe in a God!
Hate them because they do believe in a God!
Hate them because they're poorer than you! (how lazy they are)
Hate them because they're richer than you! (greedy thieves)
Hate them because they go to a different College to you!
Hate them because they are attracted to other guys!
Hate them because they are women and are irrational and illogical!
Hate men because they commit irrational and illogical sex crimes and violence!

Hate them because .....
Hate them because they sound like a 20 something SWPL with a bachelors degree in humanities teaching her first grade 5 class.

What in the blue phuck does this have to do with men tiring of constantly being demonized by a blatently obvious misandric media.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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There are more women employed than men in the US, as of now. But there are more working age men than women in the US and in every other population on Earth. Since HR is mostly run by women now -- and HR is the gatekeepers for job entry -- that lopsidedness will become even more lopsided. Men are being locked out from the bottom.

That's the Glass Floor.

The distribution of power, wealth and control is going to get very lopsided even more so than when it was a man's world.

About 10% of men in the US are in jail, many on non-violent offenses or crimes that were not considered crimes a generation or two ago. If states run out of money, prisoners will be required to pay for their stay in jail. That's forced labor.

That's a slave class formed of men.

On the other side of the equation: most people coming out of college in public administration are women. If jail wardens also tip toward female majority, then the institutions holding the population of male slaves will be run by women.

In other words, you are slowly seeing the pieces being put into place of the transformation of the male population into a slave class, subordinate to women and at a lower standing.

These are also the seeds of violent backlash and revolution by a large and growing number of disaffected and displaced males against what this society is becoming.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
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OldbutSTRONG said:
People have to admit most of crimes are committed by men.
People also have to admit crimes committed by women go under reported on a consistent basis. In light of this, we can't really say for sure if men commit more crime.

I don't read stories of men putting their babies in dumpsters or trying to flush them down toilets.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
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origin138 said:
People also have to admit crimes committed by women go under reported on a consistent basis.
Man, no sh!t. Especially in regards to domestic violence. F*cking white knight copper-top police officers to blame.