There's a certain adventurous i like here in that helping people over basic fears is a good thing.
Then again, there's a ridiculous fantasy world here too. Isnt the point of this REALITY???
1. Why do average guys want to chase only HOTTIES? What is deficient in their character/ego that they cant date someone who looks more ore less like they do? And be proud of that?
2. WHY CHASE the top ten percent? WHy set yourself up for rejection.....
3. Why not accept the fact that youre not going to land a model, and that its BEST IF YOU DONT ANYWAY. Its too complicated, too much work, and unrealistic.
4. If youre asking HER not to base decisions on looks, then why dont you do the same?
5. Admit that SEVENS, SIXES and FIVES are better PEOPLE than tens. Thats a fact. They work harder. Are less self centered.
6. SO instead of using this forum as some sort of "cheat test" on how to beat the odds, why not be a man and admit your limitations?
Then again, there's a ridiculous fantasy world here too. Isnt the point of this REALITY???
1. Why do average guys want to chase only HOTTIES? What is deficient in their character/ego that they cant date someone who looks more ore less like they do? And be proud of that?
2. WHY CHASE the top ten percent? WHy set yourself up for rejection.....
3. Why not accept the fact that youre not going to land a model, and that its BEST IF YOU DONT ANYWAY. Its too complicated, too much work, and unrealistic.
4. If youre asking HER not to base decisions on looks, then why dont you do the same?
5. Admit that SEVENS, SIXES and FIVES are better PEOPLE than tens. Thats a fact. They work harder. Are less self centered.
6. SO instead of using this forum as some sort of "cheat test" on how to beat the odds, why not be a man and admit your limitations?