Looks aren't everything. I've crushed on 7's, 8's, 9's, and 10's and I've enjoyed every one of those types. There's crappy 7's, 8's, 9's, and 10's. But there's also very good ones of each type. The point is, is that looks aren't always the only reason why a guy would be attracted to a particular woman.
WHY CHASE the top ten percent? WHy set yourself up for rejection.....
First of all, most of us do not just restrict ourselves to "just 10's". But we date who we are attracted to. Period. If she happens to be a 10, oh well. If she happens to be a 7, oh well. I've been attracted to both types. Secondly, you said "why set yourself up for rejection" as if ALL 9's and 10's have super high standards. You're being superficial, because you're basically saying that just because a woman happens to be beautiful, then she MUST not want an average guy. I have found that a woman's difficulty to be picked up has absolutely NOTHING to do with her looks. Period.
Why not accept the fact that youre not going to land a model, and that its BEST IF YOU DONT ANYWAY. Its too complicated, too much work, and unrealistic.
There you go again. Assuming that ALL models have high standards and would never go out with an average guy. Not all models are rich, nor famous, or even pretty.
If youre asking HER not to base decisions on looks, then why dont you do the same?
Looks are sometimes overrated. Looks only affects initial interest, not necessarily romantic interest. Not to mention a 10 is not going to look in the mirror and say, "Hey, I'm a 10, so I'm going to turn my attraction on only for male exotic dancers." Attraction doesn't work like that, it's not a choice. Women do not choose who they are attracted to, or even physically attracted to based off of their own looks. That doesn't even make sense.
Admit that SEVENS, SIXES and FIVES are better PEOPLE than tens. Thats a fact. They work harder. Are less self centered.
Now this is just blatently superficial. You're basically stereotyping beautiful women and saying that they're ALL more stuck-up, self centered, and lazy than 5's, 6's, and 7's. So the uglier the better? That's just as bad as saying that 8's, 9's, and 10's are better people than uglier women. It's the same thing.
LOOKS AREN'T EVERYTHING. Stop being so shallow, and see a woman for what's on the inside instead of just some stereotype. There's some stuck up 7 or lower's out there, believe me....I've run into them.
6. SO instead of using this forum as some sort of "cheat test" on how to beat the odds, why not be a man and admit your limitations?