Face it, MGTOW is a Cult

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
AntonChirguh said:
Them claiming to go their own way which they don't even have an idea of which way they're going. None of them seem happy with their going their own way.
Says the "guy" who's just spent the best part of 8? years making endless accounts and faggoty posts crying about them? :crackup:


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
They get angry at certain "Gods" of MGTOW if one decides to date or doesn't completely agree with the other yet they'll claim MGTOW is for men going their own way doing what they want so long as it's what the certain tribes in the group feel is "acceptable".

MGTOW doesn't even know what the hell way they're going but in circles.

They shouldn't have levels if that's not what MGTOW is supposed to achieve. They should just let every MGTOW do what the hell he wants yet they even bash each other for who's not "MGTOW" enough etc.

Alot of 4chan wizards seem to have hijacked MGTOW forums.. any suggestion of dating or sex is met with strong opposition the way wizards call PUAs and dudes with gf's 'NORMAL FAGs'. Its as if those same guys have graduated to MGTOW without having any of the baggage... I prefer converts over zealots any day.

We don't need MGTOW, they are quitters, we need MTC (Men Taking Command).

We need dudes who will stand up to women in a marriage, tell them NO and don't take any of their sh1t. Women are allowed to do whatever they want in marriage because most men will go along with their bvllsh1t to get a bit of pvss or run away and play video games (which now include government homofacist agendas anyway). The more men run away, the more lgbts and feminists are left to push their agenda, in reality there is nowhere to run.

Who belongs to the current MTC? Muslims, hardcore Christians and married Alpha males. All villains of the government machine. Any man who stands up to a woman is labeled a villain by society. MGTOW not helping by being bitter and going off in a separate direction... then no one wins, especially not men, in fact it will just make the situation worse as gov mandates policy that will force men to marry. Who will fight the wars when there are no more families left to defend? Who cares right? Well the enemy tribes do and they will end up taking our countries from us. You think lady soldiers and politicians are going to save us? What a joke that is.

The solution is to take command of the relationship and the woman.


Apr 16, 2015
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( . )( . ) said:
Says the "guy" who's just spent the best part of 8? years making endless accounts and faggoty posts crying about them? :crackup:
Crying? Hahaha.

Wrong again. Just pointing out how pathetic they are. If they just went their own way seemed happy about it and actually came up with solutions then fine. But from everything I've seen all they do is threaten, troll, complain en masse and go in circles over the same things they SHOULD already be aware of.

Stop lying. I've only recently started posting about them. Knew about them for a little over a year. Your feeelz have you embellishing and acting like a feminist again.

Funny enough MGTOW are a bunch of angry trolls who get wound up over the smallest of things and look to antagonize others yet act like they don't and then complain everyone "shames" them. They hold zero accountability for their own actions and stupidity or "sleep" yet think they're the all-knowing since they've swallowed their red pills for years...You can't make this stuff up.


Jun 23, 2014
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LiveFreeX said:
We don't need MGTOW, they are quitters, we need MTC (Men Taking Command).....The solution is to take command of the relationship and the woman.
Lol, please tell me how do you take command of the chick when there's a stack of laws on her side where she can drop a BOMB on you at any moment? You have the magic NLP programming trick up your sleeve buddy lol?

You guys need to spend some time watching this documentary: http://www.divorcecorp.com/

Trust me, it will be the best $20 you ever spent and it will give you a good introduction to how the LAWS work. Not some emotional, macho man, false alpha male shyt you guys are talking about. I'm talking about the LAW here.

Once you guys get done watching this documentary, I will point you in other directions to finish your research which includes speaking with actual Family Law Attorneys. I have done my research, I know what I'm talking about and I know how the industry works.


Apr 19, 2015
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The Manosphere Killed PUA

It’s been years and I still can’t draw my attention away from the nutty manosphere. I’ve written articles here, comments elsewhere, posts on discussion forums, questions wherever I could.

I enjoy making fun of manosphere and MRM slash MRA guys partly because I simply don’t understand them. I’ll admit it. I simply don’t understand where all that emotion comes from.

Sure, there are issues that need to be tweaked in society — any society, including ours. And if you get screwed by the system I could see how you’d be bitter. In that case, I’d recommend seeing a professional therapist. For reals.

But it seems that most manosphere guys have never been cheated on, taken to the cleaners in a divorce, been falsely accused of rape, lost a job to some sort of feminist affirmative action, or anything like that.

I just don’t get the bitterness against the system and against women. And lately, it seems, the manosphere has fully embraced the white nationalist segment of its population and become quite racist too. HBD, indeed. You’re looking at a guy who not only read “The Bell Curve” — yes, the entire thing — but also read an entire critique of it. And a critique of the critique.

So is the manosphere just Conservatism applied to male-female relations? Maybe. I’m not sure. But it seems that the vast majority of manosphere bloggers are White, Christian, American or British, and young. Very young men.

I saw a poll showing that something like 80% of the manosphere was age 17-20!? Others said that there was a problem with the poll but, if it’s true, then the manosphere is made up by a bunch of boys who aren’t even old enough to drink alcohol or rent a car (probably a good thing).

Which brings me to PUA. (Or “pickup” as we used to call it back in the ’90s, or “the seduction community” when it was on alt.seduction.fast. As I’ve said before, a PUA was a guy who was really good at PU. PUA was not a thing.)

Anyway, as I’ve also said before, back in the day, “PUA” was about seducing chicks. That’s it. A kid found out about it when his girlfriend dumped him and he wanted to see what went wrong and started searching around the primitve ‘net for it. In “Speed Seduction,” Ross Jeffries used to teach about “eliciting values” from each woman you meet so you could tailor your seduction technique to that particular woman. While there were some general concepts that could be applied to most women, the idea was that everybody is different and had to be treated as such if you wanted to be successful.

These days, when a young kid is dumped by his girlfriend and makes the same internet search that I did back in 1996, he’s not greeted with “seduction techniques” to help him improve his love-life as much as he’s inundated with a massive wave of political diatribes condemning everything from feminism to multiculturalism to socialism and everything in between. Instead of being taught how to address his individual problem, he’s recruited into a swirling morass of radicalized and highly politicized propaganda against, basically, the current state of Western culture itself.

I imagine it’s something along the lines of what happens to young Muslim men. They might have some innocuous question about, say, the hair color of the virgins awaiting them in heaven or something. So they do an internet search and their question immediately leads them to radical Islamic propaganda which — if they breathe too much in — will gradually convert them into vicious tools of that propaganda.

Maybe that’s why the manosphere is so confusing and fascinating to me. Back in the day when I wanted to read about picking up chicks, I didn’t have to wade through a bunch of KKK and pro-rape commentary to do it.

But maybe it’s the new normal. And if that’s the case, then PUA is dead. Because if young men don’t want to change themselves but instead want to sit around writing articles about taking society back to the 19th century when women couldn’t vote… well.. those guys aren’t going to be out in the bars and clubs mackin’ on too many broads.

****ty love life –> internet search –> seduction techniques –> meet women –> sex

****ty love life –> internet search –> MRA propaganda –> write angry blog posts –> ???

Which is not to say that the manosphere doesn’t bring up some good points. For example, the concept of women “hitting the wall” when they reach a certain age. This is true. Although it’s a more gradual decline than a wall. Radical feminists might not want people to believe it, but men are 90% interested in women because of their looks. Sorry, it’s true.

But the enthusiasm and thinly veiled shadenfreude with which the manosphere presents the concept is clearly backed by hatred and viciousness. It’s one thing to say, “Guys, understand that a woman’s looks will usually fade fast.” It’s another thing to write post after post after post about it. We’re not stupid, we got it the first time.

I guess you could say that the manosphere has a collective case of Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-V be damned). “I hate you, don’t leave me,” the manosphere says to women. “You’re evil, why don’t you like me?”

To carry the analogy further, manosphere bloggers involve themselves in “splitting,” or black-and-white thinking. All women supposedly want the same things and have the same urges. They all lose their looks at precisely the same age. They’re all the same level of emotional and irrational. The opposite of men, of course, who are also all the same as each other. Or at least we should be but for the fact that we’ve all been “feminized.” Etc.

I’ve learned in my lifetime that people who make broad-brush statements about a topic usually have very little experience with the topic of which they speak.

So instead of being presented with stuff like Speed Seduction and even to a lesser extent Mystery Method and RSD — which address individual issues and teach young men to at least kinda see each woman as a unique person worthy of some basic human respect — modern internet “dating advice” instead presents guys with radical, all-or-nothing thinking that demonizes women, blacks, gays, liberals, “sluts,” and most of the entirety of the contemporary Western world.

And the solution that the manosphere apparently proposes for society’s ills is of course utterly impossible: a return to “the patriarchy” of centuries past. Sorry, that just ain’t gonna happen. We’re more likely to return to riding in covered wagons.

So you get a bunch of teenage boys searching for ways to avoid heartbreak and they’re shunted into a weird, dogmatic cyber-world where women and society itself are the enemy and the only solution is so untenable as to be absurd. I can’t imagine the fear and despair that goes through their minds. All I can say is that I’m glad I’m not a teenage boy anymore.

The next question I’m asking is… How did things get to this point?

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
NN/zarky bumping it's own thread with a post from it's sh!tty blog nobody reads.

But it seems that the vast majority of manosphere bloggers are White, Christian, American or British
a massive wave of political diatribes condemning everything from feminism to multiculturalism to socialism
I didn’t have to wade through a bunch of KKK and pro-rape commentary
that demonizes women, blacks, gays, liberals, “sluts,” and most of the entirety of the contemporary Western world.
:rolleyes: And once again a long and drawn out way of saying white men baaaad/everyone else gooood

On a side note lol @ "entirety of the Western world"


Apr 19, 2015
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( . )( . ) said:
NN/zarky bumping it's own thread with a post from it's sh!tty blog nobody reads.

:rolleyes: And once again a long and drawn out way of saying white men baaaad/everyone else gooood

On a side note lol @ "entirety of the Western world"
In your diseased mind "seduction" = ranting about feminists, blacks, Jews, Western Society etc. You can't even go your own way. You love what you despise and despise what you love. You aren't going anywhere like the rest who claim to be going their own way. You're just going to sit online ranting about anything and everything because you aren't equipped to deal with life but to rant about it. Sad but true.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
NN/zarky's online queefs

NoGoodThug said:
In your diseased mind "seduction" = ranting about feminists, blacks, Jews, Western Society etc. You can't even go your own way. You love what you despise and despise what you love. You aren't going anywhere like the rest who claim to be going their own way. You're just going to sit online ranting about anything and everything because you aren't equipped to deal with life but to rant about it. Sad but true.

Looks to me like my white heteronormative cishet mansplaining may have triggered some feeeelz yeah? :whistle: Is it time to retreat into our hugbox ?


Apr 19, 2015
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( . )( . ) said:
Looks to me like my white heteronormative cishet mansplaining may have triggered some feeeelz yeah? :whistle: Is it time to retreat into our hugbox ?
Cool basement dweller speak bro. LMAO

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
I have to drive my car to sustain my style of life.

I have to go outside to sustain my style of life.
Why? Because society tells you to drive a car and go outside to sustain a certain style of life? Why are you doing what society expects of you? Aren't you going your own way from what society tells you? So you're still doing what society expects of you but not on the marriage front. You're not truly going your own way. It's a sham.

Danger said:
If she changes her mind, I know it is an extremely high probability she will be viewed as the "female victim" and I as the perp.
Already you are viewing yourself as "the victim" like MGTOW does. Feminists claim they are victims too. MGTOW is the same as feminists both claiming themselves as victims in an evil society conspiring to get them.

Danger said:
It happens all of the time, with one example being that a woman only needs to accuse you of domestic violence (with no proof) to have police remove you from your home.
Making up more bad possible scenarios to fit your fictional narrative of marriage? Can't the female you live with still accuse you of domestic violence (with no proof) having the police remove you from your home? Do you think that can only happen in marriage? :crackup:

Danger said:
Just the fact that it can and does happen is what matters.
It might happen to others but not to you. And you assume it will. You need a fictional narrative to make marriage a bad thing. So you make up possible scenarios to scare you away from marriage to fit that narrative. It would destroy your whole concept if you didn't.

Danger said:
Judges also throw out pre-nups all of the time. Get better examples, you are losing this debate very badly.
Judges only throw out lop sided and unfair pre nups. You lost making up scenarios to fit your fictional narrative of marriage being bad.

Danger said:
Whatever I want. The real question you need to ask is, what will marriage give me that I can't already get from her?

What is it that you get without marriage?

Danger said:
Your definition of the role of men is to submit to society and women.
Your made up MGTOW definition is that. The role of men was always to provide and protect his wife and family. MGTOW changes the true definition of men's roles to fit their fictional narrative of men as slaving weak men. You're already submitting to society with the life style they expect of you.

Danger said:
I walk away from society's definition of the role of men. But sadly, you keep avoiding that part of the discussion because it destroys your narrative.
How? By driving a car and going outside to live the life style society expects of you?

Nobody cares in society if you weakly walk away from your true role. They don't even know you exist. Normal people in society are getting married and enjoying their lives. You're making up possible bad scenarios of marriage to fit your fictional narrative of marriage being bad.

Danger said:
If by the term recently you mean the last 80 years, then yes I agree with you. The one part you miss is that small groups HAVE taken over what the norm is, that is what feminism accomplished and woven into the fabric of societal expectations.
There are only a few feminists and the norm has always been to marry and reproduce. Nothing has changed. A few people have had bad experiences and you assume the same will happen to you.

Danger said:
Feminist pushed and changed the role of men and women.
Find a woman who is not a feminist and the role has not changed. You use that for your excuse not to get married

Danger said:
MGTOW is the response to those societal changes. It was quite fair before, now it is not fair at all to men. Feminists want more power, MRA's (a segment of MGTOW) merely want equality back.

So do the gays and other fringe groups who want more power. Who cares what feminists want when you're not marrying a feminist. nothing bad is going to happen to you. MGTOW is based on fear with wild untrue scenarios.

Danger said:
I do know you have this strange angry fixation at a subsegment of MGTOW (MRA types), but you are ok with the PUA subsegment of MGTOW.
Making things up is a weak tactic used by a person who is incorrect.

Danger said:
I am a MGTOW of both MRA and PUA mindset, in your mind they must be separate from eachother and cannot possibly coexist. You are wrong.
You are not the true definition of a MGTOW going your own way. You are wrong with your fictional narrative of marriage and your natural role as a man.


Jun 23, 2014
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LiveFreeX said:
Tenacity for the millionth time dude GTFO of America.
Why? America is the best place for me because I'm a Free Market guy. I don't get this obsession with marriage with you guys, goodness, we don't want to get married. We don't believe it will workout in our favor, either we will get divorced or be unhappy in the marriage or BOTH.

I don't get why this is a continuing debate on this Discussion Forum. If you guys want to get married, despite all of the information out there, do what you do then. Just don't come on this Forum "whining" about having your kids taken away or your finances ruined, etc. You were warned.


Jan 8, 2015
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Tenacity said:
I don't get this obsession with marriage with you guys, goodness, we don't want to get married.
The obsession with marriage comes from you and MGTOW bashing it, telling men not to get married, making up fake scenarios for your fictional narrative, calling men betas who are married. Marriage is always talked by MGTOW negatively.

Tenacity said:
We don't believe it will workout in our favor, either we will get divorced or be unhappy in the marriage or BOTH.
Based on what? Other people's failures thinking the same will become of you? Why should you bother get out of bed and go through life? You might have the same bad experiences as the rest of the world. Isn't that your whack MGTOW thinking?

Tenacity said:
I don't get why this is a continuing debate on this Discussion Forum.
You and MGTOW are making it the debate hating on marriage and relationships shaming men for it.

Tenacity said:
If you guys want to get married, despite all of the information out there, do what you do then. Just don't come on this Forum "whining" about having your kids taken away or your finances ruined, etc. You were warned.
Nothing but fear believing the worst of something you never tried. Same can be said of anything. Don't get a job you might get fired. Don't have sex you might get a disease. Don't go out in the sun you might get skin cancer. Are you going to fear all those things?


Jun 23, 2014
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I'm in BOLD, and this is my final response to these insane MGTOW Bashing threads:

Peña said:
The obsession with marriage comes from you and MGTOW bashing it, telling men not to get married, making up fake scenarios for your fictional narrative, calling men betas who are married. Marriage is always talked by MGTOW negatively.

Marriage is discussed amongst the Manosphere by MGTOWs and MRAs in relation to the risks of Marriage, the laws and recommending that men not get married due to the situation not really being in his favor for the most part.

However, you have a choice NOT to participate in these discussions. If you want to get married, nobody is stopping you. If a group of guys called MGTOW or The Backstreet Boys want to sit around on the Internet or a Starbucks Cafe discussing Marriage Laws, that's their BUSINESS. If you want to get married, nobody is stopping you. Nobody is coming to your house to beat your a.ss and nobody is out protesting your marriage.

Stop trying to stop someone's freedom of speech. MGTOWs and MRAs are free to discuss whatever they want and recommend whatever they want, that doesn't mean you have to follow any of their recommendations nor participate in their discussions.

Furthermore, at least on this Forum, all I'm seeing are MGTOW bashing threads. But I'm sure there are MGTOW promotion threads on here as well and guess what? You don't have to CLICK on them.

Just like after this final response, I'm not clicking on these insane MGTOW bashing threads anymore.

Based on what? Other people's failures thinking the same will become of you? Why should you bother get out of bed and go through life? You might have the same bad experiences as the rest of the world. Isn't that your whack MGTOW thinking?

Marriage isn't for Tenacity, period. Based on what you ask? Because I understand my goals, passions, the women I talk to, the laws, my career progressions, etc. It's not for me. If it's for YOU, fine. A lot of men in MGTOW and MRA have come to the same conclusions I have, however, there are also men in MRA who are married.

You and MGTOW are making it the debate hating on marriage and relationships shaming men for it.

Well, I don't shame men for doing anything other than Simping, as I believe Simping is one of the main reasons why women feel as though they can get away with dumb shyt. I do not believe Marriage is a good deal based on the Laws, however, if a man still wants to get married that's his life.

Nothing but fear believing the worst of something you never tried. Same can be said of anything. Don't get a job you might get fired. Don't have sex you might get a disease. Don't go out in the sun you might get skin cancer. Are you going to fear all those things?

No I'm fully employed so I don't need a new job, I use condoms when I have sex, and I'm black so it's less likely I'm going to get skin cancer (not saying it doesn't happen). So what you are saying makes no sense. It's like me saying I won't step into a Tiger's cage because I'm afraid I'll die, and you responding saying that I'm just a fear-monger believing the worse of something I have never tried (entering a Tiger's cage). Each situation has it's own levels of risk, Marriage carries a lot of risks, I have chosen not to participate. With that being said, I wish you the best in whatever you are going to do, but you guys should really stop these childish threads. At the end of the day you are a grown a.ss MAN and you will have to live with whatever choices you make in your life. If you get married and it ends, and if you get a financial setback, DON'T BYTCH about it, just eat the shyt and move on. If you get married and you live happily ever after, then there you go, you made it.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Jan 8, 2015
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Your thinking is whack using negative ideas to make up fake scenarios to deter you from marriage. You need to think negative of marriage. If you don't it will destroy your MGTOW beliefs and you can't allow that. So you make up bad scenerios to keep you from marriage to support your fictional MGTOW narrative.

Tenacity said:
Marriage is discussed amongst the Manosphere by MGTOWs and MRAs in relation to the risks of Marriage, the laws and recommending that men not get married due to the situation not really being in his favor for the most part.
There are always risks in life. Strong men take them and the weak run away. You're basing your opinion on the negative already assuming your marriage will fail. A terrible defeatist mindset. No?

Tenacity said:
Stop trying to stop someone's freedom of speech. MGTOWs and MRAs are free to discuss whatever they want and recommend whatever they want, that doesn't mean you have to follow any of their recommendations nor participate in their discussions.

MGTOWS are not qualified to give out recommendations about something they never participated in. Giving opinions on fictional narratives is not good
recommendations. Your speech is not being stopped here so don't lie.

Tenacity said:
Furthermore, at least on this Forum, all I'm seeing are MGTOW bashing threads. But I'm sure there are MGTOW promotion threads on here as well and guess what? You don't have to CLICK on them.
Only a couple of thread have been posted here that I see. MGTOWs are in almost every thread hating on relationships and marriages calling men betas.

Tenacity said:
No I'm fully employed so I don't need a new job, I use condoms when I have sex, and I'm black so it's less likely I'm going to get skin cancer (not saying it doesn't happen). So what you are saying makes no sense. It's like me saying I won't step into a Tiger's cage because I'm afraid I'll die, and you responding saying that I'm just a fear-monger believing the worse of something I have never tried (entering a Tiger's cage). Each situation has it's own levels of risk, Marriage carries a lot of risks, I have chosen not to participate. With that being said, I wish you the best in whatever you are going to do, but you guys should really stop these childish threads. At the end of the day you are a grown a.ss MAN and you will have to live with whatever choices you make in your life. If you get married and it ends, and if you get a financial setback, DON'T BYTCH about it, just eat the shyt and move on. If you get married and you live happily ever after, then there you go, you made it.
You're basing marriage off negativity believing other people's misfortunes will happen to you. Nothing but negative defeatist thinking about something you have no experience with. What I said does make sense. If you feared everything that you do in life like you do with marriage, you would walk away from everything in life doing nothing. Weak simps do that and you fear the worst. Life is all about risks. Everything you do will not turn out bad. Why don't you guys stop with the childish relationship and marriage bashing posts in every thread?


Jan 8, 2015
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Tell some more to Peña huh? :crackup:

Just blaming feminists for your fear of marriage is what we got here. MGTOW and you blames feminists taking no responsibility for your own actions. All you got is possible hypothetical situations of a divorce could happen. No sh1t eh? Anything can happen. You're using the negative of marriage to define why you can't get married. It's an excuse you and MGTOW use to back your dead argument. I can't marry her because she can call the cops on me. I can't marry her because she might change. I can't marry her because some men lost money in divorce settlement. That might happen to me too so I can't. Excuses that weak spineless men use. It happened to some guy so it will happen to me too eh? Anyone person can use a negative not to do something. I can't go on a boat it might sink. how weak is that? Wouldn't life be so great using excuses you and MGTOW uses? Everyone would sit and do nothing but complain and blame eh? MGTOW and you use negatives to blame all women for not to get married. Feminists did all this so I can't marry. You guys won't even marry a feminist. It's a joke. :crackup:

Danger said:
Because it allows me to live the kind of life I want. I don't let society tell me what I should do (like marry the 30 year old eat-pray-love girl who "finally found the right guy")
Not what you want. What society wants from you. society is telling you what to do. You're living the life society tells you too. Have a job, buy cars, make money, buy things, go here, be a success. That's society's definition of a man and you are following along. You're scared to marry so you use a false excuse to fit your fictional narrative of marriage being bad. Use some data from bad marriages, blame feminists for changing society, blame women for maybe changing later, blame a court system, make up scenarios where you can get burnt. Boom! Easy, you got a good excuse not to marry and can use it to argue forever to fit your fictional narrative and always win. Though it might not happen you can always argue it could so there is your excuse. Isn't that about how you do it eh?

Danger said:
I view the system as flawed in a manner to create victims. Feminists claims are based upon dubious data, whereas MRA have data to support their positions..
Danger said:
It is most often used as a divorce tactic to get initial custody of the kids and house. If you are not married, and do not have kids, then the incentives are mostly removed..
Danger said:
I assume it can based upon the numbers, as should be evaluated for any risk assessment. It may not occur, but the fact that it can and with a decent probability means it would be stupid to ignore it..

Viewing it flawed to fit your fictional narrative of marriage. Blame feminists, bad data, biased courts, to escape a marriage. Sounds easy to make excuses eh? So you're saying women will only call cops in a marriage for incentive? :crackup:

A single woman can't file false rape charges against a single man? No incentive for her? no revenge incentive for women? Come on don't be so naive.

Danger said:
Men received additional expectations but no additional perks..
Danger said:
The same things as marriage, but with less risk. The real question you need to ask is, what will marriage give me that I can't already get from her?.
You're getting your perks of marriage having your cake and eating it too still with some risks. If you aren't raising a family it is not the same as a real marriage.

Danger said:
Who says you determine what MGTOW means?

Men aren't submitting. That is your made up definition to fit your fictional narrative. Only an opinion by a small portion of a fringe society uses that to ague their narrative.

Danger said:
Men Go Their Own Way. Words have meanings, The terms begs the question, their own way relative to whom's way? That is society's way..
Danger said:
This is why PUA is also MGTOW, it does not follow society's expectations of them. The PUA's are attacked and called "Peter Pans" for never "growing up" and signing their portion of the social contract..

They aren't going their own way. Some still have relations with women and follow most of what society does. It's a joke to claim they are going their own way.

Danger said:
MGTOW only changes the definitions of the social contract, in response to feminists changing their end of the social contract. In that manner, they are the same. Action ----> Reaction. But the root cause was in feminism, to not adapt is foolhardy. This is what MGTOW, whether MRA or PUA does, adapt..
Danger said:
Because not choosing society's role for me means "weakly walking away". And it sure seems you care, you have several threads attacking MGTOW right now.
Danger said:
Until the norm changed with feminists ripping up their end of the social contract. But you don't care about them, you just hate the idea of men dropping out of their expectations..
Danger said:
Do you believe in PUA? What are your thoughts on it? Do you support men who choose to become PUA's for life?.

Ah, blaming the feminists again is what you and MGTOW does best. So you let feminists scare you so much to run away from your role? Why do you let a small group of women control you? How weak is that? That means you're powerless over feminists. Feminists do the same to men with the same fictional narrative. But you choose society's role to have a car, a girlfriend, job, material goods, using Internet like society does and expects of you. If you were truly going your own way you would reject all of that too.

Dropping out does nothing just like a school drop out. Nobody cares. People are still going to get married and have a great life. MGTOWs like you in 20-30 years will have no families being old and lonely and angry still attacking the foundation of marriage and feminists.

I support any man to do what he wants if that is his choice. I have no problem with it at all. I'm saying that blaming feminists and shaming men for marriage is what MGTOWS are doing and that is a problem. They choose the path they want and still attack and complain. Don't you have to ask why that is if they are so happy with their own way?

Why do you and MGTOWs have so many posts and threads attacking marriage and long term relationships calling men betas?

Danger said:
The natural role of a man is to provide and protect, I agree with you there. But feminists and society have taken away the incentives of men to perform that role. The data I linked proves that.

If you think differently, provide the data to support your argument. I will be patiently waiting..
More blaming of feminists. Give it a rest won't ya? Millions of happy married people don't have feminists destroying their lives. People don't care about feminists. They have no impact on their lives. Normal people go about their business creating good families enjoying a rich life and not making up fake scenarios to be scared away from marriage. You should do the same not letting feminists scare you from your natural role. You are just the same as a feminist. Blaming, shaming, complaining making excuses doing nothing twisting around natural society roles to fit your fictional narrative of what you want.


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Danger said:
Ok, Tits and Poon King are right. It's settled. Pena, Zarky and Jurry (all the same I think), are actually women.
Women yes. All the same people? I don't think so.

zarky hates traditional marriage between man and woman as it's a constant reminder of that cis-privilege patweeearchy she's continually ranting about, plus she's always championing feminism. Pena on the other hand has done everything short of getting down on her knees and pleading for men to get back to the reservation and marry again and has shown she has the breadth of mind to understand how damaging feminism has been to Western culture. Whilst she's still an idiot she's not as venomous and hate filled toward traditional masculinity as zarky.

Those two are not the same people.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Danger said:
Ok, Tits and Poon King are right. It's settled. Pena, Zarky and Jurry (all the same I think), are actually women. They are unable to understand PUA and have a deep-seated hatred for MGTOW and flee the scene when confronted with actual data (or resort to name-calling).


The majority of your post is basically just attacking me personally.

I am still waiting for you to give me a good reason to get married which I cannot get from a girl outside of marriage. Until you can provide incentive for me to get married, I don't see any reason to do so, and I will continue to advise men against it. It's all risk and no reward.

I stated it before, and I state again....I still await your data.

Let's see if you can respond appropriately this time.

Now saying Peña attacked you making false accusations against me? I never attacked.

I took away your dead argument and that makes you mad and now you play a victim like MGTOW does. All you got is possible hypothetical situations of a divorce could happen. You have no proof, but you can only make a hypothetical using old divorce stats, blaming feminists, blaming a court system, saying women can change, making up fake scenarios to use as your dead argument against marriage. That's not attacking you, that's exposing your dead feeble argument.

You answered nothing I asked because you made a fool of yourself. Anyone can use bad stats to claim why they can't do something. You're doing that with marriage for your excuse. So many people get in accidents per year. Are you going to say you won't drive? You do the same for marriage when you show divorce rates, but you still drive a car doing what society wants of you. Just because 100 people divorce doesn't mean you will. You use those 100 people as your excuse not to marry saying it is bad. It's an argument that you use that you can never lose. Anything that has some bad stats can be used as an excuse to avoid it out of fear. You're doing that for marriage and it looks good when you have a few bad stats in your favor to show. Doesn't mean it will happen to you but you have your cop out and it works eh?

You're making the big deal out of marriage. If you don't like it, don't get married, make excuses, no big deal to that. Quit complaining about it using hypotheticals as your proof and shaming men who are married. Until you get married and divorced you can't comment about marriage being bad because you are not experienced with it. Hypotheticals don't work as proof. Doesn't seem you are happy going your own way still blaming feminists.

I put the stats in my last post that divorce is in decline. The 50% divorce rate is a myth. Read them and the articles. That takes away your excuse, but you will show other stats to keep proving your hypothetical eh? That should answer your question you have. If someone gets divorced that doesn't mean you will. You assume you will using that as your cop out and excuse. Your argument is dead. I'm done talking to you, all you can do is blame and complain about feminists and women changing for your dead argument. That is very weak and tiresome to use for an excuse.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Im surprised at all this discussion and concern for a group of men who have checked out of society and accomplished little. From most things Ive read on MGTOW men while browsing the web, most dont date, nor have fulfilling careers, nor are they successful hobbyists. As I said, Im basing this on many of the things Ive read online.

For the most part many of them seem to have done nothing to truly improve themselves and attempt to be great men. MGTOW generally dont seem to really have exciting stories to tell in my opinion. They've just said "fvk it" and live a life a mediocrity. No one should really care what these guys do. Nor should anyone waste time bashing these guys. If they are content with their life...leave them be.

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
