F*ck, damnit sh*t head f*ck AAAARRGHH!!!!

May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
I've been f*cking sexless for 3 months and its pissing me off!!!!!!

Ever since I got out of jail my DJing skills have been severed because of in and out of court dates and my lack of respect for anything or anybody in this day. FUUUCKK!!

Anyways, lately I've been trying to put the moves on various female specimens with the kino, C and F, the look like you care move, and get away...stuff that makes the girl want you.,....now contrary to what is supposed to happen, these wh*res always opt for the other guy(s) who are behind them the whole time like stray dogs.. what the hell!? I am a don juan, yet the girls go with the other guys. I just dont get it! I keep myself clean, smelling good or tolerable, I wear nice clothes that FIT ME, I'm smart, I'm not desperate when I communicate with these girls..but in the end it always backfires on me which in the end results in my desire to grab my Gibson SG and slamming it across someone's f*cking face!

But seriously, what the hell could be going on that I'm doing wrong that keeps me from getting to the next level with that woman? Is it that I actually have to spell it out to them in english, spanish, and cantonese that I'm interested in them and would like to date them? what?! overall i need a little asisstance before I turn into Charles Manson!
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
f*ck no. Its just weird.. Like the girls will show obvious signs of interest but in the end I'm left confused because they take off with the AFC of the room and sh*t and I'm left dumbfounded by my questioning of this site and its philosophies...maybe I'm applying them partially corect but there something missing in my quest for the V.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Find smarter girls?? Maybe they're intimidated by you??

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
You sound like the ideal "outlaw biker" from the Ladder Theory (www.laddertheory.com). Girls should be swarming you! Perhaps you should tell them you were in jail, you could probably get some bad girls that way, and those are the types that put out quickly.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
do u curse a whole lot around them?

u do seem like the biker badass type...maybe its ur lingo


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
hell ive been ****ing sex-less for 19 years so shut the **** up....


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell
I my lack of respect for anything or anybody in this day. FUUUCKK!!

-- in the end results in my desire to grab my Gibson SG and slamming it across someone's f*cking face!

those are atleast some of your problems....
u a real bad boy and maby a little to scary....


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
i think your agressiveness along with the C&F and the kino, you might be giving them too much....relax


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
well...are you picking up girls in a normal environment or are you still at that police place where they teach you how to follow the law? i remember most of your posts because they're really interesting anyways, well sometimes people can sense you're trying to hard. and if you really want them, then how about you just ask them to go back to your place? I'm going to ante it up with this girl i've been doing pretty well with.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
there's going around the curse filter and using it every other word
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
I actually dont cuss when I'm trying to woo some girl because I would find it kind of odd to hear a girl cuss after every other word just to impress me unless she's hot.

anyhow, when I interact with a girl I'm interested in, and when I get the eye contact and a smile(after I've smiled usually), I approach say hello, fluff talk a little and then go on with my business for a little bit and then approaching again unless she bumps into me. Now, I'll give the girl good eye contact, especially when she's talking to me. I like to slow down my voice and deepen it just a tad bit so I can sound a little more comforting and personal if it can even be called that.

Lately one thing I've been failing to do is get the number because one I cut my cell phone service off because of all the drug calls I was making and getting all the time, so now I have to use my home phone and I wouldnt consider that a good idea because 1) the only time you can possibly have a chance to catch me for a chat on the telephone is from 5 am to 3pm at the latest 2) my parents aren't very good with answering calls, and if they do answer it they'll usually tell my friends I'm not home and hang up.

Also, I've been partying a lot but not at parties with a close to fair amount of girls present. For example, there will be a get together with like 10-15 guys and 4 girls, and the circumstances make my possibility to get anything special are bleak because 2 girls are taken, 1 is too young and the free one is already being competed over by half the house, and I despise competing over a girl.

I'd go to the clubs, but now that I'm 18, all clubs that allowed 18 year olds were closed down because of all the violence and sexual harassment so all clubs and bars are 21 and over. This town has SOOO MANY beautiful girls , especially because its a college town(btw, if you're looking for a college to go to with a lot of girls especially blondes, come to the U of A because the number of hot girls that are in fayetteville now are in abundance)

Now, I was never mr high school football all star, or hung out with the "preppy" people too often but all the hot chicks seemed to like me and at one point I had just about all digits of the 5 most desired girls in school. I never knew how good I had it until I went to jail. Now its mid summer and I've only made out with one girl which I regret because her titties are too big and she seems kinda easy.

Sometimes I feel like the way I carry myself is way too passionate. I tend to surprise girls for some reason with the way I interact with them, but I think that what messes me up is that girls think I'm a player( I've been told so by at least 23 girls) and its the contrary because you see,....I don't talk much after the initial approach. I'm outspoken but when it comes to 1 on1 stuff I just dont say much...maybe the marijuana has gone too my head a little too much.

Sorry for making this post so long but I've been pondering about this problem for the past month or so and I thought maybe someone out there will listen to what I've got and maybe that person has some wisdom to share.


Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Dude play the jail situation to your advantage. Chicks love the bad boys.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
^^lol yeah study some charlie sheen roles. also make sure ur giving off enough of the impression that u dont give a **** what the girl thinks. i didnt hear u mention that and i just wanna make sure.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell

Lately one thing I've been failing to do is get the number because one I cut my cell phone service off because of all the drug calls I was making and getting all the time, so now I have to use my home phone and I wouldnt consider that a good idea

I despise competing over a girl.

I had just about all digits of the 5 most desired girls in school. I never knew how good I had it until I went to jail. Now its mid summer and I've only made out with one girl which I regret because her titties are too big and she seems kinda easy.

I don't talk much after the initial approach. I'm outspoken but when it comes to 1 on1 stuff I just dont say much...maybe the marijuana has gone too my head a little too much.
First thing i would do is get a job to at least be able to get one of those prepaid phones that you dont need a contract or anything for, having your own phone would be nice....but if you cant, you still got the home phone and you can just make calls from there....i mean after all girls are not going to be calling you to set up a date with you.

Next....you got to get used to competing over girls....I mean everyone does it and theres no way around it. If youre dealing with a hot girl, theres probably 20 guys after her, the only difference is that theyre not there, but are competing with you inderectly anyways.

So what did you do with those 5 numbers of those hot girls? Just think back....if you say nothing, then you have to get off your ass and start acting. Is not just about having numbers, we all know that. And you seem to be too hard on yourself... you regret making out with that girl bc she had big tits and she was too easy? whats wrong with that? there are easy games, hard games, ugly games, hot games...Youre just hunting right now, as you get better than you can focus on only the really hot *****es that arent sluts. Dont regret getting with girls, and dont limit yourself, of course dont go and try to **** fat ugly skanks.

And finally, im the other way around....im very outspoken on a 1 and 1 but kinda serious in big groups. If i was with a big group of girls i wouldnt appeal to any of them, but if i took them one at a time im a lot more successful. And this is hard to change, you cant just be like "ok i think im going to be more talkative one on one today", you just got to take the time, to be able to do that. I think this is your major setback, bc you have to have a somewhat intimate conversation to let her know youre interested. Otherwise, if you just sit there and dont talk about anything shell just figuere out that youre not interested.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I don't care how pro you think you are.
1) you need to chillax.
2) Read "Kill that desperation".
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
Originally posted by undesputable

So what did you do with those 5 numbers of those hot girls? Just think back....if you say nothing, then you have to get off your ass and start acting. Is not just about having numbers, we all know that.

well I wasnt expecting for my parents to cut off my phone service when I was in jail or otherwise I'd save them numbers.

Anyhow, I am chill, all the time...sometimes I'm too relaxed and get mistaken for indifferent or uninterested. I'm the type of dude who thinks a lot about a lot of sh*t that goes on through out the day and I tend to zone out too much.

So I SHOULD compete? If so, what should I do to have the edge over the other guys..I'm thinking that having a private conversation with the desired female, taking mental notes on the things she says and sort of act on them...what do you guys think?

And finally, do you guys truly think the jail card is gonna influence anything in my favor because I'd think that they'd be repelled by a dude who has been in and out of the court system
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Mississippi's less sh!tty twin
Well you shouldn't try to impress them with it, because then you'll just come across as a low-life, but if you can put it in there without doing that go ahead, girls love bad boys, plus you can probably mix it in with some ****y & funny to get them laughing.