F*ck, damnit sh*t head f*ck AAAARRGHH!!!!

[]D [] []V[] []D

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
yeah you're probably trying to get there attention too fast. lay back.

Just have a stimulating conversation for a bit, get their email, and move on to the next one.

By the end of the week, youll have more than enough numbers that you can handle... and then call them up.
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
HELL YEAH:my field report

well! tonight me and a buddy went out. I dressed to impress and all that happy bullsh*t.

We hit up a pool hall(the only place which allows 18 year olds) and we hit up about 6 girls and got turned down by like 4. The other 2 were sorta receptive but their girlfriends were being ****blockers and decided it was time to leave and so I got my desired girl's number. Funny thing was that she was 25, but she was good looking for a white girl with corn rows. We also got hit on by some drunk middle aged woman and she wasnt too bad lookin either. And so about 1 am we decide to call it a night. At the pool hall anyways. We leave and start a convo with the 3 fattest chick in the club, we try to seduce them quickly but they werent budging so we called them fat and we left.

We then hit up ****son street which is where all the bars are at in town and so we walk for a bit up the street and we try to start convos with a few duos of drunken HBs and finally as we are about to pass one of the bars, two chicks walk out. One was chubby and one was the girl I wanted(HB6.5) and I proceed to get their attention and compliment them on their perfume and btw they did smell very good. We walked with them to the bar they were headed and as they entered, they told us to wait because they were looking for their girlfriends. They get out of the bar and right then I remembered that on the way to ****son street we passed a party and so we ask the girls to come with us. They thought it was our party or something. Funny thing was we didnt know any of the ppl there. We danced with these girls and got to know em a little and they were really outgoing. Afterwards we leave that party and sit next to our cars and think about what to do. The whole time I was subliminally suggesting sex but then I suggested to take a walk in the park. They agree but as we get there, a 5-0 rolls up on us as we're getting out of the car and I thought I was going to jail for being out late while on probation.

He lets us go and
thank god me and my friend found this really really romantic looking spot out on some rich guys property in the wee hours of the morning before and so we suggest to take them out there. They drive us out to this place and we start chilling and relaxing and after bullsh*tting for 35 minutes or so I decided to start getting a little romantic or sexual at best with the girl, hell her name was kelly or something. I said its a very romantic night and the place is lovely(btw, this place we went to is one of those places where the odds of not getting ***** there are slimer) and then I straight out suggested doing it. They giggled for about 15 minutes about it and so I had to rethink my approach in making the sale and so I got closer to her and bullsh*tted some more and then I touched her a tad bit and when we started getting somewhat comfortable with each other I started talking to ear about how I wondered what she tasted like and I suggested she tasted like a cake(thanks to some dude that posted about smelling his girl to orgasm here) and so she kept being refusive and sh*t and so I put up a front and said that I had to get going because I didnt want my car getting towed and I had to work or something.

And so as we're heading back to the car, she grabs my hand and we walk together holding hands and I bring up how I wanted to know what her lips tasted like and so I told her I wanted a kiss, and so I kissed her and then she kissed me and we walked to the car...fast forward to where they were dropping us off and I started talking to her and then kissed her one more time and got her number. I told her she was the 3rd number I had to remember . she then said to scratch the other numbers, but I aint going to....

and now I'm back at my friend's house writing about my little Field Report and watching Chuck Norris kick some ass as Walker.

I feel sorta bad though because I lied about my age and said I was 24(I'm 18), I told her I worked at a law firm as a dude who does paperwork. Apparently she works under my mother in the same company, but I didnt say anything about that...I might call her, but because they'll possibly wanna hit a bar up with me next time, its up in the air...I still got Tracy's number though, she seemed nice.

Overall I experimented with something I have never done before which was being straightforward about my interest..Like truly being straightforward. At first I felt awkward but I tried getting in tune with my "sexual" side as Void mentioned in one of his posts and although I might have come on too strong for a DJ's standards, I felt comfortable after a while because I was never supplicating, or needy about what I desired from her. Anyways, what do you guys think?