Tell me, if you're REQUIRED caloric requirements ARE 2000 calories. What macro nutrient ratio should you target?
I say that because MANY anti-protein proponents tout the kidneys, tout the waste, excess, urea production, all that stuff, but NEVER say, EAT more carbs, EAT more fat. So if it's not 1g/lb, or 2g/lb, what is it?
Does everybody have it wrong? Should we be consuming 1000calories and expect to grow, or 1500? I'm about 200lbs, cutting down, while chomping on 200protein grams per day. I'm highly carb sensitive, born at 9.7lbs, so I was chubby shyt at birth and until High School. I gain in many respects easily, that's both FAT and Muscle.
Based on ALL known formulas, I should be around 2500-2800 for maintenance, 2000-2300 for cutting. Overconsumption of carbs will result in high insulin sensitivity, i.e. fat storage and the likelihood I trigger my genetic predisposition to diabetes (cousin and grandfather with it).
At 2000 Calories, for 200 grams, that represents about 40% protein, with 40% carbs, and about 20% fats. Not a bad combo. The carbs come from whole wheat and grains, vegetables, yams, sweet potatoes, and salads, with SOME fruits thrown in.
I've tried ALL types of periods. Extra protein, like 400gs DOES build muscle and strength. I know, I did it, having gone from 180 to 210 quick and then cutting. Some went to fat, but my strength has stated put as I dump weight.
My only issue with any who REFUTES high protein is that, they fail to put into CONTEXT what is high protein! And then, WHAT are the alternatives? The NORMAL american couch potatoe, who chomps down burgers, steaks, and fatty foods, gets about 50-60% of their calories from protein, and the rest in carbs/fat. America is the HIGHEST consuming % country in the world, but most of these surveys are done on the AVERAGE sedentary american who feasts at McD's, buys traditional grocery store foods, and generally avoids the healthy versions of fish and chicken. NOT, the bodybuilder, fitness fanatic, or athlete.
Moreover, you can't EXACTLY study all athletes and their early demise, since the beating they take in football, boxing, fighting, etc contributes as much or MORE to their early death than their diet. A football with astounding injuries and concussions wiLL die sooner, esp due to the overconsumption of roids or pills, than the average fitness person.
Yes, I've read the reports on UNDERconsumption of calories leads to a longer life, and that MOST old timers I've met who live into their 80's and 90's did so BY walking for the remainder of their lives POST-gym.
But if you're going to contend PROTEIN consumption that high is bad, please insert what is correct, and if it achieves the goals of the individual, which is normally fat loss and muscle growth.