ex left - same old song and dance


New Member
Mar 16, 2007
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Oh yeah been there too. My Ex "borrowed" £250 cash off me, money for presents for her folks and other financial stuff. Then she goes on a visit to her moms and on return pulls the we'll be better off as friends sh*t. The last thing she said to me before leaving was can I take the laptop. What a nerve! A few days later when I pulled her up about the money she borrowed, she said "what money?". Some girls these days have such a huge sense of self-entitlement...did I say NEXT!


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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ok i think i am starting to understand what you all have been telling me. i cant help but want her back though, but i think thats only natural right now since i am still trying to detach myself from her emotionally.

i have one last question regarding this nonsense.

even if i wanted her to come craawling back just so i could deny her, should i hide the fact that i am seeing someone else who is actually prettier than her?

will an ex who walked out on you be tempted to come back or move on if they find out you are seeing someone else a month after they left? or does it depend on the ex.. ?


thanks guys. you've been a lot of help.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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Oye! Who cares about getting an ex back? Why would you want them back? THEY LEFT YOU FOR A GOOD REASON! Just move on.

Gosh darn golly jeeze louizee...


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
will an ex who walked out on you be tempted to come back or move on if they find out you are seeing someone else a month after they left? or does it depend on the ex.. ?
She'll come back if she feels she can suck you into believing she's back for the better. Since most girls think that, it's pointless to suggest it'd be because of another girl, or money, or whathave you.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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hey listen i appreciate all the advice from everyone on here including the vets. i have really taken it to heart and am following the suggested guidance. just as an added update to the situation that was, with the ex:

i've told my buddy that i dont want to hear any more gossip that his girl hears about my ex. she is so broke right now it is not even fathomable. it is beyond me what she could have been thinking when she left without thinking over not only the relationship, esp since it was NOT about another guy and nothing major like cheating occurred, but also how she was going to cope financially after leaving! this isnt kindergarten!!! i am telling you i tried to communicate with her the first week she left about bills but she completely ignored me! perhaps she thought i was going to pull a loopy like i did the last time we broke up 3 years ago. perhaps she was just following her idiot GFs advice about breaking up and was too emotional to communicate with me.

regardless, this girl is currently in the biggest mess of her life and i literally have no idea what she could do next. all of her bills are going to bounce back and go unpaid. i still havent heard from her nor do i expect to.

she has a very strange childhood and i know she has some emotional problems that she never got treated for (we discussed it before when we were together) and i believe she is bipolar i am not even exagerating. man oh man there are some people on this earth that should be under the care and supervision of someone responsible their whole lives. unbelievable!


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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just a little update to my story. someone has given my ex another thousand or so dollars to help her get back on her feet. lol so the thought of her coming back groveling because she is stone broke is not going to happen, she may pull herself out of this after all, although she wont be living anything near to the life i provided for her.

someone told me that perhaps she isnt a gold digger and perhaps the thought of returning is in her mind but that she would not want to come back to me because of money..

i know there must be some guys out there who have heard of this before. what happened here was that her idiot friend she works with got in her ear about breaking up. probably because she was jealous of our relationship, etc and convinced her to break up with me. now they are inseperable. what a joke.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
a thousand dollars doesnt last long when you got 20 bounced checks and a car payment.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
You can't be posting about this still. You said you were not interested in any gossip about her, let alone wondering about her!

Wake up!!!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
penkitten said:
a thousand dollars doesnt last long when you got 20 bounced checks and a car payment.
On top of that, no one just lends that kind of money off with wanting it paid back.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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hey i dont mean to be beating this subject like a dead horse but i have been having a tough time coping so i am going to still update this thread from time to time just to get some of it out of my system. i hope you all dont mind.

i am taking your advice and moving on and seeing other people just as an fyi and trying to learn the ideas you guys teach.

regarding the last message above this however, its pretty clear her pops gave her more money (we're up to about 10k now including her credit card he paid off). i'm not sure if he is going to want it back or what.. lol

i know for sure that my ex is doubting her decision by now and thinking she fycked up. i dont think for a split second she would have left if she thought that would happen and that i would meet some other girl so quickly (which she found out by her friend checking my AIM away messages and profile). moreover, she has tried to contact several of her exes and has been shot down over and over. this girl is Baggage. and i tell ya i would love it if she dared to try calling me and saying she made a mistake blah blah. not sure how likely that is but i am going to just keep doin my own thang.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
She's no good whether she would've stayed or not. Even if she did think this through when it comes to the consequence of leaving you, that only means she would've stay out of convenience. The love still would've been gone and you would've felt it. Making you miserable. Her being bothered of you being with someone else is merely out of ego, and recognizing that getting back with you ( if she decided to do so.) is becoming more nonexistant.

She's no good for you homie. The grass is cut and you got to see her slither away. You dont want to walk around with a snake around you neck. Be glad she left.


Feb 23, 2005
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fvck man 5 years is long been in almost the same situation living together little joint accounts etc. guess she thought she could be independent but she was fooling herself. she didnt show me to my face but i know just from what i heard and saw. so probably same situation. she wants to be independent from you and refuses to get help from you and just will get it from other people. your probably her last choice. dont mean to be a d1ck but thats my opinion. who gives a fvck about her she left you know shes feeling it. ur by yourself so what. you have freedom, noone to answer to or worry about, noone to make you p1ssed. my break up was a pivotal point in my life.im 24 dont nkow how old u are. if i was with her right now i could be married, have a kid, not have a nice car, not have nice stuff for myself and most importantly not be able to get my masters degree (possibly two) so i could get a sick job. when i was with her i worked out still but now im just freakin jacked and in good shape. i have a lot of time to do things i want. yea its nice to sleep with someone but fvck being by yourself could be good also. so stop worrying about her work on yourself keep all that money for YOU.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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jigga thanks for the reply but just to clarify i am not worried about her. i am just trying to cope with the situation and move on at this point i guess. i think its only natural for in the beginning to wonder if she is going to call or try to come back, i know they sometimes do.

did your girl ever try to come back?

anyways, i am 28 and an engineer. to be honest with you i could care less about the money, i would rather be happy and moderately well off then unhappy and rich.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
hey doc, this is my advise to you from personal experience. DO NOT SHOW THAT U WANT TO BE WITH HER EVER, EVEN IF SHE CALLS AND TELLS YOU SHE MISSES YOU!

My gf broke up w/ me and a month later I had some1 new....hotter then my ex, when the ex found out about this she freaked out and came crawling back....i was STUPID to think this was the way she felt, it was just her ego that was bruised, but I thoguht it was out of love.......what a fool I was, when she saw that I would get bac with her she began ignoring me......

for yourself, do not ever let her know you want her back...please


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Sp1kez said:
hey doc, this is my advise to you from personal experience. DO NOT SHOW THAT U WANT TO BE WITH HER EVER, EVEN IF SHE CALLS AND TELLS YOU SHE MISSES YOU!

My gf broke up w/ me and a month later I had some1 new....hotter then my ex, when the ex found out about this she freaked out and came crawling back....i was STUPID to think this was the way she felt, it was just her ego that was bruised, but I thoguht it was out of love.......what a fool I was, when she saw that I would get bac with her she began ignoring me......

for yourself, do not ever let her know you want her back...please

if it werent for you people on this board i would be in a whole different situation. i will be attending this board for a long, long time, and hope to be able to give back to newbies down the road.

as for the advice - you bet i will follow all this to a frigging T. this girl's ego is already bruised pretty bad since she already heard through the vine that i am seeing someone else - her best friend saw me out with a dime piece 3 weeks ago and of course she told my ex!

on top of THAT! regarding my update a few days ago - my ex borrowed another huge amount of $$ from her pop and guess what - her dang bank is almost back negative again. this girl cannot keep up with her bills. she should have thought about it long and hard before bouncing on me like that. sheit.

whats happening here is she is trying to pick up the pieces and prove to herself and everyone she can survive without me and what would be a spectacular sight is if she finally CRACKED and started calling and saying she made a huge mistake.

i would have my way with the situation at that point utilizing all the advice you all have given me.

lets see how the next few weeks go.

thanks for listening.