Ex-Girlfriend Email


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Find a Penis and GFTOW.... Move yes move just walk Buddy Just walk...

You need a complete attitude change... which will only happen if you do the above thing...

Now once you start getting women youll grow some attitude that kills
When she caves in.. keep convs short... the obvious reason she called is she misses you , yr presence... and her validation.... she can **** the whole world for validation but if you dont provide her with it she will feel the emptiness...like why not him... Its what they live for.... their life is worthless if they are not desirable... missing you will just raise your value... and just when you think its gonna break.. make a small effort and sit back and enjoy the drama...

She was smothered by attention... now this time dont ask anything specific to her just let her spill.. (I think shes the new breed independent kind) Go Juggler talk about how wonderful your life is , not like asking for validation just have fun...Dont be 2 available if she calls at 3 am its time to sleep not talk.. sleep.. Avoid a few calls... tell her you were on a date and it would have been rude to the other girl, tell her wonderful things about the girl you dated... and slip in things from your new personna of how you let her be independent... how the girl loved it and **** like that..which is what your EX wanted..(keyword:- subcommunicate)
She wants a man who can handle her.. you have to raise the attraction levels... These types usually have very strict upbringings so when they find freedom they dont look back..and stay away from parents as much as possible..

Still dont cave in and call...(if you call and tell her hey I was on a date its gonna sound stoopid, isnt it?) let her call... but kinda make it short and sweet leave at a hig point be abook so compelling you cant wait to read the next page...but youre only handed one page at a time..

when I was out of a Oneitis.. the first thing I did was deleted her number from every place though I remembered it (looser), it was kinda symbolic...

even now after she calls my cell.. I delete the call history... so I dont cave in..

2 me I think she would just make a good FB for you or with a higher IL who knows... Be a man spread some seed... let her find the news of yr **** doing rounds of her friends and how wonderful it was...



Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score