EVERYTHING a man needs to know about women

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
I say women are only good for sex and reproduction all the time. Why do I say this? There are still many men who believe this is an extreme and bitter stance to take. With 2014 coming its time to take that next step in enlightenment gentlemen.....

Are women still frustrating you? Its because you are ignorant. But you won't be after reading this post and clicking the link at the end. :up:

We as men often spend so much of our time chasing p*ssy that we fail to truly grasp what is REALLY happening in all our interactions with women. This is why the average men finds women so "confusing" and "frustrating" to deal with. But these problems are the result of ignorance.

Every DJ and alpha should have this information.. but the beta fags need it more than anyone else.

I believe 100% of men on the planet need to listen to this at least once. Anyone too lazy or impatient to participate should just marry the first chubby feminist c*nt or gold digger they see and have a nice life. :rock:

I present to you one of the purest, rawest and most concentrated forms of the red pill.. Listen --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6SHOTHW92I


Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
That's why we need to get as many men to this site as we possibly can.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Quality post, PlayerHerMan....

Two things in response.

In the first part, the narrator advises a man always ask himself what a woman's goals, interests, objectives might be when she initiates any sort of interaction with you. That's good advice. Just last night I was at a party and a woman I tried to game a bit last year was there. When I was trying to get with her, she played dirty pool, you know, lousy girl game. She was not honest about her relationship status when I tried to get her out, played coy, etc. I walked away after my second attempt, as is usually advised here and to which I agree. Anyway, she, to my mind, doesn't know what I know about the extent of her dishonesty in her interactions with me last year. But I think (1) she worries that I do or might know (and if I do, she's worried that I think she's a lying POS) and/or (2) realizes she misread my value and wants to keep open channels of pleasant interactions in case her relationship with new BF goes south. Women branch swing, don't ya know....

Anyway, my point to the little set up above is last night she sees me in a room at this party and comes up for a friendly, meaningless chat. I read it as her trying to show me she's a good person, trying to maintain an amiable ambiance with me those times we show up at the same functions. I gave her about 30 seconds of my time, cracked and joke and walked away. What I would like to point out here, and this is iterated in the video and by experienced posters on this forum, is that a woman almost ALWAYS has some sort of motive, some hidden, indirect, but goal-oriented reason she initiates interaction with a guy. In this case, there was nothing self-less or neutral about it. She either wants me to think well of her and/or wants to make sure our interactions are positive in case she needs to find another man. What she doesn't know I've already made my judgment about her: low quality woman surrounded by a veneer of hotness. I'll pass.

The second point the video makes I think all guys will do well to remember and newbies and perpetual AFCs would be especially advised to listen to. That is, a woman, once she's gotten her man, will do what she can to change him. Isolate him from friends. Criticize his likes and hobbies. Get him to do things with her he wouldn't normally do. Etc.

These are predictable but crucial sh!t-test many guys fail. She doesn't actually want you to change; or, should I say, should you change the way she pushes you too, she'll soon lose attraction and dump you. Her attempts to mold you are her ways to figure out whether or not the guy she thought she was attracted to is the "real" you.

The women who've fallen for me the hardest, ones who've either continued to chase me, or happily became side-pieces, FBs, and whatnot, are the women that I simply refused to bend one iota for. Oh, you want to take me to NYC? Great, but there's no way I'm going to a Broadway musical with you and your kid. I'll be at the bar watching the NCAA tournament. Meet me there when you're finished (true story). Oh, you want me to text you later tonight after banging you so I can have you show up with your long-term cuckhold BF and see that he's a real cool guy? I can't imagine why I'd do that. See you for our nooner next week (another girl, another true story).

You know that stereotype of the defeated husband, the "yes dear" guy? He's a guy who tried to please his wife by doing what she said she wanted and she only grew more resentful, naggy, harridan, etc. over time and he's lost to figure out what happened. By the time he realizes he's miserable and she'll never be happy (because of his beta backsliding and lack of frame), it is usually 10+ years, a few kids and a mortgage into the relationship and he feels "stuck." Meanwhile, she's banging her tennis instructor at lunch.

We all like sex. Many of us would like a good relationship with a good woman. But those latter things don't just "happen" and there's 1000 landmines waiting to trip you up. The belief that a woman openly shows a man her cards at anytime is one of the worst assumptions a man can make.

Whether or not the pursuit of anything other than sex is worth it is a decision every man must make. However, to make that decision well requires one know as much as possible about the "enemy." Thus, the art of war. Finally, keep in mind Beige Phillip's rule #1... we are in fact at war. Adjust your game accordingly.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
this is a great video PHM!

HalfPUAHalfAFC made some good points!

i will like to add that you shouldn't reveal your life story or your past experiences/stories/relationships because that give women a lot of power in exploring your weak points and the perfect nerves to strikes and what they should avoid!
In fact you are the one who should know more about her even if we all know most girls lives are boring as F*ck but the more experience you gain in playing with her emotions and handle bad situations the more you will become more mastered in this game

in addition to not let them change you or compromise your standards and principles to anyone!

good post!


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
first class , i have seen a lot of this bahaviour very recently , and the thing about the masks she wears is so true,,,,,,so true . anyone reading this who is new to this stuff........please listen and learn its so important trust what these guys are saying.

infact everything is so on the money that as i was listening to the guy talk there was light bulbs going off in my head..........all these years my dad was right........awesome stuff.....the best 15 mins that iv had all christmas.

great post thank you

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Watched this video previously on a post by Atom Smasher!

Great video. Really bitter. There was a moment I've almost closed the browser!

But it is the truth! Thanks for posting this!

Anyway, the only woman I trust and love is my sister, who thankfully is the blood of my blood, and one of my best friends and most sincere person with me!
What makes me love her even more is knowing that she is trully one of the 0.01% of decent girls walking out there in the world with morals and value, and not just some skank wanting to f*ck over man!

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
The video is great but very depressing.

On the bright side, have you guys noticed that more and more men are waking up and writing supporting comments on similar YouTube videos?

The tide is turning, and I expect it to accelerate. We must continue to get as many men here to SS as possible.

SS is not perfect by any means, but IMO it is the very best place to wake men out of their slumber and turn on the light.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Lotus Effect said:
Watched this video previously on a post by Atom Smasher!

Great video. Really bitter. There was a moment I've almost closed the browser!

But it is the truth! Thanks for posting this!

Anyway, the only woman I trust and love is my sister, who thankfully is the blood of my blood, and one of my best friends and most sincere person with me!
What makes me love her even more is knowing that she is trully one of the 0.01% of decent girls walking out there in the world with morals and value, and not just some skank wanting to f*ck over man!
I would say that he pretty much avoided bitterness and stuck to the facts, which is why it has credibility.

I'm glad you have such a great relationship with your sister. :up:

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I would say that he pretty much avoided bitterness and stuck to the facts, which is why it has credibility.

I'm glad you have such a great relationship with your sister. :up:
Hey man!

What I meant is not that the video, or the narrator are bitter. It was bitter hearing those words, because they are the naked thruth.

I'm sorry if I couldn't express myself very clearly. English is not my mother tongue, and sometimes I can't convey what I trully mean!

I totally agree with you! It is an excelent video!


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I'm going to go against the crowd and say it all sounds like academic theory. Sun Tzu never picked up in a club or a bar, never dated a modern woman, never lived in an age where men and women have forums like this one to tell them how to increase attraction and interest.

I think whenever you start delving into history or the animal kingdom for your seduction theory, you start straying into academics.

The best teacher is and always will be experience.

Just go out there and have fun with women guys. Stop overanalysing and theorising everything. If you put your heart on the line or expect too much, you will inevitably get hurt, but that's another of life's first hand lessons. Pick yourself up and adapt, and don't make the same mistake next time.

In my personal opinion, all this textbook theory just makes guys uptight. Loosen up, stop thinking of women as the enemy and go enjoy some good company, good chat, fun dates and lots of great sex!


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. It speaks so much truth. My sister has recently had a baby (ex boyfriend) and it's amazing watching the emotional blackmail she is giving her ex over the child to gain power and control over him. He is a strong minded man though (which I credit him for), he doesn't give in to her sh1t. She was in tears the other day because he wouldn't do what she wanted him to (good).

Live your life freely. Never become a slave....


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Great vid but I think it's missing one key fact about women, their desire to submit to a powerful man. Women will fight men but it is a war that she truly does not want to win. The game really isn't that complicated. All it really takes to be successful is to keep improving, put yourself first, never invest more in a woman than she invests in you, and if you're going the monogamous route date down and choose wisely. A woman can never gain power over a man who she thinks is better than her, who never bends to her will, who simply doesn't care about being with her as much as she cares about being with him. Any risks involved in investment in a woman beyond sex and reproduction becomes irrelevant because the power dynamic will never shift out of the man's hands. This is the dynamic that nature intended.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
HalfPUAHalfAFC said:
Quality post, PlayerHerMan....

Two things in response.

In the first part, the narrator advises a man always ask himself what a woman's goals, interests, objectives might be when she initiates any sort of interaction with you. That's good advice. Just last night I was at a party and a woman I tried to game a bit last year was there. When I was trying to get with her, she played dirty pool, you know, lousy girl game. She was not honest about her relationship status when I tried to get her out, played coy, etc. I walked away after my second attempt, as is usually advised here and to which I agree. Anyway, she, to my mind, doesn't know what I know about the extent of her dishonesty in her interactions with me last year. But I think (1) she worries that I do or might know (and if I do, she's worried that I think she's a lying POS) and/or (2) realizes she misread my value and wants to keep open channels of pleasant interactions in case her relationship with new BF goes south. Women branch swing, don't ya know....

What I would like to point out here, and this is iterated in the video and by experienced posters on this forum, is that a woman almost ALWAYS has some sort of motive, some hidden, indirect, but goal-oriented reason she initiates interaction with a guy. In this case, there was nothing self-less or neutral about it. She either wants me to think well of her and/or wants to make sure our interactions are positive in case she needs to find another man.

These are predictable but crucial sh!t-test many guys fail. She doesn't actually want you to change; or, should I say, should you change the way she pushes you too, she'll soon lose attraction and dump you. Her attempts to mold you are her ways to figure out whether or not the guy she thought she was attracted to is the "real" you.

The women who've fallen for me the hardest, ones who've either continued to chase me, or happily became side-pieces, FBs, and whatnot, are the women that I simply refused to bend one iota for. Oh, you want to take me to NYC? Great, but there's no way I'm going to a Broadway musical with you and your kid. I'll be at the bar watching the NCAA tournament. Meet me there when you're finished (true story). Oh, you want me to text you later tonight after banging you so I can have you show up with your long-term cuckhold BF and see that he's a real cool guy? I can't imagine why I'd do that. See you for our nooner next week (another girl, another true story).

The belief that a woman openly shows a man her cards at anytime is one of the worst assumptions a man can make.

Whether or not the pursuit of anything other than sex is worth it is a decision every man must make. However, to make that decision well requires one know as much as possible about the "enemy." Thus, the art of war. Finally, keep in mind Beige Phillip's rule #1... we are in fact at war. Adjust your game accordingly.
Golden post. The stuff in red especially. :up: :up:

The main problem with trying to educated beta fags is most of them view women as an "oasis". They see women as the ONE part of life that is gentle, inviting, forgiving and nurturing. They deal with all the sh!t life throws at them and all the harsh realities only to put women on a pedestal as an "oasis".

This "oasis" doesn't f*cking exist.. but the beta fag believes he can find it if he only finds the "right woman" and EARNS his way into her heart. :crackup:

He searches for the golden p*ssy. Once ANY woman he dates shows more loyalty than normal while being hotter than what he usually attracts.. he gets oneitis and falls in love. He then projects all the good qualities in the world onto this b!tch and becomes totally blind to her real nature. If he ever wakes up.. its usually too late by then.

Disney movies and the media have raised men with the belief that they NEED women in ways beyond sex and reproduction. Men are raised to believe women can fill the voids in their lives. WRONG.

Do women offer more than sex and reproduction? Sure. BUT that "extra" they offer that is truly genuine and not some motive-based manipulation comes at such a high price for a man that it ends up being a wash. A man might benefit from having a personal chef for instance. But if a man must pay that chef $1,000 per meal.. is that really a benefit to him?

Is giving up your freedom and dignity to be with a woman worth that "extra" she might give you beyond sex and reproduction? Me thinks not.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Jariel said:
I'm going to go against the crowd and say it all sounds like academic theory. Sun Tzu never picked up in a club or a bar, never dated a modern woman, never lived in an age where men and women have forums like this one to tell them how to increase attraction and interest.

I think whenever you start delving into history or the animal kingdom for your seduction theory, you start straying into academics.

The best teacher is and always will be experience.

Just go out there and have fun with women guys. Stop overanalysing and theorising everything. If you put your heart on the line or expect too much, you will inevitably get hurt, but that's another of life's first hand lessons. Pick yourself up and adapt, and don't make the same mistake next time.

In my personal opinion, all this textbook theory just makes guys uptight. Loosen up, stop thinking of women as the enemy and go enjoy some good company, good chat, fun dates and lots of great sex!
There is truth is this post too. I don't think its ever productive to live as a bitter, angry, paranoid man. Living this way in regards to women makes them too important and ironically.. it pedestalizes them. :crackup:

My goal with posting this video is spreading wisdom. Its not about making women the "enemy" its about seeing women for what they are. Just because reality is harsh.. that doesn't mean we have to cry over it. Until you see something for what it is.. you can never know its true value or usefulness.

A man must see women for what they are to get the most out of them. :up:


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Wow the part where he talks about women will pass your secrets to other women, so they know your weaknesses is very true. Never tell any women anything personal about yourself. Even women in your family.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
noobolgy said:
Wow the part where he talks about women will pass your secrets to other women, so they know your weaknesses is very true. Never tell any women anything personal about yourself. Even women in your family.
When I have some solid free time.. I'm considering typing up a text version of that video so it can be posted on this site over and over.

Men need to know this sh!t. Its essential.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Some post on the video claim that women are pawns and this comes back to men


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
PlayHer Man said:
When I have some solid free time.. I'm considering typing up a text version of that video so it can be posted on this site over and over.

Men need to know this sh!t. Its essential.
You should. I found the transcript for the subtitles but it has a lot of errors. You should type it up, and add to it and expand on it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
So basically women are not that important to a man life unless he wants to produce?

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
