everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women...


New Member
Nov 28, 2017
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tl;dr: The most precious thing you have in life is your time.

I guess the most important thing I read in my entire life is the topic of Rollo Tomassi about you been your own mental point of origin. The same when pook say that the focus must be on you and not in the girl. When you internalize that mindset you instantly create a aura of value, for example, when you aproach a new girl your mindset is not, "I must make she likes me," but, "Let's see if she is fun and I can have a good time", It creates that aloof male aura, and all the social problems go away, because you still don't know if she is worth your time. The aloof aura that comes with that mindset translate in all the things that you read in PUA stuff, and it will not only help with women, but in all areas of ones life.

Sorry for the bad english, it's not a language that I use frequently.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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what would it be?
Put your work in. Yes, hit on babes if thin, young. attractive, and on top form SMV. More importantly, get your paper right. get a life, have your career/business life handled, hit the gym, keep healthy, be cultured, worldly, travel, and run game. GAME is all encompassing areas of life. Game is not running your health into the mud and chasing expired aesthetics into marriage or knocking up some soon to be fat hog only to play house with a woman in a moo moo.

Be a free thinker. Unplug from the Matrix. Go beyond your biology of spread the seed. Yes, get babes but, be in control of your life and destiny. Female nature is hypergamy on roids. She will leave for the bigger better prize. That is her battle and its a double edged sword. Our battle is spreading the seed, chasing women at the cost of our much larger goals, dreams, lifestyle.

Even top form SMV will crater at some point. Most women will be beyond that when she looks to lock it in. Female logic. Have a purpose and don't ever detour from it regardless of some hog looking to play house after her best years are done.

Every dog has his day. Bide your time. Handle your ****; that which is most important. Tomorrow is promised to nobody playboy. Live it up. The girl you would have put on the pedestal in your teens as a oneittus is fat as **** tomorrow, kids from different men, and more kills then you could imagine. Know your true NORTH. What would make this tragic life journey all worth the price of admission? Start here. Women are an aspect of life. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2017
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If you've attracted a woman, she will start building an image of you in her mind. If you put yourself into her world too often during this period, the most likely outcome is that you disconfirm the fantasy image she's constructed and you disappoint her. Let her work on that fantasy by not always being around.
1000% TRUE


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2017
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Faaaaaaaaaaaack! This's been written here for 10 years and I didn't know it.

I once asked my ex "What are your hobbies and passions?". She looked down and started crying.

The only passions I knew she had was watching TV, going to restaurant, travelling, shopping and reading books. Everything else she tried she just stopped doing it after about 1 month.
I went on a date and hobbies and passions came up. I had an endless list and all she could come up with was she likes playing with her dog, traveling (for work) and eating at restaurants. The end of this topic of conversation was punctuated with "you really make me feel like I'm boring."

You said it, honey. Not me :)


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
. The end of this topic of conversation was punctuated with "you really make me feel like I'm boring."

You said it, honey. Not me :)
HB: You really make me feel like I'm boring
LL: You are not boring today because you decided to spend your time with me. Wise choice! That makes up for most of your boring past.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
"everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women..."



Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2017
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Don't ever be an orbiter, and don't ever let a woman compromise your frame in order to gain social proof (or anything else for that matter).

All it takes is letting a few snarky comments slide from a female "friend" and suddenly you look like a b*tch and your self esteem gets destroyed.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2017
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"everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women..."

Yes. Girls just wanna have fun.

What Cindy Lauper didn't said to you, is that YOU TOO must just wanna have fun. Have dreams, goals, have a life, and that doesn't include a woman. A woman should NEVER be the goal of your life. YOU, your happiness, fulfill your destiny and soul: that should be. Have fun. Have a life. Enjoy it. Be a great guy. Them, all of a sudden, you will have a lot of girls to choose, or, better, to FIGHT to be with you. To dream como true, you must, first of all, believe in you. Enjoy yourself. You too just wanna have fun.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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Canada in the house!!!!
Here's my advice:

Women are the least important aspect of your life (unless its your mother,wife,daughter) below your education, career, money, hobbies, mates, family (comes first)

That means women should fit into your life, around your schedule, around your frame.

I know the requirement is only one piece of advice, but another important tip is to always show that you are willing to walk away , and do it (very hard to do in reality I know) .


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2020
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If you wonder if you are treating a woman too well or if she is treating you poorly, pretend she is a man and ask yourself is that behavior acceptable. Since you are sleeping with her (hopefully) upgrade her to a best friend or a good friend and ask yourself if you would still be their friend and how to react to it. This extends to you too. The way you mentally treat yourself, is that acceptable? Would you still be your own friend? If your mental voice is too negative, you are in an abusive relationship with yourself.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
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First - Sell your pedestal, sniper rif1e and TV's on Craigslist - there's barrels full of crabs (aka Chumps) who'll pay top dollar for all that crap.

Next, in every interaction with women if things get confusing (or you want to be one step ahead of the rest) stop for a minute and think about the following which is so often parroted but never really explored deeper. Just one thing seems to drive women - a careful balance between Security and inSecurity.

When you are wondering why they are acting covertly, speak indirectly and doing things that make no sense just ask yourself this. If your primary programming was to balance security and insecurity at the same time wouldn't it then make sense to speak and act this way?

Women don't LJBF you because they are cowards or cunning or devious, they do it because they're afraid you'll go cave man on their arse and they found a way to avoid it. Rescuing & Saving - never works because your giving them security that they haven't had to earn. And in the end you'll just break yourself which ultimately makes them loose respect for you which directly translates to a life long sensation of inSecurity associated with the naive chump who thought his actions would earn him the prize.

All single women to some degree (especially the strong independent career types) provision their own security at a perceived level thus you had better bring that same level or better to the table as women don't like to "downgrade" when it comes to their feeling of security.

I could go on and on, but it finally clicked with me a while back. C&F, cold approaches, LJBF reversals, negs, etc, etc, etc are all just playing out a simple (or complex) dance between perceived security / insecurity.

When you see a guy with confidence around women, he is doing this (and often not aware of it). Their perception of security/insecurity is fascinating. When you establish and retain the frame as the prize you are continually playing out the dance they need yet have no real way of explaining to us.

And if it isn't confusing enough, just remember that our matrix programmed response to a women's perceived security needs is almost always 100% bassackwards. Example, we think they are the "one" or need to hear from us soon so we call to them back too quickly - next date she LJBF's or flakes - WTF? You just gave her the wrong type of security by not making her feel a healthy bit of insecurity first (she needs that dance to play out).

It's okay to have your head in the clouds, just have one foot on the ground too. Good women want to compliment your life and bring you up. If they're not doing that they are bringing you down and wasting your single most important resource - your time. Always listen to and follow your gut because it's your subconcious thwacking your left brain which is probably stuck in paralysis by analysis.
To the security/insecurity thought:
Men are afraid of being laughed at; women are afraid of being killed


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2019
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If a woman shows you intrest you must test her to determine if she is being real with you. A lot of women just want attention from men and nothing else. If she won't spend time with you in person you are being used, remove your attention from her. Keep your attention reserved for women who truly value your presence.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Avoid women whose hobbies are "watching TV, reading books, shopping, travelling..."

Instead, target women whose hobbies are more unique and less revolving around media, marketing, and money. Hiking, kayaking, surfing, baking, sewing, photography, and gardening are examples of "unique" hobbies.

The reasons should be obvious, but, the women with "popular" hobbies aren't very independent, and are the most socially functional/dependent. Now, being social isn't necessarily bad, but when a woman derives pleasure from little else besides being social, you are going to find yourself being pressured or manipulated to "plug back into the matrix", playing many more games, and dealing with much more drama and trifling.

Simply put, women with "unique" hobbies are better people overall. Women with "popular" hobbies have little to offer besides excellent social skills and a conformist mindset.

The "popular" or "Barbie Clone" hobby types have a very poor "sense of self", which could also indicate other issues.

LSE's, AW's, Cluster B's... go ahead, ask them, "What are your hobbies?" See if you don't find the same to be true.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2017
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Never solve her problems. Say “sounds like (reiterate what she just said)”.

Always be a mystery. “What have you been up to?”. Answer “Wouldn’t you like to know?”. In short, don’t answer any questions, ever.

Get a vasectomy ASAP. Health insurance gladly covers it.

Never live with or marry, period. Ever.

You should be alright if you follow this.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2019
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Never solve her problems. Say “sounds like (reiterate what she just said)”.

Always be a mystery. “What have you been up to?”. Answer “Wouldn’t you like to know?”. In short, don’t answer any questions, ever.

Get a vasectomy ASAP. Health insurance gladly covers it.

Never live with or marry, period. Ever.

You should be alright if you follow this.
I will second on the vasectomy. Best thing I ever did.