ever had a fine cousin come on to you?

Jason S.

Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
That's wrong dude, I know at least 4 couples that are composed of first cousins in the uk, 3 of them in england.

Fvcking your sis is definitely disgusting ... but your cousin ? Why's that, huh ?

And please stop whining about "it's your blood, it's your blood, mommy told me so, wuääääääh". In fact every living human is from your "blood" these days. We are all descendants of one genome strain, means from one fvcking couple. Only relationships with relatives in direct row (yeah, that includes your mommy that told you to not bang your cousin because she's jealous) are a problem ... and in this case, really disgusting.

... and no ... I don't have a cousin that I ever banged or plan to do so.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
Reaction score
Shut up u ****! Its disgusting

Jason S.

Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Why ? :D

Give me one reason. Do you have a cousin ? Maybe it's because of her ? :D


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Demon is right. It's nothing more than a modern social stigma. Cousin marriages happen all the time, everywhere in the world. If you had been raised somewhere else, you wouldn't think it was disgusting at all. Before you give in to your knee-jerk reactions about it being disgusting, look at the facts. We all descended from a very few people. If cousins didn't marry, our population would have never increased. Chances are that some of your not too distant ancestors were cousins.

For the record, I've never met any of my cousins. But since this site is largely about looking at what society has told us, and separating facts from lies, I think it's good practice to turn a critical eye on everything thats ingrained.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
Claiming that screwing first cousins is disgusting and wrong is like saying negative racism towards black is appealing and right.

"They're your blood so stay away from them!"
"They're different from us so let's hang them!"

Two different quotes. Same rationale.

"They're your blood so stay away from them!"
Your first cousins are not your own blood. You and your first cousins are individuals not a single entity. I bet you if you studied your family's geneaology you'd find that at least 1 couple in your bloodlines were a first cousin couple. Many famous people who we look up to and admire their success were married to their first cousins at one point. For starters, I think Edgar Allen Poe married one of his first cousins. Oh, and don't forget the Medici Family in Italy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
I really could give a damn about all that sh*t.

I will never try to get with my cousins...and i think its sick.

If that makes me "unenlightened", "shallow", "conservative"...then so f*cking BE it.

Yeah i gt a few cousins who are hot...purely on a factual basis..not because i wanna do them...dude thats f*cking sick.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
I just think it is...call me a victim of the status quo or whatever.

Other people can do whatever they want...but I prefer to hook up with girls who are outside my family bloodlines.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Originally posted by Demon
That shows what you know...

Many people are fixated on the fallacy that cousin couples pose an intolerable risk to their offspring. However it is likely that we are all descendants of cousin marriages. Before civil laws banning cousin marriages, it was preferable to marry a cousin in some communities as it is to this day in many countries. The notion “why marry a stranger" is just as prevalent in many countries as the cousin marriage taboo in America today.
There is a wide range of opinions on the subject of cousin marriages. This is fuelled by erroneous information, bigotry, and presumptions. Further we have civil laws and religious creeds based on obsolete information.

I'd phuck one of my first cousins the first chance I get. She's way hot...
Demon, I have a HB first cousin too, but DON'T TEMPT ME!!

BGMan :eek: :eek:


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score

I applaud you for a very well thought out post to support your side of the argument. However, you recieved your "statistics" from TWO biased sources (both were groups that promote the advancement of cousin relationships). The problem with this is that anyone can "manipulate" statistics to strengthen their side of the argument. Do you now see the problem with your argument? For example, it would be easy to surf the web and find a group that opposes cousin couples and their "facts" would only strenghten their side of the argument.

Incest is a taboo that is shunned by MOST cultures because it increases the chance that poor genes will be transmitted to the future generation. This is counter-productive to the EVOLUTION OF MAN and all of Darwin's theories. The main goal of all creatures in this world is to successfully mate and pass the best possible genes to the next generation so that their genes will survive the test of time. Again, incest is counter productive; thus, frowned upon by most cultures.

The cultures that do practice incest of any kind are always much more "primitive" in their way of life. Thus, they do not realize the implications of incest. These cultures are also isolated from the rest of the world and have no other choice.

BGMan said...
Same as with Muslim countries and India, where more than half of all marriages are between first or second cousins. It's a way of keeping the wealth in the family. You feel closer to your son-in-law if he's your nephew.
WRONG! Your "facts" are centuries outdated. Yes, this was very true when these cultures were primitive, but not today.

Starman said...
believe it or not , the chance of having something wrong with your child because of cousin/cousin mating is less than 1%
Hey buddy, this is only a slice of the pie! The point is that the recessive gene is passed onto the next generation. It may not become active immediately but throughout future generations the chances of developing a variety of health complications increases significantly.

There are two central concepts that need to be distinguished before this topic should go on any further - 1. Being attracted to your cousin 2. Incest - producing children from within your family.
We are all human and it is only normal to find a cousin attractive. More people than one would think feel this way, but because of social taboos will not admit it except maybe on their death bed. It is all fine and dandy to feel a sexual attraction to your cousin, but to go any further with those feelings is not in the best interest of your lineage.

Jason S. said...
Fvcking your sis is definitely disgusting ... but your cousin ? Why's that, huh ?
It is not "disgusting" to have sex with your sister or your cousin, the IMPLICATIONS of what can happen if you do so is disgusting. It is worse to have sex with your sister because the chances are higher that you will pass on poor genes that will become dominant. The chances of doing so with a cousin are still there and higher than a random couple, but lower than brother/sister because you have the either the uncle or aunt is not of your bloodline.

Quick said...
We all descended from a very few people. If cousins didn't marry, our population would have never increased. Chances are that some of your not too distant ancestors were cousins.
-Again, you are missing the rest of the "pie." Hypothetically, let us say that you are correct and that cousins did procreate to further enhance the size of the population. Those who by chance happened to mate two identical dominant counter-productive genes have been eliminated through evolution. Those cousins whom by chance did not have dominant counter producitve genes were able to successfully strenghten the population - but recessive genes remain hidden! That is why today some people are more prone that others to: asthma, heart disease, schitzophrenia, depression, other types of mental disorers, physical abnormalities, etc.

Demon said...
"They're your blood so stay away from them!"
-Demon, these people and their genes get "phased" out through the process of Evolution or they learn to get it right.

To those of you that are in favor of incest (not sexual attraction to one's cousin)...explain to me why you believe that incest is such a TABOO among the majority of cultures.

It's been a while, but I believe it was Einsteins 2nd Law that says: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."
Basically what this means is for every CAUSE there is an EFFECT.
We have identified the EFFECT as TABOO and I have identified the CAUSE as the INCEST. I want you to explain to me why incest is a taboo.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
Reaction score
Demon why are you so effected by this topic? Maybe your trying to justify some guilt? hahaha. Look i realise that i am a victim of society brain washing but still man, err.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
Every source is biased to a certain extent. Ignoring information just because it's presented in a biased atmosphere is ignorance in its prime. By the way, Darwin also married one of his first cousins. So did Einstein.

Guilt? No, I'm embarassed by the stupidity of others.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Did Darwin have any children from the marriage?

Also, during his time I strongly doubt that they were aware of the implications of incest. My reference to Darwin were for his theories which have stood the test of time. Einstein - again I was refereing to his theory, and not the man as an example.


Every source is biased to a certain extent. Ignoring information just because it's presented in a biased atmosphere is ignorance in its prime.
-CORRECT! And that is why it is your responsibility when defending your argument to NOT obtain all of your "facts" from sites that promote the advancement of cousin couples.

To the others on this board who have critcized Demon...

Please put more thought into your posts before you talk trash about Demon or critcize his point of view because your arguments are very weak (slander, hear-say, etc).


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2001
Reaction score
LOL:D , I can not believe that some of you guys are trying to justify incest! At first i thought this was a joke, but damnnnn... What is this world coming to?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
On a scale of 1-10, how fine is she?


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
Reaction score
How about using a condom? Then there is almost no chance of you two having a fvcked up baby(even though Demon said there is a small risk), and you can do whatever you want.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by BrWnSugaMan
Did Darwin have any children from the marriage?

Also, during his time I strongly doubt that they were aware of the implications of incest. My reference to Darwin were for his theories which have stood the test of time. Einstein - again I was refereing to his theory, and not the man as an example.
What does a man's actions say about a man's theories? Not much. Why? Their theories were used in different contexts. I'm sure both Darwin and Einstein weren't referring to first cousin relationships when they wrote their theories.

From what I've read on Darwin, he and his first cousin had ten children. Many of them became famous as well.
Four of his children were scientists in their own right: Sir George Howard Darwin (1845-1912), mathematician and astronomer, Sir Francis Darwin (1848-1925), botanist, Leonard Darwin (1850-1943), engineer and promoter of eugenics, and Sir Horace Darwin (1851-1925), scientific engineer and founder of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. His grandson was Charles Galton Darwin (1887-1962), mathematician and physicist.

While inbred children yield a higher mortality rate and an increased risk of serious developmental problems, it also looks as though the chances for genius also increase.

Einstein had two children, Ilsa and Margot, from his second cousin, Elsa.

Some resources...
First cousin Marriage -- an expert opinion
A Genetic Report Should Cause A Rethinking Of Incest Laws
Examples of historic couples and products of cousin couples
Einstein: Great Scientist, Curious Man

A commonly recommended book:
Forbidden Relatives: The American Myth of Cousin Marriage by Dr. Martin Ottenheimer


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2001
Reaction score
California, USA
lol, poor Demon... Getting flammed from every angle :p

Aside from all of the facts and blah blah blah, my greater problem would be dealing with her after i **** her. Seeing her at the family get together at dinner or whatever... And if the family suspected anything, lol. Heh, it would feel weird. Gonna stay away from this for now. Besides... there are so many another girls that i could **** and not have to worry about feeling weird about seeing her. :)