I'm seeing things a little different than the other DJ's on this matter.
We had this rule that if she wasn't interested just don't call me after we met. Well she did call me that same night and we talked casually...
This tells me that you passed the physical attraction part and the fake photo didn't do any harm.
Eventually I did tell her I'd like to see her again and she proposed last saturday.
This is the second most important sign that a girl is interested.
At the end of the night I walked her to her car and she said she had a good time and she gave me a big hug. Well I pulled out of the hug and kissed her on the lips... It was a real quick kiss, she seemed to kiss me quick and then pulled back, i came forward, but then pulled back cause I thought she did, and then she came forward.
And this is the first most important test to see if a girl is romantically interested in you.
I need you to tell me more about how this went down. Did you give her a chance to realize she was about to be kissed or did you take her by surprise?
If she wasn't expecting it, then that would explain why she backed away from your attempt. You also said when you pulled back she came forward. That tells me she wanted to be kissed.
Also, don't forget she's only 18 and hasn't had many boyfriends, so she probably isn't too experienced in this kind of thing.
Ok so this past week she called me and we talked...
She's still showing interest.
So like I said, her interest level definitely did drop. She doesn't send me as much messages anymore, and doesn't talk to me as long anymore because she calls her other guy friend (some guy that she says is into her but she only views as a friend)
Don't you see what she's doing? She's trying to make you jealous. She thinks you're losing interest and she's trying to show you that other guys find her desirable.
But she does want to hang out with me again... she has mentioned it a few times without me even mentioning anything....
She seems confused... sometimes she gives me the friend vibe... sometimes she gives me the more than friend vibe....
Both of you are confused!! You're both sending each other mixed signals.
What do I do? Act like a friend or try and kiss her again at the end of the date.
Don't wait until the end of the date to kiss her. Kiss her immediately. Show her you want to be more than just friends. From her ACTIONS that she's shown throughout this whole thread tells me that she wants to be kissed. Do a search in the tips section on KISSING and give that girl a kiss that will knock her off her feet. If she backs away from your attempt then I guess she just wants to be friends.
Once you get that over with, then just go out and be playful and have fun.
I know there's a little door open of hope here if I can play it right....
And your GUT INSTINCT is the third (and final) most important thing that I go by to determine a woman's interest level.
One more thing before I end this reply. STOP calling her out on her actions, because you're making yourself look insecure.
Good luck and let us know how your dinner date turns out.