Enough is enough, time for a change journal.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
mustfirstregister said:
Why so much hate and judgement? Remember you aren't perfect either.
These guys are fcuking things up for everyone. Just look at the attitude of women over here in North America. Its because guys act like this that has lead to this over entitled attitude of women here. Fat chicks feel like their deserve rich models because you have dudes online telling these fat chicks they are beautiful when they should be telling them to go on a treadmill instead.


Master Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
That's OK, its out of our control.
Why not try to be a better person and stop hating on these guys? I'm currently single like you and most guys here. I don't want to blame on anyone because I can't get a woman yet. All I can do is better myself and not to give up.
I believe negativity and hatred won't do you any good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Career and Finances

I've been procrastinating like crazy for the past week. I know I should be applying for jobs but for whatever fcuking reason I've turned into a lazy fcuk. I just found out like 2 days ago that the model who I met and went out with from Poland went to Shanghai which I can only assume was for a modeling gig. That should have motivated my a$$ even more to get my $hit together so that I can start applying for jobs in Shanghai.

I was finally able after constantly reminding myself for about 2 hrs straight to finish my fcuking teaching abroad resume to finally complete it. Now I need to finish up my cover letter, get my professional headshot taken and then send in my application.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Relationships

I've been spending way too much time on these dating/language exchange websites, but online game has improved tremendously. Here are some of the latest responses I've been getting from chicks from the past few days.

Chick 1: Hahahahaha I don't know who the hell you are,but i think i could like you!!!!!!

Chick 2: :D :D :D :D you are killing me, man

Chick 3: i will crying from laugh in a minute, i swear :D

Career and Finances

Didn't do jack for the weekend. My roommate also told me he is moving out at the end of September and I received notice from my school that I need to pay back the tutoring bursary they gave me and that its 60 days past due wtf. I never even received notice yet from the previous 2 months. I thought that $hit was due at the end of the summer. Anyways I really need to get my head out of a$$ and stop procrastinating and start applying for work. I finally got my headshot done today and plan on commuting up to my parents house tomorrow to scan my university degrees so that I can send that off to the recruitment agencies and schools.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Relationships

Went online today and found this in my inbox from the language exchange website.

"Good afternoon, my name is X. I think you're handsome I just had to message you in hopes of getting to know you much better if you don't mind, but if you don't reply back, I'll understand. hope to hear from you, thanks!"

It was some mixed black chick from the USA. I have no interest in black chicks so I'm not even going to bother with her. I also had some chick from mexico comment saying my profile is very interesting. It's too bad I'm stuck here in Toronto!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just got banned from the Roosh V forum. Reason: Habitual junk-thread starter.What a load of $hit. Apparently you cannot even ask a single question on the everything else forum section without being banned. I'm glad people from Canada want to get ban this jacka$$ out of my country. You know I think I'm going to go sign that petition too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Fitness and Health

Due to the holidays, my school's gym has closed the gym for 3 days, and now I'm feeling kind of guilty for not working out. I have decided in order to help me lose weight even faster that I will start spinning everyday for just 15-20 minutes. Nothing too strenuous as I find when I go overboard I tend to end up not being able to commit to it it long term. So I will just try to make it a habit of spinning everyday or most days for just 15-20 minutes in addition to my weight lifting regime which I have managed to do at least 3 x a week consistently although its probably more like 4-6 x a week.

I am still struggling with diet. It takes a extreme amount of disciple to stick to eating clean all the time. Every time I go to the grocery store to buy food, I'm always tempted to go grab a bag of chips or chocolate. The cravings is nearly unbearable.

Careers and Finances

I have been applying for a few jobs here at there. I have visited the employment center like 3x this past week. They have me registered for some career fair for Michaels. I'm just going go do it just so I have some money coming in and I don't end up procrastinating as much for the time being. Also I had applied to several places to teach over in China, but I have had several recruiters tell me that school's won't hire me because of my asian face. WTF? It's bad enough trying to date as an ethnic minority over here in North America but now I'm getting discriminated by my own people. I'm just going to have to continue plowing through.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Fitness and Health

I've been hitting the gym like 5-6 days a week lifting weights and I just added in spinning almost everyday for about 2 weeks now. I'm not seeing much change in my weight unfortunately despite me cutting out all fast food and most junk food. WTF man!

Career and Finances

I've been struggling to get a real job for weeks now. I had a job interview with a government agency but I blew the interview and felt like **** for 2 days. I also got overlooked for a retail job by people who had way less qualifications then me. The only job I've managed to secure so far has been an online English teaching gig. The job is not bad to be honest, but I only have 1 regular student at the moment, and several potential regular students so I'm not making a lot of money. It seems as the days go by I become more and more demotivated to job hunt. I also started an online blog to blog about my adventures teaching students from around the world online


I'm hoping I can attract a large and steady audience over the months and then transition into a paid hosting company like bluehosting and then start making some money through affiliate marketing or something.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Career and Finances

Lately I have just been depressed as ****. I haven't heard back from any recruiters for any of the positions I applied for, I couldn't get any jobs here in Toronto, and I also tried my hand on Fiverr but quickly found out that was a ****ing waste of time as they take like 50% the 5 dollars you earn for the job ($1 deduction immediately from the job and another $1.5 to withdraw) plus the amount of time you spend working for the $5 isn't worth it at all.

I'm pretty much ****ed right now! I dream of some day being able to travel around the world and work with just my laptop and meet and date beautiful women and even having my own company but I don't know how to make this dream become a reality. As each day passes, I just feel like I'm sinking deeper and deeper into this hole. What am I gonna do?


Don Juan
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Didn't you do well at that one product demonstration or sales job? Was it with Microsoft?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I meant to create this posr earlier yesterday but I was feeling extremely depressed and also had to work in the evening so I had no time, but what really sparked me and got me really pissed off was me calling a helpline to speak to a counsellor about my depression. I had called this helpline numerous times in the past, and just a few days ago had spoken with someone, but today the lady at the other end was giving me attitude right off the bat. She was like "well what do you want us to do about your situation?" then goes on and tells me because I'm not a post-secondary student (I just dropped out (more like kicked out) officially 3 weeks ago) she can't help me but offered to talk to me for a few minutes and then send me off somewhere else. She made it seem like she was doing me a favour when it's her ****ing job. I told her to just forget about it and hung up. That **** really hit the nail. I was already feeling pretty depressed today and It showed in my lack of motivation to work at my job today. After that encounter with that ***** on the helpline I immediately took out my webcam and recorded my first video diary talking about my circumstances. While re-watching it, I had to restraint myself from not letting tears pour out of my eyes.

Anyways from today onwards, I've decided to make some major changes to my life so that I never ever feel like this again. I feel like a piece of **** right now, a total ****ing loser and disgrace of a human being. I never want to depend on anyone else again so that they can't treat me like this. I'm living in poverty right now with only a few hundred bucks in my bank account and I'm not sure where I'm going to end up living at the end of September. I have a big chunk of student loans due in 6 months from now and I'm about to turn 30 in 3 days. I'm going to do whatever it takes from this point on, even if it means applying to work at some dead end job like Mcdonalds or Bento Sushi just so that I can have a little money in the meantime while I work on developing the skills and experience to become a freelancer with the long term goal of having my own businesses that allow me to be location independent and provides me with financial freedom and independence as well. Each day I'm going to list what actions I took that will bring me closer to my goals. I've been procrastinating and letting my ego and pride control my ability to get out of my financial hole that I'm currently in. I'm going to have to lose my pride and just eat a slice of humble pie and apply to any job that I can get no matter how humiliating and degrading it is.

I want to come back from this and show all of those mother****ers who looked down on me, and counted me out with all of their negative criticism and bull**** and prove all of them wrong. I'm going to show each and every last one of these people who never believed in me and told me that I was going to become a failure how wrong they were. Mark my words I will be the last one laughing when this is over!

Short Term Goals: Timeline 1 month
1. Get a part-time job that gives me between 16-24 hours of work so that I can afford to pay rent and
living expenses
2. Get my first freelance job from Upworks no matter how small the amount
3. Create my basic copywriting website so that I can start marketing my services
4. Learn about how to copywrite and become better at it so that I can start getting copywriting jobs

Semi-Long Term Goals: 6 months to 2 years
1. Build up a steady clientele on upworks to provide either a full-time salary or close to it (3-5k/month)
2. Get the hell out of Toronto and move to another country that has a much lower cost of living and is
warmer too
3. Work on products that will generate passive income for me in the future
4. Get at least 100 visitors and readers on my blogs monthly
5. Pay off all of my student loans (50K) and be debt free forever
6. Travel to Budapest, China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Poland
7. Meetup and go out with some of the girls I have been talking to online through language exchanges

Long Term Goals: 2+ year
1. Become a millionaire and obtain financial independence and freedom
2. Achieve location independence
3. Have multiple streams of passive income allowing me to essentially retire at a younger age (hopefully before I'm 40)
4. Have at least 100000 readers a month on my blogs
5. Travel around the world and not be restricted by finances ever again!
6. Date beautiful women and have multiple girlfriends from around the world

Day 1:

Daily Goals :
1. Finish up one blog entry in my personal teaching blog (completed)
2. Add in more information and revamp my profile on upworks
2. Go write 3 detailed proposals and apply for at least 3 freelance jobs in upworks
3. go apply for 1 job in Toronto
4. Apply for that ****ty sushi prep job at Bento Sushi in Toronto (completed)
5. Finish reading at least 2 threads from thefastlaneforum detailing how to make money freelancing
6. Read 1 blog post from location180 (completed)
7. Read 5 pages from copywriting101 from copyblogger (completed)
8. Workout at the gym Completed
9. Eat healthy so that I can get the body that I want to have (completed)
10. Start going to bed no later then 12am
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Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Intuition said:
Didn't you do well at that one product demonstration or sales job? Was it with Microsoft?
Ya I had to hustle my ass off to meet the weekly promotional goals. That job was only temporary though for like 2 months. I offered to stay on longer but they said they didn't need anyone plus I can't apply for that job anymore since I'm no longer a student at school.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 2: for tomorrow

Daily Goals :
1. Finish up one blog entry in my personal teaching blog (completed)
2. Go write 3 detailed proposals and apply for at least 3 freelance jobs in upworks
3. go apply for 1 job in Toronto (found out job was unpaid, screw that)
4. Finish reading at least 2 threads from thefastlaneforum detailing how to make money freelancing
5. Call the caseworker from employment services (completed)
6. Read 1 blog post from location180 (completed)
7. Read 5 pages from copywriting101 from copyblogger
8. do 30 mins of spinning on the bike
9. Eat healthy so that I can get the body that I want to have
10. Start going to bed no later then 12am
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Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 3: for tomorrow

1. Go apply for a job in upworks
2. Research and look for contact info for universities in Shanghai
3. Finish reading 1 thread from thefastlaneforum
4. read 5-10 pages from copywriting101 from copyblogger
5. Put up article/blog writing gig on fiverr
6. Read 1 blog post from location180 (completed)

I'm not including exercise and eating healthy anymore because I pretty much try to do this everyday.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
Keep at this bro. Remember it's not the outcome that counts (success or failure), it's taking action that counts. If you fail, then you must adjust, and take action again. This is what being a man is about. Eventually you will meet with success. Don't worry about women, worry about taking action towards your goals and the women will come naturally.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
switch7 said:
Keep at this bro. Remember it's not the outcome that counts (success or failure), it's taking action that counts. If you fail, then you must adjust, and take action again. This is what being a man is about. Eventually you will meet with success. Don't worry about women, worry about taking action towards your goals and the women will come naturally.
Thanks for the support. For the time being I'm putting women on hold. I need to get my finances in check first. I believe this will be the final piece of the puzzle to help make develop that inner confidence that will help my dating life tremendously once its accomplished. If my freelancing idea ends up working, I will be able to travel around the world meeting women from different facets of life like my trip to Europe and I won't be chained to the horrendous attitude of women here at home.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Frig. My whole schedule got derailed today due to a doctor's appointment. I'm going to have to get back on track tomorrow:

1. Compile list of school's to apply to in China and apply to all of them (completed)
2. Read 1 blog post from location180 (completed)
3. do the exercise for copywriting from thefastlaneforum
4. read 5-10 pages from copywriting101 from copyblogger (completed)
5. apply for jobs at upworks
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Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I got sidetracked this weekend due to a doctor's appointment and family obligations. Also looking for and applying to school's in China took a lot longer then I anticipated but I managed to complete that so now I have more time to focus on specific things.

Day 4:
Daily goals:
1. Apply for 1 part-time job in the city (completed, did 3 actually)
2. Read 5-10 pages from copywriting101 from copyblogger (completed)
3. Start applying for jobs on upworks
4. Put up a article/blog writing gig on fiverr (completed)
5. Finish reading one of the threads on the fasthlaneforum (completed)
6. Read 1 blog post from location180 (completed)
7. Write 1 blog post on my blog
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Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 5
Daily Goals:
1. Write 1 blog post on my blog (completed)
2. Finish reading copywriting thread on the fastlaneforum
3. Read 5-10 pages from copywriting101 from copyblogger (completed)
4. Read 1 blog post from location180 (completed)
5. Start applying for work on upworks (completed)

Chickened out of a Fiverr writing gig. The dude requested that I write an article promoting SEO services for his website. It sounded like a copyrighting gig which I have no experience writing about. I offered to write it for him for free in exchange for him allowing me to include the work in my portfolio. Never heard from him again.

I also applied to my first gig on upworks. It was for a transcription job. I noticed there was 6 other people who applied. I didn't hear back from the person though. In addition, I found out 2-3 online transcription companies that pays more then my online tutoring job. If I can get regular work on these transcription sites, I won't need to waste anymore time looking for part-time work, which will allow me to work on my skillsets and save up money to move to another country.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I contacted a few ads on kijiji looking for bloggers to write for them. Its an unpaid position but I'm hoping I can use the blog posts to build up my portfolio and also to get some experience blogging/writing. I think it will be mutually beneficial for both of us. We'll see what happens.

Day 6
Daily Goals:

1. Read 1 blog post from location180 (completed)
2. Finish reading copywriting thread on the fastlaneforum
3. Read 5-10 pages from copywriting101 from copyblogger (completed)
4. Apply for work on upworks
5. Try to complete one transcription job from castingwords to get some transcription work experience
6. Appointment with career counsellor (I think its a waste of time now)
7. Paid test subject for research study (completed)
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