Everything you've written signals that this relationship should be put to rest. From her disclosure that when push comes to shove, she'll cheat rather than be upfront and end things honestly to her now mentioning her interest in another man. A guy who she told you cheats himself. A man apparently of very high principles is whom she's interested in. What a gal!
It doesn't matter if the last guy was an alkie or not. The bottom line is instead of walking, she chose to cheat. Makes you wonder if he was a drunk, why didn't she just end it with him but instead preferred to stick around? More about that in a sec.
So you've neglected her - in effect, you've created an environment where she felt neglected, and now that push has to come shove does she end her relationship with you - or does she fall back on what's easier for her to do, which we know is to cheat, past behavior being the best indicative of likely future behavior and all.
You neglected her because you were sharing yourself with several others, so you couldn't be there fully present for her. Oh well. When women feel neglected, they go. If you're gonna share your time or not, you have to make the time you spend with them count by making them intensely feel as if they're the only woman on earth.
So she's starting a new job and doesn't have sufficient funds to even buy some clothes and is looking to move in with you. So, could her moving in be for the same reason perhaps as the reason she stuck in there with the alcoholic? Because he provided a place to live?
Don't let her move in. You asking for trouble.
And delete her number.