Elstud's plan to get laid.

Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
[S]alvatore said:
Guys, he's set a goal for himself. Don't go patronizing him, leave him be so he can progress.
I agree. No need to give him such a hard time, and those who are being frustrated by him and his posts need to get over it.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Mysterious_Learner said:
I agree. No need to give him such a hard time, and those who are being frustrated by him and his posts need to get over it.
It's not about anyone giving him a hard time. A lot of posters are frustrated with him because we've given him tons of advice only to have him ignore us, make fun of us and then come to his own irrational conclusion, which he deems the most right because he's the only one on this site who talks to women he doesn't know -or so he claims. Though, his solution ultimately doesn't matter because he usually will make another thread within three days, setting his sights to some other unrealistic and unattainable goal.

90 percent of the people who give him crap are people who have tried to help him. I really hate when people randomly drop into ElStud threads and try to play devil's advocate. Look at his thread history if you want to see why people respond to him the way they do.

At least his newest goal is a little bit more realistic. Here's to hoping that he actually follows through on it.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud really isn't my favorite poster on this board, I've argued with him before but kind of realized that it was pointless. Now with the 10 post limit rule being taken into place it's even more of a waste; I ask why don't people realize this? He hasn't change back then, he isn't going to change any time soon.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
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then all of a sudden she's like "Don't touch me" blah blah. Some chicks are just crazy
oh my god, chicks are just crazy! not. lol omg ElStud maybe you should read that quote I just made of you there. Read it, realise something.....

....being a DJ dosn't mean turning yourself into a creep


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Single_Sucks said:
oh my god, chicks are just crazy! not. lol omg ElStud maybe you should read that quote I just made of you there. Read it, realise something.....

....being a DJ dosn't mean turning yourself into a creep
Yes. Because almost EVERY other set would let me atleast put my hands on their arms without rejecting it. This is why I don't analyze EVERY set because sometimes you'll just run into girls who do weird sh*t. I had a girl open me and then SHE gave me the number without me asking and it was fake. Like I said some girls just do weird sh*t and there's no point in analyzing it.

Hair stylist

Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Yes. Because almost EVERY other set would let me atleast put my hands on their arms without rejecting it. This is why I don't analyze EVERY set because sometimes you'll just run into girls who do weird sh*t. I had a girl open me and then SHE gave me the number without me asking and it was fake. Like I said some girls just do weird sh*t and there's no point in analyzing it.

You need your ass whipped. badly.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
idk what to say man

good luck i guess

if u cant even get her to kiss u its because u arent sexual enough urself.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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Sometimes a guy's just gotta let it out on his plastic guitar.

We have needs you know.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Basically... Everywhere
I have an inkling feeling that this thread will be locked soon.

I really, really, really want ElStud to get laid now because im so sick of him whining. So lets try to encourage him and give him constructive advice (if he is willing to take it...).

Lets not make this the 78532 Elstud thread to get locked in 3 days.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
True!! even gay men end up Fing they women they hang out with,.....
Will you quit with that stupid ass rhetoric? I know it's your schtick or whatever, but what relevance did that have to this thread? Furthermore, where is your proof of all these gay men who are shacking up with their girl friends? I know some gay dudes and I know plenty of girls who hang out with them. As far as I can tell, none of them are fvcking each other. They might be using each other as emotional crutches, but they're definitely not fooling around.

You can write things in bold all you want, but that won't make them true.

This isn't a good suggestion for an ElStud thread, but why don't you give guys on here advice instead of hammering home your same tired viewpoints at every opportunity you get? That is, if you really do have a handful of girls waiting to fvck you at your request, like you've said you do.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well guys, as of now I've simply stopped caring. Let's just put it this way, approaching is easy as hell, but boring as hell too and I'm seriously just thinking quitting cold approaching. It's just BORING to me.now. And yeah, as any guy does, I want sex but I like I said getting into a girls pants seriously is losing it's meaning to me.

So yeah, I don't know. Right now, I'm gonna trying to focus on finding something bigger in life than women. If I stop the approaching crap, I'll eventually get laid. But honestly, it's starting to be less of a big deal to me. In the end, I've almost just said f*ck it with the whole seduction thing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
ElStud, I think you should try focusing on having fun AND meeting women. You seem to have an interest in Video games, why not hit up some cosplay or video game conventions to meet some women. I think you'd do really well in that situation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
ElStud don't give up. You finally figured out what you've been doing wrong. You've gotten so good at approaching it's become boring to you. Forget about trying to go for a kiss close then and there. As somebody else mentioned it only works in certain envrionments.

You already know that you need to call these girls and start making dates. I know your scared even though you haven't mentioned it but you must go on with it.

I want to see you succeed.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Good for you Elstud, this has been what people have been telling you to do for a long time. It may take time and flakes but i'm sure you will find a girl who's willing to put out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
ElStud don't give up. You finally figured out what you've been doing wrong. You've gotten so good at approaching it's become boring to you. Forget about trying to go for a kiss close then and there. As somebody else mentioned it only works in certain envrionments.

You already know that you need to call these girls and start making dates. I know your scared even though you haven't mentioned it but you must go on with it.

I want to see you succeed.
I guess so, but I'm just not motivated anymore. If a girl rejects me it doesn't even affect me I'm like "Okay" and just leave. And I've really stopped going for numbers. But what's also true is the flake number in college, is huge. And honestly, I just don't feel like just going out approaching girls just to get their numbers.

Honestly though, what's the big deal with getting laid? Infact, why are women such a big deal to us? I really can't imagine why, other than sex. But sex in itself can't honestly be THAT great. And it's not so much that approaching and talking to girls is just hard, but it's just the things girls will do that make me not even want to deal with it. And like I said earlier, it's boring as hell.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
ElStud said:
Honestly though, what's the big deal with getting laid? Infact, why are women such a big deal to us?.
So are you gay now? Or just celibate?
Women are important to us because they are FUN, SEXY, Great for fµcking and awesome to spend the rest of your life with.

Ok, seriously. I was hoping for ElStud to improve and maybe get laid. This is just plain retarded. i truly hope you just get banned. Right now. You have made no improvement. YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO BE WITH A WOMAN. Get the fµck of these forums, you have nothing to do here, the only thing you inspire is hating, flaming and annoyance. You have gone to far, for the love of god, BAN ELSTUD.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
In Motion said:
So are you gay now? Or just celibate?
Women are important to us because they are FUN, SEXY, Great for fµcking and awesome to spend the rest of your life with.

Ok, seriously. I was hoping for ElStud to improve and maybe get laid. This is just plain retarded. i truly hope you just get banned. Right now. You have made no improvement. YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO BE WITH A WOMAN. Get the fµck of these forums, you have nothing to do here, the only thing you inspire is hating, flaming and annoyance. You have gone to far, for the love of god, BAN ELSTUD.
Oh yeah, cause anyone who aint desperate to get laid is gay right? Haha. I never said I don't want to be with a women. However... I'm in no rush to do so. And if I ever did want a girl though, I'd just approach. I mean around my college, finding a girl who's like an HB8 or higher is hard. Most girls are in the HB5-7 range. And yeah, there are girls above HB8's at my college, but they're hard to come by. We've just got a lot average looking girls or simply "cute" girls.

Point is, I don't want to get laid just for the f*cking sake of getting laid. I need a bigger reason than that.