Elstud's plan to get laid.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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ElStud said:
I guess so, but I'm just not motivated anymore. If a girl rejects me it doesn't even affect me I'm like "Okay" and just leave. And I've really stopped going for numbers. But what's also true is the flake number in college, is huge. And honestly, I just don't feel like just going out approaching girls just to get their numbers.

Honestly though, what's the big deal with getting laid? Infact, why are women such a big deal to us? I really can't imagine why, other than sex. But sex in itself can't honestly be THAT great. And it's not so much that approaching and talking to girls is just hard, but it's just the things girls will do that make me not even want to deal with it. And like I said earlier, it's boring as hell.
THe question is why are they flaking on you?

Seriously, if a girl shows interest she's not going to flake that easily. You've got to be fun, cool to hang around with, and confident in your every action.

Something i think that might improve your flake ratio is if you start making new friends you chill with, be popular, always be busy with other fun stuff. Just don't slack off in your studies.

Unless you're going for a PHD in quantum neutrino fields, you probably have a night or two free to go out, Don't just go out and sarge, get some friends out to play some pool, go bowling, paintball rocks!

If you happen to see an attractive girl you feel like approaching, you know you can, but it's not the main reason you're there.

in retrospect, my advice is thus

1: Any numbers that you get call, like gretzky said, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
2: Get out of the house for more reasons than just women. Be active, join a team, take up boxing, whatever.
May 23, 2006
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You are building a virtual life on here with these threads. I know because I have done the same too. But you don't know any members here and everything is anonymous. I think sometimes we use boards like this as a crutch for not having a real life offline.

You have to find yourself out there and stop looking for approval from other members on this site. Just believe in yourself and whatever you decide to do isn't contingent on what anyone here are saying. If you plan to get laid, or don't plan to get laid, whatever, nobody cares.

What is important is that you develop some identity offline and make a life for yourself rather than this cop-out excuse of a life here at sosuave.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
MikeYikes122 said:
Will you quit with that stupid ass rhetoric?.
It is sad that your fear and cowardice causes you to refer to the truth as "stupid ass rhetoric".... Just cause certain aspects of devient human behavior make you uncomfortable does not mean you should ignore them and pretend that they dont exist...

Heterosexual womens sexual attraction to gay men is a very taboo subject so dont expect your friends to just fill you in on the gory details, especially if they know you are the type of wuss that would have an estrogen induced nervous breakdown at the first sound of an extremely abnormal subject matter...

NOTE: Do you really THINK CLAY AKENS WIFE DIDNOT KNOW HE WAS GAY? She had his kid and then a few months later he decides he need to official come out...LOL THere are many many more cases too...


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
United States
DonGorgon said:

NOTE: Do you really THINK CLAY AKENS WIFE DIDNOT KNOW HE WAS GAY? She had his kid and then a few months later he decides he need to official come out...LOL THere are many many more cases too...

clay aken is not married. that woman who had "his" kid was his friend. They DID NOT have sex to get her pregnant. she was a surrogate mother. you need to get your facts straight before you try to make a point.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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DonGorgon said:
It is sad that your fear and cowardice causes you to refer to the truth as "stupid ass rhetoric".... Just cause certain aspects of devient human behavior make you uncomfortable does not mean you should ignore them and pretend that they dont exist...
I think it was freud who said that "the only abnormal sex life is none" as well as "Sex is life"

Not to say freud is devine. I certainly don't fancy my mother.

it's true though. hell even Family guy made fun of the subject, When they copied the little rascals and peter and quagmire become stinking millionairs because they completely ignore women, they still have sex with microwaved buttered bagels *Shudders*.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
sprint said:
clay aken is not married. that woman who had "his" kid was his friend. They DID NOT have sex to get her pregnant. she was a surrogate mother. you need to get your facts straight before you try to make a point.
Yeh that makes it all makes sense now she wanted to have a gay mans baby...

You are the reason why women have all the power now...LOL


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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DonGorgon said:
It is sad that your fear and cowardice causes you to refer to the truth as "stupid ass rhetoric".... Just cause certain aspects of devient human behavior make you uncomfortable does not mean you should ignore them and pretend that they dont exist...

Heterosexual womens sexual attraction to gay men is a very taboo subject so dont expect your friends to just fill you in on the gory details, especially if they know you are the type of wuss that would have an estrogen induced nervous breakdown at the first sound of an extremely abnormal subject matter...

NOTE: Do you really THINK CLAY AKENS WIFE DIDNOT KNOW HE WAS GAY? She had his kid and then a few months later he decides he need to official come out...LOL THere are many many more cases too...
Ok, so say - for discussion's sake at least - that women are really on occasion shacking up with their gay male friends. What is the big issue? Aren't there bigger machines to rage against? Your whole schtick seems pretty inconsequential.

The only concrete proof of this phenomenon that you've presented so far is the fact that Clay Aiken had sex with a surrogate mother so that he could father a child. That is the only example I've ever seen you provide, and calling it an example is really stretching it. Based upon the obscurity of your "proof" I'd have to assume that the number of women who are having sex with gay men is pretty small. So how is this affecting you, me or any other average male? It's clearly not the wide-spreading trend that you try to make it out to be, so it's not any sort of indication that the average woman is starting to target gay men or metrosexual males. There's no degradation of manliness involved.

This is where I think you've got the "girl's gay friend" phenomenon pegged all wrong. I think you see a girl palling around with a gay man and think that she is trying to sleep with him, maybe that she wants what she can't have. Maybe so. But what I think you'll find is that these kinds of girls befriend gay men because they have serious trust issues with guys. Maybe they've been really hurt by a boyfriend or a dad in the past, or in some cases been physically abused, and enjoy the company of a gay guy because they're guys, but they're harmless and not threatening. Or, on a much simpler level, they just like going to dance clubs with a guy who actually knows how to dance.

Gay men are also in kind of a tough spot when it comes to building friendships because they can't relate to or befriend most straight guys. I've only ever met one gay guy who I felt completely comfortable around. Not because I'm intolerant, but because I just can't relate to them. I can't talk to them about sports, hot girls or hi-def televisions. So where do gay guys turn for friendships? To these girls who are emotionally screwed up.

Regardless, I don't think me or any other guy would ever want anything to do with these kinds of girls. Generally, they have trust issues and are extremely needy. Bottom line, they are not high-quality. If you dated one or ever spent time with one, you'd find that out very quickly.

But all this is moot because my biggest issue with you isn't your viewpoints. It's that you're a broken record. You're like that Obsidian guy who used to post here. You only regurgitate the same tired lines over and over. Seldom do you give advice to guys, which leads me to believe something else about you, but we won't get into that because this will turn into a flame war.

I don't have a problem with posters who have extreme viewpoints. Last Man Standing was kind of a basket case, but I never took issue with him because he gave guys advice and provided some guidance. KontrollerX might have kind of a pessimistic view of everything, but at least he helps guys on this forum out a whole lot. The same could be said for STR8UP or some of the other guys who post on the Mature Man forum. I might have a difference of opinion with them, but I can still appreciate their contributions.

You, on the other hand, interrupted an ElStud thread to throw in a quick line about gay men sleeping with women. Where does that come from and why is it necessary? I just don't understand. In fact, I don't understand you at all. Six months ago you were asking for basic dating advice, and now you're raging against capitalism and gay men who sleep with straight women?

Something just doesn't add up. :confused:


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
United States
DonGorgon said:
Yeh that makes it all makes sense now she wanted to have a gay mans baby...

You are the reason why women have all the power now...LOL
hey some women are messed up. I'm sure some do have sex with gay guys. I wouldn't put it past them that's for sure. I just wanted to let you know that if you do make a point and try to use an example just make sure that it's true. other than that it doesn't matter to me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
MikeYikes122 said:
Ok, so say - for discussion's sake at least - that women are really on occasion shacking up with their gay male friends. What is the big issue? Aren't there bigger machines to rage against? Your whole schtick seems pretty inconsequential.

LOL.. ^^^See that is the most powerful thing about capitalism... it makes people have this completely indifferent attitude to socially deviant behaviours... And this is why people cant keep relationships together anymore.. its like anything goes these days..

YOU CAN FEEL FREE TO IGNOR MY INFORMATION... just as i ignore some things