Bump. This is a good thread.
Pook and Deep Dish, I read what you've written and I can almost see what you're trying to say. It feels like it's hidden in mist at the moment, so I catch small glimpses, then lose it again.
I want to break down what you've said as I've understood it:
- Do guy things: climb mountains etc.
- Create a man's body, not too thin, not too fat, dressed in your own style
- Deal with any emotional baggage you have in order to have a more satisfying experience of life. Desperation will naturally fall away and you will also be going down the 'more human' path.
- Allow your masculine sexuality to have it's natural place in yourself (also part of becoming more human). When you do this you will no longer be seen as androgynous.
I think that last one for me is the hazy part. That's why this discussion has inevitably turned towards the difference between a perv and a sexual man. It's more than just overt sexual behaviour though - I think it's that doing the things you want to do is sexual in itself.
So, becoming someone who will fulfil his own desires and satisfy himself in life, whether it be looking lustfully into some girl's eyes, or hiring a Harley and learning to ride it standing up, will naturally be seen as a sexual and attractive man because he's being all of who he can be AS A MAN. He's living his life his own way.
And yet, at the beginning Pook you said that you no longer kino because the extra muscles you've got automatically give you that sexual appearance, whereas nice guys can use kino to change a girl's perception fo them from 'brother' to 'sexual'. That confuses me because it then disregards most of what I've written above, and makes the 'how to look more sexual' secret seem much more simple and appearance-based. Was your new bulky body all it took for you to be seen as more sexual, or was it just the outside evidence of some internal changes that were happening for you at the time? ie, you were becoming more accepting of your own sexuality, and this prompted you to then work towards a more masculine body, and it was the combination of these traits that created the new, sexual Pook.
These questions are pretty much rhetorical - like I said, I'm hazy, and just chewing it over here. Because I've got the bod - could lose a few pounds, but I'm working on that. I've been described as looking powerful, macho, strong, etc. I do the guy things, always have done. I'm not desperate, as far as I can tell. It's the sexual part that I'm stuck on, and it seem that that's common for all Nice Guys.
I think I see part of how to be seen as more sexual in Deep Dish's observation that 'lust turns on lust'. When I think of that, the first think I think of is "Is it ok to be lustful at work??", so I guess I don't think it is. That fine line between lustiness and perving, what's acceptable, what isn't. The more the girls see you as sexual and attractive, the more your lust will be acceptable.. not just at work, but everywhere. Which sounds like a frustrating vicious circle if you're not seen as sexual in the first place, but I think it's all tied in together somehow.
Oh well, food for thought. Interesting discussion.
Pook and Deep Dish, I read what you've written and I can almost see what you're trying to say. It feels like it's hidden in mist at the moment, so I catch small glimpses, then lose it again.
I want to break down what you've said as I've understood it:
- Do guy things: climb mountains etc.
- Create a man's body, not too thin, not too fat, dressed in your own style
- Deal with any emotional baggage you have in order to have a more satisfying experience of life. Desperation will naturally fall away and you will also be going down the 'more human' path.
- Allow your masculine sexuality to have it's natural place in yourself (also part of becoming more human). When you do this you will no longer be seen as androgynous.
I think that last one for me is the hazy part. That's why this discussion has inevitably turned towards the difference between a perv and a sexual man. It's more than just overt sexual behaviour though - I think it's that doing the things you want to do is sexual in itself.
So, becoming someone who will fulfil his own desires and satisfy himself in life, whether it be looking lustfully into some girl's eyes, or hiring a Harley and learning to ride it standing up, will naturally be seen as a sexual and attractive man because he's being all of who he can be AS A MAN. He's living his life his own way.
And yet, at the beginning Pook you said that you no longer kino because the extra muscles you've got automatically give you that sexual appearance, whereas nice guys can use kino to change a girl's perception fo them from 'brother' to 'sexual'. That confuses me because it then disregards most of what I've written above, and makes the 'how to look more sexual' secret seem much more simple and appearance-based. Was your new bulky body all it took for you to be seen as more sexual, or was it just the outside evidence of some internal changes that were happening for you at the time? ie, you were becoming more accepting of your own sexuality, and this prompted you to then work towards a more masculine body, and it was the combination of these traits that created the new, sexual Pook.
These questions are pretty much rhetorical - like I said, I'm hazy, and just chewing it over here. Because I've got the bod - could lose a few pounds, but I'm working on that. I've been described as looking powerful, macho, strong, etc. I do the guy things, always have done. I'm not desperate, as far as I can tell. It's the sexual part that I'm stuck on, and it seem that that's common for all Nice Guys.
I think I see part of how to be seen as more sexual in Deep Dish's observation that 'lust turns on lust'. When I think of that, the first think I think of is "Is it ok to be lustful at work??", so I guess I don't think it is. That fine line between lustiness and perving, what's acceptable, what isn't. The more the girls see you as sexual and attractive, the more your lust will be acceptable.. not just at work, but everywhere. Which sounds like a frustrating vicious circle if you're not seen as sexual in the first place, but I think it's all tied in together somehow.
Oh well, food for thought. Interesting discussion.