what alot of people fail to understand is women are very objective about smv.
if a guy is 37 with a 6 pack, large social circle, cool personality/flair, and good looking features (eyes, hair, teeth)...girls will always choose him than the 27 year old with a worse body, less interesting personality and small social circle. its every man vs every man, things like age race etc do not affect a womans limbic system or horniness. the person infront of them either makes them wet or dry, its an instant reaction not a cognitive decision. when girls are around you they either play with the hair and stroke their necks or look away in repulsion - this happens before they can figure out your age
calvin harris is 38 and has plenty 20 year old girls in his dm's, more so than any 25 year old male tiktok influencer
furthermore; attractive behaviour will either sustain her feelings of attraction or decrease them. if the 37 year old gets defensive about his age then she will dry up. if the 37 year old dominates socially by opening up a bar or throwing a party, her attraction increases.
its really that simple. work on your objective smv and act attractively (see mysterys attraction triggers).
if you are struggling with abundance of choice; your objective smv is either too low or you socially telegraph weird vibes
the whole 'act alpha/run game' thing is way overblown.
beyond aloof masculine body posture, speaking slowly/rhythmically, being willing to walk away and speaking/texting in a non needy way, there is nothing else you can learn and nothing else to game.
increase your smv by increasing your looks (skin care, gym body, hairstyle, designer clothes, teeth etc) , getting a good well paying job and some cool hobbies that give you a cool social network