Cold Approaching is my thang.
Just got a fresh batch of 250 business cards that have my name, #, and email.
I'm handing them out to all attractive women.
Now, sometimes, you will hand your card to a woman and never hear from her.
But, there's nothing like handling out a business card, and a day or two later you get a
"Hi, my name is Karla. You gave me your card yesterday. How are you?"
Every man deserves to have that feeling.
Anyways, a few points related to the video, and also to some of thing things you
yahoos have been saying here...
Be Honest: Most of you guys are using this video as confirmation bias.
You're already too much of a pu$$y to cold approach women, and this video just
confirmed your sentiments.
Just putting that out there.
His Results: Are not
your results.
Just because he had a bad game, doesn't mean that you will. You have to get out there and gather your own results/data.
Reminds me of once when I told my boss at work an idea I had on starting my own business...and his response..
"Most businesses
fail within the first year" (or however long he said).
My response..
"What the fuk that got to do with me and mines?"
But, what if you have a bad game(s)...
The Game Continues: Cold approaching is a game. It is a game of chance and averages, and numbers. You will have good times, and you will have times that are less than
But so what?
I've had times where I was 6/20 with successes. But I've also had times where I was 13/25. Hell, right now, I am 1/9.
Either way, you will have highs/lows.
You just have to keep playing the game.
Reminds me of work acquaintance I had..dude was a truck driver and delivered shiit to my store.
A bright young man, he is educated on trading stocks.
He showed me the app on all of his transactions and earnings...some of which was an alarming -$17,000.
Dude lost $17,000 in a very short time!!
I was tripping out on it, but he said..
"I know its a lot, but remember, that is money that I'd previously made in my investments. So, if I lost it; I
had it, to lose it".
That did not stop or deter him, and he is still active playing the game and rolling the dice.
As long as you are in the fight, you are in a position to win or lose.
You will lose, but you will win too.
His Looks: I see some people here ragging on the dudes looks.
, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Even guys (PUAs) that you'd think women find
attractive gets rejected.
MrLocario once stated that (long story short), he went to a sex party and approached an attractive woman to get busy with.
The woman rejected him, at a sex party!!
So he went on his way to find other women.
After a while as he was checking out what was going on in some of the sex rooms, he saw that
same woman getting her walls knocked down by a fat, bearded, Santa Claus looking dude!!
The moral of the story is; she apparently liked what she saw in the dude, although our assumptions would have us thinking otherwise.
I said that to say; looks are subjective.
HOWEVER: If you find yourself getting rejected, constantly, on a high degree, it may be time to change some stuff in your game, looks, wardrobe, etc.
Cold approach is the single best way to get women: Yes, better than OLD, social circles, and choosing signals. I will argue that point to death.
Men are supposed to be hunters: We are hunters, by nature. As Miles Cunningham once stated; the only reason any of us men even exist, is because the sperm went AFTER the egg.
The sperm that was
you, didn't wait around for any IOIs from the egg.
No, it went AFTER it.
So it is ironic that the matured sperm (you) is being more of a puccy than that of which you came from.
I said all that to say, if you ain't cold approaching, you are a beta male pu$$y.