

Feb 12, 2009
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Why does it seem that everyone here is against them? Any reason? Or do they REALLY **** your game up? I've seen people here talk about how bad ecstasy and weed is for you, then in the same post they talk about how using alcohol is alright... you know, alcohol, the drug that kills ~75,000 people (in the USA) per year and causes all other bull**** like violence, and some of the worst withdrawal symptoms (you can actually die from alcohol withdrawal if you don't manage it correctly). Yet ecstasy makes you a social god. It also makes girls REALLY touchy-feely, and kino feels AMAZING, but I've seen people say that doesn't help your game? wtf.

Do girls find it unattractive? I don't think so, in fact a lot of girls I know do drugs themselves.

I've seen people claim that weed completely ruins your game but I don't see it and I've been smoking weed for 1.5 years, been addicted 3 times and have successfully gone through withdrawal on each occasion, now I just do it habitually around 2-3 times a week. (yes my game sucks but that was because I was AFC for 20 years, only found this site 2 weeks ago and am recovering) If you cannot control your usage with drugs it is YOUR fault for going overboard or misusing the drug. The majority of drug users are not problematic users and are responsible, no matter what the drug. It is very possible to be a responsible heroin or cocaine user, just like it is very possible to be a responsible alcohol user.

Discuss. (No ignorant responses please. :) )


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Weed is way heather for you then alcohol.

ecstasy wouldn't be that bad for you at all if you could find a pure source.
Street E's are full of sh!t and I'd never touch them


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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worship said:
Do girls find it unattractive? I don't think so, in fact a lot of girls I know do drugs themselves
They do.

Every girl I've ever known who has done drugs has been bad news.

Of course, I find it ironic that some girls complain about their boyfriend using weed, when they are going out every weekend getting smashed.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
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A better place, a better time.
The times I've partied on acid and adderall I've been the ****ing man. Life of the party, full of fun and energy and having a great time, etc.

Whenever I get really wasted I seem to end up hooking up with some random *****. I do much better drunk than not drunk.

But "alcohol ruins your game" and "makes you sloppy" and is "fake confidence for people who don't have any because a real DJ would never need that."

Whatever. I like being drunk. It's ****ing fun and I do well on it. I don't like weed at all because it mellows me out and makes me lethargic. The people who complain about not being social enough or confident enough or fun enough should give alcohol a try.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
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Auckland, New Zeland
Depends what kind of social circle you in or what kind of social circle they are in.

I know girls that would walk away straight away if i was stoned or even drunk and I know some that would try and hang out with me more for turning up like this, so it all depends on the girl if this is attractive or not.

Weed is better for you then alcohol and it less addictive then alcohol and Cigarettes, but then It doesn't change my game personally at all, if anything it makes it worse because I'm not thinking straight

Alcohol, make you very confident (Some people say you shouldn't need more "fake" confidence but thats a blatant lie, anything helps) and can practically talk to anyone and your fun to be with, but on your game I know i practically go into AFC mode if I'm directed that way. And vomiting because you drunk to much is never attractive and to people that aren't drunk sometimes you can come off very annoying, but to be honest i think a little bit helps but never to much, too much makes you very sloppy.

And with harder drugs I personally wouldn't touch them, I'm an if it come out of the ground it's okay guy, and if you hang around with people that kinda stuff a lot or even not that much there a bit drugfvcked and talking to them will put you off drugs, put me off them.

Drugs like E are good for ONS but definitely not if you want an LTR yes they make you a social "god" but i find sober people find it really unattractive.

And you don't need to be addicted to be drugfvcked

I find doing drugs you met drug type people, being sober you met more sober type people, If you don't understand this saying you haven't met both worlds.


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose California said:
Drugs just attract losers. Did I say that drugs make you a loser? No, you stupid fvucked up addicts. I said they attract losers. So the more drugs someone does, the more of a loser he is likely to be and the more sketchy qualities he will have. And of course, a stupid weed addict whose thinking has been permanently warped will eventually say:


NO, you idiot, drugs are bad for EVERYONE. Especially weed, I've seen that stuff fvuck so many people up. If you don't believe me that drugs are bad, compare 20 people who smoke weed with 20 people who have never tried it, then you'll see what I mean.
Are you a part of the DEA? Why are you even getting angry about this? lol

By the way, that last paragraph is just a massively inaccurate generalisation. Some of the smartest and most successful people in the world have tried weed (then again, who hasn't? probably you lol).


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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New jersey
My problem with drug users is that every event has to be about doing drugs or obtaining, or finding a place to do them, etc. Drinking's fun because it's more social and you can be in a bar with a ton of other people, but drugs you have to be in your sh!tty ass room being all shady. I don't know, I'd rather do other things with my time and life than waste it on doing drugs.

That being said, the few times I've smoked weed with my friends were awesome and I have no problems with people smoking weed occasionally. But heavier drug users I'd rather just not be around


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
worship said:
Are you a part of the DEA? Why are you even getting angry about this? lol

By the way, that last paragraph is just a massively inaccurate generalisation. Some of the smartest and most successful people in the world have tried weed (then again, who hasn't? probably you lol).
Yeah, who? Bill Clinton? Obama? lol

Drugs are stupid. I'll have a drink or two, but that's it.


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
WhitePimp said:
My problem with drug users is that every event has to be about doing drugs or obtaining, or finding a place to do them, etc. Drinking's fun because it's more social and you can be in a bar with a ton of other people, but drugs you have to be in your sh!tty ass room being all shady. I don't know, I'd rather do other things with my time and life than waste it on doing drugs.

That being said, the few times I've smoked weed with my friends were awesome and I have no problems with people smoking weed occasionally. But heavier drug users I'd rather just not be around
Weed is probably THE social drug. I can't count the amount of times I've used weed as an excuse to go out and hang out with friends and what-not. Plus there seems to be something about stoners that makes them more friendly to be around - I have social anxiety and meeting people is sometimes a problem... but if they're a stoner its like I've already known them for a while and I'm comfortable... it's weird but whatever. :p


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
All the druggies love that argument.

Not the same thing though. A glass of wine with dinner or something, and inhaling toxic chemicals into your lungs or stabbing yourself with a needle to "get high" aren't quite the same thing, despite what you wanna believe.


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Darth said:
All the druggies love that argument.

Not the same thing though. A glass of wine with dinner or something, and inhaling toxic chemicals into your lungs or stabbing yourself with a needle to "get high" aren't quite the same thing, despite what you wanna believe.
LoL you're funny. So doing alcohol in moderation is OK but all the other drugs isn't? Why? Because they're ILLEGAL? Did the DEA get to you? I thought people on this site knew better than to listen to the dumbass media (eg. feminism bull****).

Cannabis = no link with lung cancer so what's your point? Plus you can eat it, or vaporise it for no smoke inhalation.

Stabbing yourself with a needle = yeah that's so bad that's why doctors do that, am I right? I don't really understand the stigma attached with injecting drugs. Unless you're some idiot who reuses needles or has NO idea what they're doing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with injecting.


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose California said:
Now you're assuming crap with no reason to at all. If you have put words in the other person's mouth, you've already lost the debate. I didn't even read the rest of the post. (too painful)
What did I assume? He made out like smoking, injecting a needle and having a few drinks are vastly different. Which isn't true, they're just different methods of taking drugs.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Your pretty off the point of this thread, it's not about if drugs are bad for you, THATS YOUR OWN CHOICE, it about if it affects your game or not, so far the smartest thing on this thread is this and it goes along with what this thread is meant to be about, was said by white pimp:

My problem with drug users is that every event has to be about doing drugs or obtaining, or finding a place to do them, etc. Drinking's fun because it's more social and you can be in a bar with a ton of other people, but drugs you have to be in your sh!tty ass room being all shady. I don't know, I'd rather do other things with my time and life than waste it on doing drugs.

In other words Alcohol = More Social
Drugs = Tight Group

perfect example of how they affect your game

And worship you know that injecting needles is a lot worse then other sh!t because if your using a needle you doing heroin or something like that, not e or a bit of weed, so yeah there is a problem with injecting


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I was going to respond, but reading the original post....

worship said:
ecstasy makes you a social god.....

It is very possible to be a responsible heroin or cocaine user
Lol, I don't have anything to add. Enjoy your drugs....


Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Analyzeit said:
And worship you know that injecting needles is a lot worse then other sh!t because if your using a needle you doing heroin or something like that, not e or a bit of weed, so yeah there is a problem with injecting
Well yea generally 'worse' drugs are injected, but there is nothing wrong with the act of injecting, hence why doctors do it. And you can inject any drug, including E, but with the purity of street E (terrible and you don't know what you're getting) I wouldn't recommend it lol.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
well why most drugs work is that they release your inhibitions, make you speak your mind more, become more alpha male in some cases, and while good its good to develop those traits while clean


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
i agree with you worship, i love me some weed, shrooms, pills, etc, but sober game is still the best game.