I'm a new member of SoSuave because I was on the site the other day and I just happened to see that two guys I read their blogs were on here, Zarky (matingmarket) and Rollo (rationalmale), and to continue to read more of their SoSuave posts I had to sign up to SoSuave. I didn't know that responding to posts makes it show up as active and that tends to bring some people who may not be serious about learning/becoming better at Game out from under their desks. Therefore, any of my comments on SoSuave are basically for myslef/the OP/and anyone else who is a mentally stable mature man who is serious about Game. On most blogs/forums their seems to be maybe 10 people who can intelligently talk about Game/maybe 100 who genuinely have open minds and really want to learn and improve/maybe 500 who are trolls that go all over bashing OP's and other commenters or who are just "not very with it or are very silly."
Thanks for your comment ArcBound. People, including in Game, have different goals. Complaining or making "silly" statements is usually not going to benefit a ONS/LTR/or Marriage. I'm not promoting it, but there is some posts by Rollo on rationalmale more about this topic, etc.
In my view, the point of this topic (for the few people who are actually attempting to improve at Game and maybe actually getting physical with some women) is a lot of guys go on a "date" and never even make an attempt at making any kind of physical move and nothing happens and maybe she gets bored and then won't even go on a future date again or put you in her friend zone. I used to believe that anything physical was mostly for the wedding night. If the man doesn't gradually escalate physical moves (kino, etc), then there might not even be a date 2 or more future dates and nothing is going to happen. So, while most guys could extend this type of mindset out to like 7 dates or whenever, one point to this mindset of escalating is to see how interested/receptive she is to you and then you can decide what to do from there and you are screening her to see if you would even want to go on future date(s).