Donald Trump as President.


Jun 19, 2015
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Stagger Lee said:
I don't know a lot about Trump and a few years back I didn't think I liked him. But after I read and heard the things he said over the past few years, I agree with much of it. He seems like a good candidate to me. And that the media dislikes him and tries to discredit is a bonus in my book. A business man that isn't on the PC and open borders and trade agenda is exactly what is needed.
Stagger Lee is gay.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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MAYALL said:
He filed for bankruptcy years back. How good can he be?
If you've got to ask, you probably don't understand business that well.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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He is a clown , a smart one.
Most important he is for the money and he is a HUGE distraction.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Hillary for president! *waves liberal flag*

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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This dumbarse put the nail in the coffin for his campaign

he pissed on all the Mexican americans in the state, by saying some idiotic sh*t saying America should build a wall as big as the wall of china. The Mexican americans is the biggest group in america

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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Danger said:
If you count the illegals certainly they are a force.

But that is all the more reason to deport them rather than make them citizens. Imagine granting citizenship to people whos very first action in the US was to break the law.

even though I agree on some of the issues you have to be tactful

you speak on gays or immigrants in a negative way you are done. They are a big portion of the voters in the U.S


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Vice said:
If you've got to ask, you probably don't understand business that well.

I understand business very well. Apparently you don't. Donald Trump lost a lot of his business this week. He lost his TV shows, his clothing line, his mattress line. Donald Trump lost a good chunk of his income. He went bankrupt years ago. He isn't very good.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Trump or Ted Cruz, the two best candidates you have going. Two of them should join forces. And the latin vote is going to go to whomever can bring this country out of the current state its in, latinos aren't stupid, they are very religious and don't support dems descent into madness. Obama alienated a TON of latino voters by supporting gay marriage.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Danger said:
Ah yes....he fell victim to occupational terrorism as well. That does notake him a bad businessman though, it makes him a vicim of the new salem witch trials.
To be a good busnessman and leader, you don't make comments that alienates your audience and businessmen you work with.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
MAYALL said:
To be a good busnessman and leader, you don't make comments that alienates your audience and businessmen you work with.
Which is why most Politicians LIE to you about 90% of the things they say. On one hand we talk about wanting Politicians to be open, fair and honest, then on the other hand our PC society gets "offended" at every statement that comes from a Politician that goes against the pre-established narratives.

It's another reason this country is on the decline, the dumb voting base of this country is a reflection of the dumb leadership that's running it.

There are REAL issues facing this country, but if you dare speak about them on the National Stage, they will just label you an "extremist" or "hate-monger" to cast you off to the side. Understand if you are running for Office, you better not say SHYT about:

- Inefficient trade deals
- How illegals are stealing jobs from other Americans
- The Federal Reserve
- The fvcked up Monetary System
- The fvcked up Family Court System
- The fvcked up state of our families AND blame women for it (it's okay if you blame men though)
- Don't say anything bad about the gays
- Don't say anything bad about black thugs (just say they are oppressed)
- Don't say anything bad about welfare moms
- Don't say anything bad about the Jews
- Don't say anything about The Ponzi Scheme that IS Social Security
- Don't say anything about how most Non Profits and Churches are flat out SCAMS

I can go on and on. The actual things that are DESTROYING this country are the things that you aren't allowed to talk about. Which at the end of the day, it really truly makes no difference who the hell is elected in.

I would never take Trump seriously for President, but the points he was making about illegals are damn true. But again, you aren't supposed to "say that" in this PC-based "I'm offended by everything yet I watch vulgar/trashy tv shows all day" society.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Tenacity said:
Which is why most Politicians LIE to you about 90% of the things they say. On one hand we talk about wanting Politicians to be open, fair and honest, then on the other hand our PC society gets "offended" at every statement that comes from a Politician that goes against the pre-established narratives.

It's another reason this country is on the decline, the dumb voting base of this country is a reflection of the dumb leadership that's running it.
Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a businessman who has no chance to become President. His Presidential run was a PR move that backfired in his face. He lost a good chunk of his business making racial comments that the majority of the public disagrees with. Good businessmen keep their mouths shut wanting to make as much money they can. They don't care who buys their products as long as it make them profits. Alienating a big portion of your potential audience is not what good businessmen do.

Tenacity said:
- Don't say anything bad about the gays
- Don't say anything bad about black thugs (just say they are oppressed)
- Don't say anything bad about welfare moms
- Don't say anything bad about the Jews
Why would you say anything bad about those people who can buy your products or watch your shows? Smart businessman are looking to gain new potential customers even if they don't like them. Not to alienate them losing business and major earnings. Trump can't even keep his business in tact. Would be a faliure as President.

Tenacity said:
Trump's name ALONE is worth more than those "deals" he lost. The Presidential run is mainly for PR though which isn't a bad thing.
It was a failed PR move and his name is becoming a joke. His presence on stage will make it more difficult for better candidates to gain traction and have their voice heard.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
MAYALL said:
Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a businessman who has no chance to become President. His Presidential run was a PR move that backfired in his face. He lost a good chunk of his business making racial comments that the majority of the public disagrees with. Good businessmen keep their mouths shut wanting to make as much money they can. They don't care who buys their products as long as it make them profits. Alienating a big portion of your potential audience is not what good businessmen do.
I'm sure Trump knows what he's doing and doesn't need you to school him on business acumen lol. Besides, he's suing Univision and the thing with Macy's he can just easily just move to another Retailer. NBC deciding to cancel his show is a "so what" because the show was probably already going to be cancelled anyway.

Trump's name ALONE is worth more than those "deals" he lost. The Presidential run is mainly for PR though which isn't a bad thing.

I still admire Trump more than the vast majority of our "leaders" in this country. At least Trump made his money by actually providing a service to society (mainly through Real Estate) than through political corruption.


Jul 2, 2015
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Skyline said:
What are your thought's? I agree with his view on illegal immigrants(his Mexico statement) by the way.
Donald Trump is the biggest ****ing ****head on the planet. It's amazing how many idiots actually listen to him.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
Tenacity said:
Which is why most Politicians LIE to you about 90% of the things they say. On one hand we talk about wanting Politicians to be open, fair and honest, then on the other hand our PC society gets "offended" at every statement that comes from a Politician that goes against the pre-established narratives.

It's another reason this country is on the decline, the dumb voting base of this country is a reflection of the dumb leadership that's running it.

There are REAL issues facing this country, but if you dare speak about them on the National Stage, they will just label you an "extremist" or "hate-monger" to cast you off to the side. Understand if you are running for Office, you better not say SHYT about:

- Inefficient trade deals
- How illegals are stealing jobs from other Americans
- The Federal Reserve
- The fvcked up Monetary System
- The fvcked up Family Court System
- The fvcked up state of our families AND blame women for it (it's okay if you blame men though)
- Don't say anything bad about the gays
- Don't say anything bad about black thugs (just say they are oppressed)
- Don't say anything bad about welfare moms
- Don't say anything bad about the Jews
- Don't say anything about The Ponzi Scheme that IS Social Security
- Don't say anything about how most Non Profits and Churches are flat out SCAMS

I can go on and on. The actual things that are DESTROYING this country are the things that you aren't allowed to talk about. Which at the end of the day, it really truly makes no difference who the hell is elected in.

I would never take Trump seriously for President, but the points he was making about illegals are damn true. But again, you aren't supposed to "say that" in this PC-based "I'm offended by everything yet I watch vulgar/trashy tv shows all day" society.
Very true.

Trump says what other politicians are afraid to say.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
dx12173 said:
Trump, Cruz, Huckabee, Santroum, Walker and Sanders is awful too. Hillary and Jeb are the two candidates I don't hate not that I like then.

By the way you are a ****ing bigot and if you were in front of me I'd punch you.
Dude, I'm asking you right now to just seriously calm down. I don't want this thread to get closed.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
Reaction score
Tenacity said:
I'm sure Trump knows what he's doing and doesn't need you to school him on business acumen lol. Besides, he's suing Univision and the thing with Macy's he can just easily just move to another Retailer. NBC deciding to cancel his show is a "so what" because the show was probably already going to be cancelled anyway.
You're speaking about subjects you don't know. Learn a little something about Business 101. Your consumers and audience is what makes you money and turns profits. Trump can change networks or move his products to another retailer all he wants. When the consumers aren't buying his products or watching his shows he will lose more money. Good businessmen keep their mouths shut not alienating consumers who can make them money. Business 101.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
MAYALL said:
You're speaking about subjects you don't know. Learn a little something about Business 101. Your consumers and audience is what makes you money and turns profits. Trump can change networks or move his products to another retailer all he wants. When the consumers aren't buying his products or watching his shows he will lose more money. Good businessmen keep their mouths shut not alienating consumers who can make them money. Business 101.

Let us know when your net worth reaches $4,500,000,000 junior.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
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With Trump being so effected by his comments I see him dropping out with a massive apology within a couple weeks or him going all in cause, if his business is gone at least he can "be in the office"...getting interesting


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
MAYALL said:
You're speaking about subjects you don't know. Learn a little something about Business 101. Your consumers and audience is what makes you money and turns profits. Trump can change networks or move his products to another retailer all he wants. When the consumers aren't buying his products or watching his shows he will lose more money. Good businessmen keep their mouths shut not alienating consumers who can make them money. Business 101.
Subjects I don't know about? I have close to 10 years of professional business experience as well as an MBA.

Trump doesn't need you to school him on business acumen, as I said prior. While Trump is receiving some negative press right now, he's also getting massive PR and the guy is actually pretty high up in the Republican Nomination polls right now.

Trump's stances on things haven't really changed much over the years, he's been more vocal as of late, but people pretty much knew where most of his stances were. These PC people like NBC, Univision and Macy's just want to make a "scene" but they aren't putting a DENT in Trump's fortune.

Like I said, Trump's name alone is worth significantly more than all of these "bad deals" he supposedly lost.