Donald Trump as President.

May 25, 2015
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i'm a bigot, some think, and if try to punch ME, you'll get gut shot. **** you, thug.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Trump is a better candidate than Hillary, here is a guy that won't back down and apologize. The US needs an all or nothing president now after enduring a limp wrist for 2 terms.. No one in the international community can respect a limp wristed community organizer that really knows nothing about money. Obama succeeded in terminating the economy when he legalized gay marriage and promoted feminism. You guys need a guy like trump to reverse the damage, especially since the dems have no real solutions or economic platforms for job creation. More ideology is not going to fix the problem.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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LiveFreeX said:
Trump is a better candidate than Hillary, here is a guy that won't back down and apologize. The US needs an all or nothing president now after enduring a limp wrist for 2 terms.. No one in the international community can respect a limp wristed community organizer that really knows nothing about money. Obama succeeded in terminating the economy when he legalized gay marriage and promoted feminism. You guys need a guy like trump to reverse the damage, especially since the dems have no real solutions or economic platforms for job creation. More ideology is not going to fix the problem.
Hitlary will win in 2016.....not because she is the best candidate , just because it is "time"(you know for a woman).

But hey.. record debt... record number out of the workforce... record number of people on Food Stamps... slowest recovery is decades... Russia rattling sabers... Iran working on a nuke... ISIS... Israel shunned... but what difference does it make?

Republicans are afraid. They are up against a hundred million ignorant liberals who are voting for her solely based on the fact that shes a Democrat with t1ts.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Trump is a fraud and is simply running for publicity. He knows he has no real chance of winning. And he's a guy whos donated lots of money to both dems and repubs. His reasoning is that "its simply good business".

A guy who's donated to the Clinton's wont win the GOP nod. No way in hell.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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The media is going to use Donald Trump's stardom to distract the everyday person from the lesser known candidates and important issues.
In return, Trump will profit from the campaign as well as gain more influence over politicians.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Danger said:
To be a good leader you stand your ground on what you believe in, and to face the damage that evil can influct upon you, while still fighting back.
Donald Trump is a businessman not a political leader. Trump's unsubstantial racial comments alienated half of the country. Trump committed business suicide alienating half the population who could be potential consumers turning profits. Good businessman do not make those fatal mistakes.

Danger said:
Make no mistake, NBC and other leftist strongholds engage in occupational terrorism on a routine basis.

Their approach is silence and subjugation, and they prove it over and over again. Guess where that road leads....

NBC is a business looking to have a profitable company. NBC isn't going to lose millions of ratings due to people not watching the network. NBC isn't going to lose millions of dollars in revenue advertising when companies pull their ads from the network. Good businessmen fire individuals who are no longer profitable. Donald Trump is no longer profitable for NBC and other outlets who fired him. It was a business decision. Learn something about Business 101.

Tenacity said:
Subjects I don't know about? I have close to 10 years of professional business experience as well as an MBA.
What were you doing for those 10 years not to know the basics in professional business?

Tenacity said:
Trump doesn't need you to school him on business acumen, as I said prior. While Trump is receiving some negative press right now, he's also getting massive PR and the guy is actually pretty high up in the Republican Nomination polls right now.

Pretty high up in the Republican Nomination polls right now is not being the nominee. His business should be his top priority and it took a huge retail hit.

Tenacity said:
Trump's stances on things haven't really changed much over the years, he's been more vocal as of late, but people pretty much knew where most of his stances were. These PC people like NBC, Univision and Macy's just want to make a "scene" but they aren't putting a DENT in Trump's fortune.

Like I said, Trump's name alone is worth significantly more than all of these "bad deals" he supposedly lost.
I thought you were a big businessman professional with 10 years of experience. Why would you keep someone on board who is losing profits for your company? Trump lost most of his retail revenue. Many companies and businessmen don't want to be associated with Trump after his racial comments. They don't want to lose profits for their company. It will be a huge dent for Trump, especially if his name is removed off several buildings.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Trump is an idiot.


Because while he's saying things that are true, (see Tenacity's post) he's doing so in a way that makes it TOO EASY to marginalize himself.

Now, take Soros, for example. He believes the polar opposite of what Trump is saying. But he is wholly behind the scenes, quietly funding politicians who are MUCH BETTER at gaming the system.

Quietly funding EVENTS (Ferguson, for example) to bring about his desired results.

Soros has MONEY and NO EGO. No desire to be in the spotlight. Yet very cunning long game.


You might say that Trump is playing shallow short game (blatantly speaking his mind while not concerned with long term effects), while the opposition is playing DEEP and LONG game.

It may even be ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that Trump is playing into their hands.

Dilute the republican candidates (even possibly running as a third party independent) to ENSURE THE CORONATION of queen Hillary.

American politics is the long con chess game of the world, and all the major players stay hidden.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Danger said:
First, I think you meant unsubstantiated not unsubstantial. Learn some english son.
having little or no solidity, reality, or factual basis.

Not only do you know nothing about business and ethics, it's clear you know nothing about the English Language.

Danger said:
Second, they absolutely were substantiated comments, based on fact. They just hurt the feelings of some sensitive SJW's.
Trump appears to be transitioning to a political leader. Reagan did it, why can't others.
Trump was calling Hispanics rapists. His unsubstantial comments are racist towards Hispanics that angered half of the country.

Danger said:
NBC "fired" him before any profit decisions could be amalyzed. If you think Miss America would have lost money then you are insane.
Corporate Advertisers were going to pull their ads on the network. Angry people were not going to watch the network. The Hispanic population is the largest growing race in the country. It was a business decision based on profits and consumer ratings.

Danger said:
NBC did not get rid of him based upon profit, they got rid of him for political reasons, end of story. Or do you think Brian Williams will still generate $$ for the company?
Brian Williams lied about his role as a reporter. He didn't insult the Hispanic race calling them rapists like Trump. NBC did not want lose the Hispanic viewing audience. NBC did not want to lose advertising revenue from companies pulling their ads. Companies did not want a large segement of the population to boycott their products. It was an all around business decision.

Danger said:
You need to learn something about business, becaus right now you are just SJWing.
Learn something about business, business ethics, business profits and revenue.


Jun 23, 2014
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The country is on the way to the Center Left anyway, like my boy Aaron Clarey says, you might as well just enjoy the decline. The structure of the country as well as the general "push" is for more and more centralized control by the oligarchy (Big Business, Government and The Federal Reserve) which will lead to the eventual shift of the US to a more socialistic (or even communistic) country with that group controlling (and directing) the resources, rather than individualized control with a capitalistic focus.

I don't know how many Entrepreneurs are on this site, but go ahead and open a business just to SEE the huge amount of regulations, marketing laws, compliance, and just flat out dumb laws that encourage professional plaintiffs for your industry/business sector. They are trying to discourage people from starting businesses and make it harder to GROW a business, which will make more people seek to work for the already established corporate oligarchs rather than utilize their talents, skills and capital to compete with said corporate oligarchs.

Capitalism is dying. We are moving into the Era of Center Left politics in business and culture. The seeds have been planted during the Obama Administration, but the field will turn ripe during the 8 year Hillary Clinton Presidency. By the time we get to 2030, this will look like a TOTALLY different country.

If Sosuave is around in 2030 and I'm still alive (I should be lol), I will BUMP this thread so you guys can see what I said here in 2015 has come to pass.
May 25, 2015
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actually, what is happening is new bizes are being channeled into being one man (or family) deals, online only with no employees 'on the books", no store front to be found/taxed/extorted


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Danger said:

Miss America a beauty pageant was in danger of losing money because of Trump's statements but there was no danger of lost viewership because of Brian Williams????

The Miss America pageant is in NO danger of losing money at all. Some can pull their ads but many more will jump right in and take the open spot. This is just an SJW crusade against facts, as they always end up being. Meanwhile the message is that it is ok to lie to the Citizens as long as they don't get caught.
Brian Williams lied about his role of being in danger. He didn't make racial comments insulting a race to alienate the public. Some illegals have done violent acts, so have whites, blacks, asians. Should you list them all too? Picking a few people as examples doesn't work when Trump insulted the whole race.

NBC isn't worried about Miss America ratings. NBC is worried about ratings and revenue overall that sponsors will no longer advertise on the network with their association of Trump. Trump has made political comments for years and NBC renewed his contract each year. He was fired for his racial comments. He was let go by other companies as well. Learn something about Business and Business Ethics 101.

Danger said:
I think you should spend less time watching Brian Williams and more time reading books, you may actually learn something which is based on fact.
I don't watch Brian Williams. I think you should pick up a dictionary to learn the English Vocabulary. Words like unsubstantial are under the letter U. While you're at it, enroll in a couple of Business College courses so you're not so incompetent about Business and how it works.


Jun 23, 2014
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I'm in BOLD

MAYALL said:
Brian Williams lied about his role of being in danger. He didn't make racial comments insulting a race to alienate the public. Some illegals have done violent acts, so have whites, blacks, asians. Should you list them all too?

Yes you should. A big part of why Blacks are lower than other races in terms of income, wealth and education status is due to the significant CULTURAL pressures to push blacks into inefficient lifestyles that instead of building income, wealth and education, it actually destroys their potential to build income, wealth and attain higher education. The black ghetto/thug/trash culture is a significant percentage of the black community, well over 70% of the black community represents this culture while only about 30% represents the black middle class. With the white community, it's opposite, where about 30% of whites are trailer trash while 60% plus are at LEAST in the lower middle class. This is why (today) whites are surpassing blacks in all areas. But of course I'm a RACIST for pointing this out right?

Picking a few people as examples doesn't work when Trump insulted the whole race.

NBC isn't worried about Miss America ratings. NBC is worried about ratings and revenue overall that sponsors will no longer advertise on the network with their association of Trump. Trump has made political comments for years and NBC renewed his contract each year. He was fired for his racial comments. He was let go by other companies as well. Learn something about Business and Business Ethics 101.

What business experience do you have? You sure keep telling guys on this forum (most of us who have our financial house in order) that we lack business acumen, you care to share your LinkedIn or other business experience?

I don't watch Brian Williams. I think you should pick up a dictionary to learn the English Vocabulary. Words like unsubstantial are under the letter U. While you're at it, enroll in a couple of Business College courses so you're not so incompetent about Business and how it works.

Please tell us how business works. I'm waiting. Because YOU (whom I assume probably doesn't have more than 5 figures in assets/wealth collection) giving advice to Trump (a billionaire), is like my non-basketball playing trying to tell Lebron James how he should shoot a jump shot. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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You guys cannot lay off the race stuff huh? The last month has taught some of you nothing.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Jaylan said:
You guys cannot lay off the race stuff huh? The last month has taught some of you nothing.

More imitation mall cop from the guy 'that follows the rules' with such respectful writing as:

Jaylan said:
Says the homophobic, sexist, bigoted racist. Gimme a break.

Stagger, youre a fvking idiot.

Read my fvking post. I said just that in both of my previous posts.

Good ole red herring. Get the cop c0ck out of your mouth old man. This thread is about the misbehavior of the public servants we hold to a higher standard. You must not think much of cops if you first reaction is to try to sidetrack attention onto what common criminals do.

Says the parasitic leech who trolls online and makes no contributions to society lol. No wealth, no meaningful career, leeches off others, yet complains about how other people use the government? L oH fvking reason I ever mentioned Africa because he decided to talk about feral hogs and Africa. Read the fvking thread properly next time and get the context right before trying to come at me. And we all know why the race troll mentioned Africa

^D!k riding f@iry alert. Man, its a damn shame how much time you spend on this forum worrying about what I post.

Lmao. I cant decide if some of you are hilariously ignorant, or just pathetically unable to read with comprehension.
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Jun 23, 2014
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I hope the Moderators don't close this thread. We have got to get to the point where we can just discuss a topic without doing the personal attacks and just act like adults. That's why I told the other guy (dx12173) to calm down.
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May 25, 2015
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yeah, wow. Why should ANYONE tolerate being struck, hmm? People are free to say whatever they want, but STRIKING somebody can easily result in blindness or death, so why should it be allowed?


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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From the article:
Sanchez has been previously deported five times to his home country of Mexico and his criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four of which involve narcotics charges, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
He had been deported five times already. I don't think "deport him!" is a solution to a systemic problem.So..........
(1) This guy was an illegal immigrant.
(2) San Francisco is a "sanctuary city" that refuses to turn illegals over to Immigration.
(3) Immigration had requested that this guy be turned over to them by SFPD when he was released.
(4) SFPD said "fvck you, we're turning this guy loose to do whatever he wants to do!"
(5) Scumbag apparently decided he wanted to randomly murder somebody.
(6) Hippies are now like "whoa, man, that's not cool."

Not to be That Guy, but isn't this the kind of person Donald Trump was talking about?

Update:While reporting the homicide Thursday, two Bay Area news crews were robbed at gunpoint on live TV.

From the San Francisco PD
In the early morning of July 2, 2015, two news crews were on the Embarcadero covering a homicide that occurred the night before. As the crews were getting ready for a live shot, they were robbed at gunpoint of their camera equipment. One camera man was struck with the pistol and sustained a head injury. The other three victims were not injured.
The suspects are described as three black males, all wearing dark clothing, with one suspect having dreadlocks. The suspect vehicle is described as a black BMW 7 series with upgraded BMW rims, no plates. Attached is a photo of one of the suspects, the weapon used, and the stolen camera equipment.
Anyone with further information is encouraged to contact Sergeant Maris Goldsborough at Southern Station (415) 575-6000, the SFPD Anonymous Tip Line at (415) 575-4444 or Text A Tip to TIP411 and include “SFPD” at the beginning of the message