Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
He used you for your vagina. You gave it to him. Now he's done with you unless you want him to mount you again.

Z Man

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
Western Missouri

I often wish some girls thought this much about me, as the OP has demonstrated with her wall of text and stalkerish behavior on Facebook, after 2 meetings!

OP, how old are you? Is this normal for you to think this much about any one guy you like? Is it normal for you to have sex early on in a new interaction/relationship with a guy?

I'm not judging, just trying to understand a bit of your background.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Tipperary Ireland
Thank you to the last 2 guys for your input. Yes I agree that an hour away isn't too far but even if I really liked a guy, I wouldn't be able to afford to go out every weekend especially if I had to travel for a half hour to the town what with taxis and all. He did tell me that he is saving for his holidays, he is going away for a month in november to thailand. Maybe if he only lived lived like 10 mins away then I would definitely be able to tell if he liked me or not.

I don't want to be making excuses for him but he really is sending mixed signals. So now I am just going to wait and see if he initiates the next convo because I am certainly not. Maybe its because I was so used to being texted constantly every day by this guy I was in a relationship a year ago for 4 months. I never had to text him first hardly ever and I always wanted him to initiate first. So I am surprised with myself that I have initiated the convos with him so early on but I think its because I really feel a strong attraction towards him. We get on great together, have great laughs and there is no awkwardness and I also love the compliments.

So to sum up I usually don't act all stalkerish towards other guys like this lol. But I am not a stalker anyway lol. And I also usually don't have sex very early on either. Maybe he just doesn't like texting and messaging on facebook that much lol, ah I dunno, I am just gonna wait and see :) I forgot to say I am 21 and he is 24, he works full time and I work part time because I go to college :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Just ask him what does he think of you, and tell him what you told us. Do it now! And try to get together with him more often, text him more if needed. But if you feel like you initiated a lot of times, and he hasn't done the same to you, take a break and see if he tries to get together with you.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Tipperary Ireland
Yeah that is exactly what I am going to do. I am just going to wait for him to message me first because if I keep doing it from now on I won't really know if he is that interested in me.

I think we have both been fairly even as regards initiating the conversations. But more recently I have been doing it, the first time I did it because I felt it was my turn to initiate and the 2nd and 3rd time I did it because I wasn't sure if he was still interested because we hadn't contacted each other in 2 weeks. He did message me first there last wednesday but that was only to tell me that he would be able to meet me on the friday not the saturday because of his friend's child's christening. We had arranged to meet on the saturday to meet his friends and my friends.

My gut tells me he does like me and he just isn't into texting and he doesn't want to seem to eager by always messaging me first on facebook. But I am going to be stubborn this time because I usually am stubborn anyway lol and wait for him to initiate the next convo. :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, I didn't get that it took 7 weeks for him to see you again. That's just... inexplicable. Unless he is poor and doesn't have money... he would have just tried to reach you anyway. That said, I still feel like you can give it another shot, just for the heck of it, and go meet him! Drive there and do it! Come on! He doesn't have a GF! Right? So you can keep pushing it! But, you better forget about this if it doesn't work out. Your chances are very low in this one. And, you seem to want something different and even deserve better either way. But if your gut tells you otherwise, go for it! ;)

You seem to be a little on the nervous side... Do you do some kind of drugs or heavy drinking? Maybe you don't do enough exercise? Try jogging for 30 minutes every day for a few weeks. You'll feel MUCH better.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Tipperary Ireland
Well it was actually after 6 weeks not 7 weeks but I guess that doesn't make a difference lol! And it's not the length of time it took him to meet up with me, it's more the inconsistent contact that is driving me nuts! I am afraid to say I am not from your part of the world at all. Tornoto? More like Tipperary, Ireland lol kinky Irish eh :p :D


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
5string said:
He used you for your vagina. You gave it to him. Now he's done with you unless you want him to mount you again.

Agreed. Can we at least see a pic to make this all worth it to those *****ad through this?

I don't think you were bing stalkerish though. You obviously like the guy and he's given you mixed signals where his actions don't match up with his words. I don't think it's crazy of you to be checking up on fb or over analyzing his lack of texts. I wouldn't advise it though. Probably best to just walk way if you're investing your feelings in the guy like you are


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Others have already pointed it out, but maybe your not seeing the full picture.

All that jazz about him not liking to text and FB could very well be true. I'm exactly the same way.

However, if he had any interest in you outside of a phuck buddy he would have tried to see you a lot sooner.

Meanwhile, you let your emotions get involved far too soon and now your ego is having a hard time letting go.

Go no contact and make him come to you; remember the one who has the most power is the one who cares the least and its pretty evident he is controlling your thoughts atm.

Meet more guys, man this feels weird telling a girl how to work game! haha



Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Tipperary Ireland
Ok there's a pic but it has nothing to do with looks but maybe he has found someone better looking. I think I am decent looking and he keeps calling gorgeous so I don't think it has anything to do with looks :/ This is actually turning out to be quite fun lol all of your answers are very good and I will keep them in mind :)

Just as you said it there that he should have seen me a lot sooner I totally forgot but after a week when he got in touch with me for the first time he asked me did I have any plans for the weekend. I said I was going out the sunday night and I said you should come out. And he asked is that a bank holiday weekend with a winky face after it and I said no but just ask for work off lol but he said he couldn't do that which is understandable. And after that he couldn't go out the following weekend because he car got wrecked so he had to repair it

So he did want to see me quite soon. I totally forgot about that! But its not the length of time it took him to see me, its his lack of contact which is annoying me because I really did think he liked me until he didn't write to me first on facebook a couple of days ago. MAybe I am just over analysing things :/ I am a girlL :)

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
5string said:
He used you for your vagina. You gave it to him. Now he's done with you unless you want him to mount you again.
This is it right here.

You gave yourself away and with that went respect. That's how it works.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
This is it right here.

You gave yourself away and with that went respect. That's how it works.
Ouch... Atom Smasher is one direct Moderator!

But I do think he is correct. This guy has more that just one female on his schedule... it's just a matter of how many.

The Gambler believes you think about this guy much more than he thinks about you, and that isn't good for your side of the coin. As a matter of fact, this fellow is using many of the strategies you can read about on this very site...

The Gambler pays his respects to a well-written female Don Juan. It is easier said than done when it comes to ignoring someone you're interested in, but you hafta do it.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Tipperary Ireland
Yeah I know I am annoyed with myself for thinking about him this much. I just feel a very strong attraction towards him and it is not just sexual. I guess I am just disappointed because he even said his friends and my friends should meet up for a night out. So I thought that was a very good indicator that he liked me along with us getting on very well together when we meet up in person. Even if it has only been twice.

Look I will see what happens and of course I know there are plenty more fish in the sea :)

EDIT: I am starting to lose a SLIGHT interest in him because his lack of contact is driving him nuts. So if he is playing hard to get he is playing a very dangerous game with me. So heres to meeting a guy who doesn't send me mixed signals through lack of contact if this guy doesn't change his game :)


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Tipperary Ireland
Yes i do think I should meet other people as well. And I think the next time I will not have sex so soon because I normally don't :) Well thats a nice gesture bradd80 but I barely know you :) Well to be honest I don't really know this guy that I have seen twice anyway lol Toronto, in Canada is it or America lol?? :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Wow, I got to say it like it is, this went much more smoothly with her then it goes with most guys! Haha, girls own us guys man! She's already over it in a matter of 3 pages. Most guys go through several topics, seems familiar right? :p

But, still, I was being totally honest, you should jog 30 minutes a day... You've been thinking about this more then you wanted to... You know you have. :) Just go de-stress yourself! And you haven't answered my question, but that's alright...

PS: Pic not working.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Tipperary Ireland
Well I still do think about him. As regards him being sh*t at contacting me. But that could probably be because he is not that interested in me.

I am going to hold out and see if he contacts me first but to be honest I am starting to lose interest already.

Are you on about your question regarding whether I do heavy drugs or drinking? No I do not, I only drink at the weekends really when I go out. And sometimes I drink a fair amount and other times I don't. Probably because I don't have the money sometimes lol. But I do like to go out and get drunk and have a good time.
Ok I don't know why the pic is not workin lol :) Maybe this will work lol

C:\Users\user\Pictures\2012-07-19 random\random 005.JPG

Ha I think distance would be a problem lol especially if you are from America ha :) Yes there are good spots in Tipperary :)