Mayfly said:
Is the best idea to go in and start socializing right away or just walk around the place a little bit, make some eye contact, and then go at it? Plus girls are never alone at bars, they are always in groups. Then should I approach the group?
Walk straight up to a HB, and start gaming her.
"Hi, my name is Mayfly. I noticed you when I walked in, and I came over here to get to know you"
Otherwise, you'll stand around on "death row" all night with the rest of the losers, making excuses, not approaching, talking yourself out of it, and ending the night predictably.
You don't need eye contact or anything else to approach.
Waiting for those types of "IOI's" are just a lame excuse not to approach.
You are a Man. You approach who you want, when you want, and you don't give a f*** what anyone else thinks.
And women will notice that and like it.