I need a woman to look good in order to be SEXUALLY attracted to her.
Of course. Nobody is debating that. The problem seems to be you do not see the subset of women who are both hot and pleasant to be around. Many hot women are emotionally immature demanding princess syndrome types who never were taught to emphasize anything other than their appearance.
So when you settle for those (the looks only group) you have the resultant opportunity cost of missing out on the women who are both pretty/hot/attractive (however you want to define physically appealing) AND nice/sweet/good personality/smart etc., and this will skew you viewpoint because you won't believe hot women who are also sweet/nice/smart etc. exist.
Thinking a woman can be ugly or a FAT ass and somehow overcome this with "other qualities" like her personality is very blue pill.
That isn't what I think at all. Men are visual and men are sexual. Women need to understand this through and through. There is no excuse for a good looking woman who gets lazy and lets herself go. Ever.
That in my opinion is a disservice to her man, and an embarrassment to herself. But very few women make the effort required (regular work out regimen, conscientious diet, fashionable clothing and accessories) year in and year out for decades to maintain beauty and sex appeal. Those who do? They have men who are proud to be with them and if they are single? They have choices.
You also can't look at the behavior of DESPERATE men as an indicator that low VALUE women are somehow attractive lol.
Of course not. I'm talking about HIGH VALUE men.
Men are very visual, some more than others. Its why men like p0rn, and women don't. I've never dated any girl I couldn't stand, but I've had a few I had little to no connection to their personality or the words that came out of their mouth. They did have nice bodies and pretty faces that I enjoyed tremendously for a while!

Shame on me for giving into my instincts.
It's not a shaming thing at all, lol. I've always come to the dating environment from a place of a certain baseline of required characteristics or I'm not going out with a man (or not going out with him a second time) and those characteristics are good looking/ambitious-successful/dynamic personality/sexually attractive. In other words I don't go out at all with a man unless I'd look at him as a potential LTR, and for me personally the LTR candidate has to be someone I am sexually attracted to, and who I enjoy hanging around with but those 4 traits I noted are ALL REQUIRED or I'm OUT. I've dropped good looking successful men before for dud personalities and/or lack of sexual attraction. And I've always appealed to men who met my criteria (as I met theirs)...so I always operated under a different assumption and looked for the whole package right off the bat rather than sacrifice on any of my baseline criteria. I pass over lots of men because I am patient that way. Few men meet all those criteria, but I don't complain about it, I just NEXT quickly and keep the opportunity to meet the right type of man open.
I was surprised to see a high value man sacrificing on his standards just for sex/beauty, but then again high value guys can continually pull new women, so that makes sense. Right up until the point that after a awhile hot sex and beauty isn't enough, and becomes unfulfilling. That's what Paul Janka talks about after getting his lay count up around 250 hot women, and that's what I hear from the guys in my peer group (40's and 50's) who have been there, done that, got the t-shirt and also gotten disillusioned because they burn out after a while.
Obviously some men sacrifice on the personality side of things in favor of hotness (perfectly understandable), and obviously there are women who sacrifice on the sex appeal to get a "good guy". I think both approaches are short sighted and ill advised and have an end result of dissatisfaction (because somebody didn't hold to their standards) and this dissatisfaction is what leads to dead end marriages and stale relationships.
And who wants something that is not satisfactory? Not me.