Do you think city center populations are declining because men giving up on dating don't feel the need to rent expensive downtown housing?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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When I say ordinary, I mean middle class, average looks or modest attractiveness, and modest social status (some friends, some popularity)
Personality wise, you want to be Pete Campbell or perhaps even Cosgrove, and still enjoy the spoils of Don Draper. I wish you luck, MS, just as I wish Tara Reid luck at regaining the stardom she enjoyed during the early 2000s


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Because they are perfectly happy to stay in their Mom's basement and do nothing with their life because they have no ambition to do or be anything.

Sleep til noon, play video games, smoke weed, stay up all night, jack off to porn.

No job, no responsibility, no ambition.

It's honestly pathetic, and the parents are enablers of their behavior by allowing it.

There also was an article that came out a few days ago that talk about how Gen Z employees are getting fired at an unprecedented rate, many times a few months after being hired. The lost generation.
I fell out with The Men's Right's Movement due to my refusal to remain silent on one point: Laudable as reforms like ending The Drug War and removing legal barriers to higher education are, the benefits will be minimal-nonexistent, UNLESS men do the sometimes gritty and uncomfortable work of getting sober and laying off the Cobra Kai binges, in favor of acquiring skills that make them marketable to high-paying employers. Hell, as you've pointed out elsewhere BITG, many employers already offer to train men in skilled trade professions, free of charge, on account of worker shortage

If there's a crisis in America today, it's one of motivation. No amount of policy reform will fix that, and most contemporary activists are less enthusiastic to discuss the virtues of self-reliance than The Vatican is to admit: "Our clergy is saturated in kiddie diddlers"


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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Two of the most memorable flings, what I call porn come to life, thatI ever had, occurred during the one and only experience with unemployment in my professional life. I actually think men can get sex more easily while unemployed versus having a low-paying job. One of the flings was a woman who went to an esteemed university and made 250k a year.
One of my hottest ever spells was also when I was unemployed tbh. Although it was probably just coincidence to some extent, for me at least. (although I guess it still shows that very young women/girls don't care at all about that sort of stuff in general. Whether you work or not or are 'successful' or not etc. They just need to think you are hot)

Going back to the OP's post though, there's just too much to unwrap, and there's so many sub issues and geo political factors that all branch out without any concrete answers that it's all just opinions.

I think London's population decreased by 100k or so but that was more of a covid thing. My own take is that here in the UK there seems to be a decrease in nightlife (mostly due to expense? price of drinks is getting silly) but also an increase in the number of men moving back with their parents. Many of them opt out of working, but even many with jobs have moved back in with their parents, and I imagine won't be leaving any time soon!

Again, partly it's money. Rent is so insane in most of the UK that unless you have a good degree and a really well paid job, then you are working 8 hours per day and about 90% of your money goes on rent and bills. You have basically nothing left to 'enjoy yourself' with. It's such a sorry existance for most people. But the kicker is that I think men started to think 'What exactly is the point in having my own place? What makes it worth all that money? What actually is the advantage? It's not as if i'm going out each night and pull hot baddies back to my place?! Most girls reject me and say i'm not their physical type. I get no love on tinder. And I can't really afford to go out or even have hobbies! Screw it. I'm going back to mum and dads!!! There's no downside! Only upside. I have money at least to enjoy things like video games and hobbies etc. And even though it would be harder to bring girls back, i've had zero success with brining girls back to my own place! They're not interested!''

lol. That's what i've seen a big increase in in recent years. Here at least. And that seems to be the general reasoning from people who did move back, or who decided there was no point in moving out in the first place