Of COURSE it’s personal in the vast majority of cases; maybe some women really do have unconventional tastes or are in too bad of a mental state to accept an offer of a date from Henry Cavill if he showed up, but you bet most of their excuses would magically disappear for Chad. You simply need to learn to ignore it and roll with the mental punches if you want to get anywhere. You shouldn’t even “believe” ANYTHING a girl tells you during the pipelining stage, even if it’s not a blatantly obvious lie, because at the end of the day, how laughworthy her excuse for not committing to a date or taking three days to respond to a text or whatever is doesn’t matter one bit - ALL that matters is her willingness to overcome her apparent logistical issues, act like she gives a damn and work with you to meet up, and if the willingness isn’t there, you already have your answer and calling her out isn’t going to magically make her stop riding Chad’s **** whilst stringing you along for an ego boost on the side. But by going cold and no longer contacting her at all, you can avoid blowing all possibility of her coming back around and realising her mistake in the approximately one percent chance that she does still consider you in the running, but is so genuinely socially retarded that she’s not disrespecting your time on purpose.
Secondly, you do not need to HAVE actual abundance in order to have an abundance mentality; if you did it would serve literally no purpose. What we mean when we mention the “abundance mentality” is to PRETEND that you’re some sort of stud that can go out every weekend and reliably get laid (and as such has no need to chase down girls because he knows the next one is right around the corner), even if this couldn’t be further from the truth and no woman has ever hit on you in your life, and to act exactly how this hypothetical Chad would in situations where girls aren’t giving you what you want. Or, at least that’s the conventional wisdom, which I’ve been having doubts about myself, but that’s a matter for another post.