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Do you like to "sleep around" with lots of Slvts, and expect to marry a virgin Trad woman?

Pick the dating habit which best describes yours in the poll options below:

  • I have/had Sex and relationships with Slvts, I want to marry a Trad Woman

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • I had casual sex and don't want to settle down

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am in a LTR with a good woman

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • I have a few plates that I am casually dating now

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • I want to sleep around before settling down with a good trad con woman

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • I am a virgin until marriage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No hymen no diamond

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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Wanting a "virgin" in this day n age is just weird and possessive tbh
It's a reoccurring topic here on SS, virgins and girls' notch count. I'd say it's the opposite of an "alpha"-attitude, because those who focus on it are externally validated by girls, they act in an entitled manner.

One of the newer Bond movies have a scene about this, where a girl asks him "Does it bother you that I've slept my way up in the career?" and he answers "Not at all" (sth like that). So, that's how cool Bond is, doesn't give a rat's ass about virgins and sexual past. But... I wonder how and why he ****s. What's his point of it.

I am one of those who are validated by girls, though try not to, because it's just a sorrow and pain. I value virgins. And if a girl is experienced I see little purpose for me. I was cooler when I was younger in this sense, and my experience says good chemistry can triumph it -- a girl can value one even if she'd done it before with others. Trying to be positive. Well, somewhere here lies the problem.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Frankly I went into this not really knowing what I wanted. The goal changed the more girls I've slept with. I still don't know. I ended up where I am currently at (with a girl whose virginity I took that I'd not mind impregnating while also banging other girls on the side) through shear luck.

A wiseman one said:

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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1. How do you know a woman is a slvt when you meet and bang her? Do you ask what her notch count is? Would you trust her answer if she said less than 5?
Guys can tell. How the girl talks, acts, dresses. If she has any sort of look to her and was raised in the West, it’s +5.

The brainwashing the rich do in the West is pretty good. Not North Korea good, but still good,

2. If a woman sleeps with you the first night, does that automatically put her in slvt category? Would this rule her out for a relationship even if you, gasp, felt a chemistry and connection?
Depends on her age and look

If she was fertile and hot, no doesnt rule out a relationship.

If she was not fertile, relationship is out for sure,

I think even guys in the 'real' world think like you but dare not express it out loud.

They get into relationships with women but they all go to shyt because deep down they feel disdain for their girlfriends due to her past.
Personally, again, I think as long as the girl is fertile, decent looking, and not tricky, doesn’t want money, doesn’t want to cash out after x years, the guy wouldn’t care too much about 5+ notch count.

The men on Sosuave are nervous because if the Legal Power the rich politicians and courts gave women. They cannot relax in relationships and marriage because a woman, at anytime, could come after him.

Since she was 17, Kaley Cuoco has dated 13 guys, 2 marriages + 2 divorces, and made out with Sheldon and Raj. You are telling me layman on Sosuave wouldn’t marry her? Come on.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I will refer to the article below in my comments.

If you don't want to marry a woman, her notch count isn't that big of a deal. If your goal to be to a casual sex/player guy (option 3), serial monogamist (option 6), or non-marital open relationship guy (options 7-8), her past body count won't affect much of how the relationship progresses. If you are a serial monogamist (option 6), you're primarily looking for 1-5 year long, exclusive non-marital relationships with no kids. You can achieve that with a higher notch count woman, though you might encounter some problems. If you're not looking to settle down at all, you don't care how many penises she has had before you. You are in the present moment and not expecting any sort of future. Option 6 is the path that's closest to the one I've followed in life. Looking at my history, I've somewhat blended Option 3 and Option 6.

Open relationship guys are quasi cucks. They wouldn't care about previous notches either though.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I totally get why you wouldn't want sloots, but why is it either/or? Either she's a virgin or a sloot?

I don't get such black and white thinking, there IS an in between.
Very little in between. I find the magic number is 5. If she has more than five bodies, she has zero relationship value. I will bang, but she will never get a ring or my last name.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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5 c0cks is still 5 too many for a relationship investment. We already know that each man she sleeps with stays with her, mentally, forever. This effects her bonding and makes her more of an investment risk - these are just practical considerations.

You’re just settling out of scarcity, rather than your hypothetical perfect woman.

If you had the options, would you prefer to invest in a woman who’d taken 5 c0cks or no c0cks?
Zero ****s, mate. I agree. What I explain to @catsmeow is my version of “compromise.” I can deal with a body count 5 or lower. Virgin is ideal, albeit highly elusive to find.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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In an ideal world, we don’t want to compromise. We want a woman who we are enthusiastic about investing in/committing to. She deserves that too. Not some guy half-assing it because he’s settled for a vagina with mystery semen in it.
We all have to settle. You get 80% of what you want, not 100%.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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You only have to settle if you have it in your mind that you “have to settle”

If the deal is bad, then I’m not settling. I’ll take it to the grave and laugh at ya’ll ;-)

My tombstone will read:

“Here lies Pan. At least he wasn’t thirsty.”
My friend you are detached from reality. It is impossible to get 100% of what you want.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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But then again if your target women are 18-21, you might get what you want -- a virgin.

In that case, may as well lower the wall from 27 to to 21, cause finding a woman over the age of 21 with no dating experience/no c0cks would be extremely difficult if not impossible in our current dating and sexual environment, imho.
Agreed. A female can lose her virginity as soon as she wants to do so.

In my day, a decent % of women finished high school as virgins. I finished high school in the early 2000s. I've heard Gen Z is not as sexually active as late Gen X'ers and early Millennials like my era of high school.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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And he can also learn from me, from my 'relationship' experience. By observing me and how I see and navigate our relationship and the world.

Again, that's the best type of dynamic imo, where we can learn from each other in different ways.
Id rather a girl whose is completely inexperienced because then you get to experience many "firsts" with her. There is also less games because she doesn't know how to play the game yet compared to a chick whose had 2 partners (that grey zone you keep mentioning) before you. But were together for several years. Just like women value experience in men, we, or at least I do, value naivety in them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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There is 1 missing choice. M'y choice

I dit the whole thing and married one ;).

Nothing spécial, get someone with expérience :p


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Heel, @DonJuanjr . You slipping. All women confuse, thwart, and split male groups. That is their intention, even when it is not. You must stop talking to the female and return within to yourself. You are getting riled up and thus already losing the ground you are building here on SS. Repent and stop arguing with her.

Also, women are not valuable for their opinions or feelings. Stop simping.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I know I sound like a cult leader or something but that advice has never failed me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I had a discussion with a conservative buddy of mine and both of us discovered that redpill Men in the West have a strong preference to sleep around with loads of Slvts before deciding to settle down with a virgin trad con woman once they've finished fvcking about.

I'm curious what the rest of the forum thinks when it comes to this, it does seem kind of hypocritical but I have never really met women who cared all that much if the man is a virgin or not.
Let's be serious. A lot if "red pill" don't approach or pull. Most are playing house &&& making call outs to guys that actually get girls.

I agree with a lot of RP but very few I listen to or follow. a lack of receipts is telling as is playing house &&& Making call outs on dudes who got infield/receipts. Lots of armchair QBs. tons of house husbands. vet your gurus.

Hypocritical? I agree but if 3/4 marriages end in divorce by women who spent her best years on the CC, it be smart to disqualify no? RP marry that. Majority shilling ebooks or game programs have 0 biz doing so. Again vet your guru.

Attraction isn't symmetrical for men & women. I don't care about a woman's height. I'm not raising some skanks bastard children. Hypocrisy is IRRELEVANT. I am out for #1. Sorry not sorry.

I prefer pickup over RP. A lot of pickup is blue pill. A lot of RP is all smoke. no fire. not actually getting girls. long winded pods. no receipts.

Take the best of both &&& EXECUTE. I rather be a hypocrite &&& right living the good life vs not a hypocrite &&& divorce raped by some slut...!

Pick your poison.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Women who have slept with other men cannot pair bond a Slvt is good for sex but I wouldn't want that to be the mother of my children.
In all honesty, you likely won't know. You can just attempt to gage her based on her digital footprint. Can easily find dirt.

Hoes have tendencies. Compliant isn't one of them. Combative is one. Argumentative is another. They are sloppy &&& clumsy.

There's a prerequisite for a VERY LONG VETTING PROCESS. Minimum going through the seasons at least twice. These girls cannot keep up the good girl act. Her shtick will fold.

Time is your friend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Too much generalising on this subject. Women can **** 10+ 20+ guys and pairbond, be
submissive, I’ve seen it myself. So have you guys if you touch grass and have a life.

Girls are smashing from 14-15 years old, 16, 17, 18. By the time she’s 18 she’s had 5 ****s.

Finding a hot chick under 5 bangs is nigh on impossible unless she’s religious and/or shy and I don’t like those girls. Women lie, she’ll never reveal everything, unless she’s a real virgin.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Women can **** 10+ 20+ guys and pairbond, be
submissive, I’ve seen it myself.
Submissive as far as the weight of your wallet and the stability of your house goes [cue beta provider]. I know a sl*t who went with a beta cause his parents are wealthy enough. He's the last person I expected her to be with but she has stayed loyal to him. However, the last time I saw them together, there was no love between them. No smiles or anything. Whether because she was annoying him or vice versa. Don't know the home situation.