I think my fustrtion and most people's frustration with the OP and yoyu to some extent skinnyguy is that we've..YOU'VE ESTABLISHED already, 100 times, that it exists.
I think even the most trolllist of trolls can comprehend that certain people have certain built in advantages. But after you established that in hte first 5 threads, now what?
Another thing that pisses, at least me off, is referring to people as "black's clean up" or "hispanics do this" or whatever. I'm a business owner, I'm a piano player. I'm a gym rat. I'm a horse racing lover. I'm a lot of things other than a black guy, and I assure you that women, think the same way too. that hot broad that you saw at starbucks is a daughter,, she probably likes a certain type of music, she has a fav tv show, she likes to eat certain things, she's a real live person, she's more than a "white girl" who the **** wants to date someone who is that narrow minded? Women don't want to be reffered to or thought of as in the same status as deer lol "welp got me a 12 point white girl yesterday" lol
but more than even that, is that you are trivializing white people, like they don't' have problems. They don't have YOUR problems per say but they have problems. My best friend, a white female.. right now her BF asks her to pick out an engagement ring and to start planning their wedding, that he can't afford because he doesn't have a real job lol so she knows she's going to get suck paying most of it which means she can't move out of the house and get her own place, but she loves him so she doesn't know what to do... her dad is in the hospital, she hates her 9-5 job, and she owns her own business which is ready to grow but she can't put money into the business, because now she has to pay for a wedding lol meaning she's probably stuck at the 9-5 job that she hates.
i mena, you act like, being white is the cure all be all end of all problems and you act like you being a minority is the cause of all your problems I'm a minority as well and while I will agree that it can present problems,, and i don't really want to compare problems, **** everyone has problems. white people are not problem free. just because you're white doesn't mean you're going to be good looking lol or born into a good family or born in a good place, or be stuck taking care of your parents when you are 30 or that you're not going to be social awkward, etc.
so you're a minority and you like white women, yet you do not have the same success with white women, as white men have. I just summed up 199 posts in 1 sentence lol.
****, even if i made you white today, if i took out my magic wand and granted you the ability to make white women have a thing for Asians... what makes you thinks he's going to like YOU lol?
my point being, that you can mind**** yourself all night long. If you want to date white women, and you are at a disadvantage there are only 2 things you can do.
1. become better
2. keep trying
I mean, I'm not one to talk and blast me to hell I know i have issues lol. But this, here, is not one of them. i don't ***** about **** I can't change. You say the strruggle is real. Well **** keep grinding. That's all you can do.