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Do you ever just get bored with women?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I went out to the clubs in B-more tonight and was just completely disheartened/disappointed. Clubs are supposed to be such meat-markets, but I was looking around and every girl in there was so bored, so insecure, so ASEXUAL.

It's like "going clubbing" is no fun for them...it's a big formal thing, where they all get dressed up and go to a place they really don't WANT to be, just cuz it's where they're SUPPOSED to be. I mean, supposedly clubs are a "meat market," but I just didn't find any of these women to be (or trying to be) sexually attractive, no matter how preened and dressed they were.

This was a hard blow in something I've long been experiencing...I've been losing interest in women. Honestly...I can't say I have ever had an "interesting" conversation with a woman. You know...I stopped whacking as part of the "challenge," and I honestly don't even know if I feel a sex drive any more. I just feel completely beat...when I approach women, it's because it's what I'M SUPPOSED to do, not what I want to do.

I just don't know what I'm getting out of my DJ-ing any more.

I've gotten a bunch of numbers, but have never closed the deal. I feel defeated, and I don't want to be defeated, but my sex drive is just hitting rock-bottom and I can't drive myself to continue. Honestly, I feel like I keep doing this stuff because I'm afraid of failing...afraid that my sex drive will never come back and I'll just end up fading away. I'm not gay...I LOVE women...I just can't bring myself to feel that kind of attraction I had for them at one time...and that bothers me, because I really used to enjoy being horny and attracted to chix.\

I don't know what to do. I want to continue until I reach the point where I'm as good with women as a Pook or whoever...but I just don't feel driven to succeed right now...and that means everything I do with respect to women is shallow and empty. And they sense that.

I feel like ass right now...where do I go from here? What do I do?


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Dont worry about it. b1tches will be around forever. Its like your placing your happiness on b1tches. Just go do whatever, do what you like. Focus on other things. Exercise, quit taking any drugs your using.

Just go with the flow. You will eventually stumble upon a girl who throws you head over heals, then you can apply the DJ tactics on her and just straight bang bang bang. Ya know, just dont go AFC.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home

Youve just realized women arent it all in life. And that not ALL women are godesses.
Getting the numbers, laying her, thats the easy part. Getting QUALITY, getting true WOMEN that my boy, is the difficult part. Getting a LTR you are happy with is a major difficulty.
Im in the same challenge. BUT Im not going to sleep with just anyone who happens to give me head or whatever. No one really does, I dont see Gigalo or anyone getting head from a fat (FAT) girl. Ive just got high high standards.

I dont know if our god Pook made this up by his own or not, but I read it from him:
Live, Laugh, Love.
Notice the order (I dont remember if laugh was first or second, but loving, refering to relationships with women is at last place).
Life isnt all about women man. Just keep up with your wonderful life, continue to meet women, and a woman will find her way to your heart.

edit- oh sh!t!!! I originally wrote : ¨And that all women are godesses¨ haha, well, in a sense they are though, they just dont bring the god they have within.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
You say it's easy to lay women...I'm not seeing it.

And I'm not talking about fat girls, I'm talking about genuinely attractive women...attractive physically, but THAT'S IT. The way they move, the way they talk, everything just seems so hollow and scripted.

I was at a strip club last night...I had more fun CHATTING with the strippers and getting NO play than I think I could chatting up chicks in those clubs and getting any.

But then, I can't really get any. I get kisses, get numbers, but never get laid...as soon as I call them they're no longer interested.

I wonder if it's my fault.

I also wonder if quitting M-bating is actually DEcreasing my sex drive.

I just feel like I should be a lot further along with the whole DJ-women thing than I am right now, and I'm not, and now I just don't feel driven TO be. But that bugs me, because the fact that I'm not making progress AND I don't feel motivated to seems like a recipe for defeat.

I LOVE being sexual with women...I mean, am I being lazy? Should I approach these women who act boring, don't smile, don't seem like they're having a good time, seem asexual...and try to work the fun, happy, sexy side of them out? Is that MY responsibility as the man? Am I not showing enough value?

I also have no idea where to meet "good" women.

I feel beat...I really do. Part of me wants to give up. Instead, I figure it will be more productive to ask for answers here.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
SamePendo great post man.

squirrels i know what you mean dude. I'm just so tired of these stupid bimbos i meet whenever i go out. I'm sick of wasting my valueable time on these sicking girls. I cant seem to find the right special one.

As of right now i am just focusing on myself, doing the things i like.

I started lifting weights again and am really caught up in that right now, also school is starting, so hopefully i could meet up with a hot chick in one of my classes.

Keep your head up, things will work out.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2002
Reaction score
Look, if you want to meet a quality woman that you can have good conversations with, STOP GOING TO CLUBS!

I know how you feel. I'm not turned on by the club bimbos like I used to be when I was punk-a$$ teenager. You're just maturing and becoming a man.

And for F*ck's Sake don't worry where you "should" be when it comes to dating. When you hear people brag on this message board, I'd wager to say that 90% of what people claim they've done with respect to women are complete lies.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
You sound a lot like me. I used to be the same way, and because of...humm.. reasons... I stopped dating. After a while, I stopped chasing women, and after a while, even now, I really don't give a damn.

I just chulk it up to maturity. You see the club for what it is, a walking meat market, a living contridiction, where women go with 3 inch skirts and expect men not to look. Where men go and spend 10-20 dollars on drinks on women and the women expects them to walk away. Where men go to sit on the wall and fantasise about getting the nerves to get on the dancefloor. Remember this is how the onwers make their money. The woman, well, I still can't explain that one. The guy that buys the drinks is still having hopes that one woman will like him and let him have his way with her. The guy on the way goes back because he hopes that one day he can muster up the courage to go dance and talk to women.

My mother even tells me I need to get a "girlfriend". I told her if I dn't want one, why should I have one? I am happy the way I am now, single, working, being free. I refuse to chase woman beccause 'it's what men do".


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by squirrels
I also wonder if quitting M-bating is actually DEcreasing my sex drive.
Possibly. I never bought the advice that cutting back increased your drive. I think orgasm increases your testosterone.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee

It's not so much conversation as it is SEXUALITY. Honestly, I don't think women understand sexuality. They think dressing up in short skirts and low-cut blouses makes them sexual beings...and it DOESN'T. These bachelorette party girls think if they walk around with big inflatable dildos it makes them sexual, and it DOESN'T.

Honestly, to me, sexuality is more than just an appearance. It's a way a woman carries herself, how she responds to your advances, how she moves, how she talks, whether she has a love for life.

Lots of people talk about a "smart, intellectual woman." That's great and all, but the main thing I look for isn't content, it's form...it's a woman who can be FUN and SEXUAL even in her conversation. A woman who's not afraid of her sexuality.

We preach on these forums for men not to be afraid of their sexuality. Women who go clubbing and stuff are deathly afraid of it...they use the "meat-market" as an excuse to say, "oh, it's what's SUPPOSED to happen, I'm not really that sexual." A woman who's comfortable with her sexuality shows it in everything she does, not just dating/dancing activities, and it's not even necessarily to attract men...it's just a part of WHO SHE IS.

I find it very unnerving when I feel comfortable with my sexuality and I go to one of these places where all the women are running around pretending to be party-girls, but in actuality being very nervous and scared.

I'll have you know I didn't go completely quiet tonight. As I got to the bar, I first chatted up one girl (her friend actually started off...she was the "bachelorette" in one of these groups and was acting out), so I turned to her friend and said, "is she embarassing you? You look nervous." and she made some smartass comment and left. I just shrugged...her face was jacked anyway.

Then another woman and her friend sit down...I start chatting with the one, who was talking about how she used to be a bartender and all this stuff about where she lives, and she was b*tching too..."Oh I don't like this place, I like people with personality, this is just a meat market blah blah"...so WHY are you HERE, dumbass? Eventually I cut that convo off, because it was obvious she didn't know how to have fun and she wasn't comfortable with her sexuality. It's a shame, because she seemed pretty bright and motivated, but eventually I just realized she was scared of expressing herself in a place like that.

Then I just stopped and took a good look around...all the women were either ugly, 2-bit hos dressed up in skimpy costumes and parading their sluttiness, or hotties all dressed up and walking around without so much as a smile, not even having FUN...just doing the drill in hopes that some spiky-haired, flannel-wearing frat boy would take them home and bang them and "get it over with."

You know...I think that THAT'S why the strippers are so much more appealign, even though I'm not even getting anything...they're SO much more comfortable with their sexuality...and many of them can even have FUN with it...they don't need some cookie-cutter environment to make it work.

I'm a DJ...if I'm going to be a self-controlled man who's comfortable with his maleness, don't I deserve a woman who's comfortable with her female-ness?

Or should I be working harder to get these women to RELEASE their sexuality? Is that what my goal should be?

I'm just not sure...I want to be careful not to fall into the trap of saying "I don't like these women" just because I'm lazy and don't want to approach/put in the effort. I just seriously don't feel turned on when I go out to clubs. :(

Oh well...it's late and I need some sleep.


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
And I thought only I felt this way...


This thread really hits home.

I just got back home from a shameful night out. I feel ashamed of myself because my friend needed a wingman, and I punked out.

Basically--2 girls (good looking) with a bunch of their guy friends (one of them could have been an NFL lineman he was so big) were standing in the area we were in--begging for us to talk to them.

My friend sort of broke the ice with one of them. Just as I was getting ready to grab my balls and distract the other one by introducing myself, (I think she wanted me to talk to her), an AFC from the group c*ckblocked me, which seemed to upset the girl (she wasn't interested in the chump, as I learned later), which then ruined my friend's chances with the other.

I wanted to say something to this chump, but thought it would only make matters worse, so I did nothing. No talking to either the girl or the guy. I started talking to other people in the group we were with--ignoring the entire situation. But I know I'm using that as an excuse. I just wish I knew what to do in that situation.

I mean, if my friend got into a fight, I'd be the first one to watch his back. But I also don't want to get into a fight over some woman I don't even know.

In my view, letting down a friend makes me feel 10 times worse than any rejection a chick could lay down on me. Tonite, I feel I let a friend of mine down.

I punked out because I'm feeling the same way many of the guys who posted on this thread feel--tired of the game.

I just don't feel like putting forth the effort to meet and impress a woman who I don't know anything about, and isn't giving any clear signals she wants me to approach.

I feel trying to meet and entertain these chicks is another thankless job--one I have no desire to interview for. I'm not having much fun when I go out (unless I drink a lot) and could think of other, more productive (and entertaining) things to do on my own, that don't involve getting loaded.

On one hand, I'm begining to realize the a woman's opinion of me isn't worth that much. I'm beginning to care less and less about what they think of me.

On the other, that doesn't help me approach them, or work on my "game."

The women that know me are puzzled that I don't have a gf--I'm a good looking, smart, and entertaining guy when I feel comfortable around people.

Has anyone gotten into this state of mind, and later pulled themselves out of it?


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Western Canada
There are many FUN things to do Other than chasing girls...

Video games,Movies...

Just to name a few...

I'd like to gain a HB - FB so I never need to go ******-hunting:D
Maybe a few FBs though so they can work shifts;)

Click Here

Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Virginia Beach
ok you guys think waaaaaaaaaay way to much u guys need to calm down and breath a little and stop thinking there are girls who don't want to **** you.

they all do, theyre pathetic sluts every last one of them wants your **** in them remember that when u talk to them. your analyzing this **** way to much, and jacking off does reduce ur sex drive by 10 fold i dont jack off anymore and im nevere really horny anymore which is a good thing. now my hornyness doesn't control me with women and i am not blinded by a nice ass and some artifically orange tanned legs.

seems like you guys are lacking confidence and saying "you dont feel like pursueing women" as a beard.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
squirrels i feel ya bro... here is a tip: don't number close a girl unless she makes a damn good effort to impress you. i was at a point where i could number close just about any chick, but most of them would not turn into anything. this happens all the time. the problem is focusing too much on succeeding and not analyzing the woman. unless she is showing some damn good signs of interest, do not go for the number. you might even take it a step further and insinuate a date with a girl you just met. i'm not saying ask her out right there, but find out what she is into and insinuate you all going there very soon.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score

No offense bro but it sounds like you need to take a break from this site and focus your attention on something other than women.

You say you're looking for a chick who can have fun with her sexuality like a stripper? Well 99% of the women like that are strippers or slutty hoes. I guarantee other than sex, they aren't very interesting either.

You say you've never had an interesting conversation with a woman. Have you ever heard the saying? " What you see in others is reflection of yourself "

If you're not finding anyone interesting......then what does that say about you?

Not trying to diss you but if you are putting out this "I'm bored with everyone I meet" vibe then thats all you'll be getting in return.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Click Here
seems like you guys are lacking confidence and saying "you dont feel like pursueing women" as a beard.
I wholeheartedly agree. Admit that and you're half way there.

Squirrels you know I got a lot of respect for you and your words, but your analysis of the clubbing woman as some kind of asexual being is way of the mark. It's all there to play with, you just gotta play a little more and have fun with it - instead of seeing it as a chore. If your heart isn't in it they are gonna sense that. If you're not having fun then they won't have fun either. I think you hit the nail on the head right here:

Originally posted by squirrels
I mean, am I being lazy? Should I approach these women who act boring, don't smile, don't seem like they're having a good time, seem asexual...and try to work the fun, happy, sexy side of them out? Is that MY responsibility as the man? Am I not showing enough value?
And I know you're gonna say "But why should I put in all the effort, that's supplicating etc." but that's just the way it is. All the better I say. If she's not having a good time and you come and rescue her from her boredom and give her a good time then she's going to be throwing her panties at you soon enough.

It basically comes down to one thing. Stop taking it all so damn seriously, and have fun with it instead. The same applies to the follow up call. Except that now, if you give her a good time while you were getting the # in the first place (she's gotta remember you), then she'll probably be more receptive to the call itself. If you don't think she's having a good time in your company then don't waste your time getting the number and move onto the next chick who will.

Eric Smith

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
I really feel you, squirrels. Maybe its why my game has been so sub-par. Maybe its that I realized that life is way too valuable to really waste time picking up a cookie cutter ho that:

- Likes Justin Timberlake/R&B
- Has to have blonde hair and is tan (not a big fan of tanning personally)
- Pretend they aren't sluts until after their third Natural Ice
- Have generally the same interests as 90-95% of the other girls

Maybe my standards are too high but I just want a non overtanned hot brunette girl that has ambition in life other than what boys to pick up. Until then, its the dime-a-dozen blonde hoes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Thanks people...that's kind of what I was getting at. I'm not sure what it is...I think I'm just used to dealing with women who are already highly energetic and sexual because those are the kind that approach me. Honestly, when I approach, I hit a wall and don't know what to do with it.

I've never been the "life of the party." I'm getting way better at that...but I just can't seem to project the kind of energy that people want to be around...women OR other guys.

It takes a special kind of something to get me enthusiastic...and once I am, I can take that from them and bounce it back tenfold, but in a circumstance where all the women are kind of on their guard and holding back their fun, passionate side...I honestly get stuck. It's like I'm back in AFC mode because, even though deep down they WANT to find someone who's gonna open them up and let THEM show THEIR enthusiasm and lust for life, I can't bring myself to "push through" the b*tch shields and bullsh*t to get there. There's just nothing to feed off of.

Maybe that's more of a personal problem that goes beyond women and into life in general...I dunno.

I just don't know how to fix it. I don't know how to "develop the energy" I need to be able to approach someone and be outgoing and powerful and kinesthetic even with relatively little encouragement and be patient enough to wait for a response. I see that initial resistance and I think, "Damn, maybe women AREN'T like they say at sosuave.com"

I just can't find a passion...I don't know what I truly want out of life. I don't even know if I want women...it's not like I see women and I get turned on any more...I see them and I think, "what should I do in this situation?" I'm forcing myself to approach people because it's the "DJ" thing to do, and I figure that's better than just remaining quiet, but sometimes I don't know. Even my hobbies are starting to become chores. I'm lazy...or depressed...or something. A couple weeks ago, I was riding high, and now I just feel dead to the world. I don't know where to find the energy and passion *I* need to evoke the energy and passion of others...or even to survive.


Eric Smith

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
You sound like me right now, squirrels. Especially this part:

I'm lazy...or depressed...or something. A couple weeks ago, I was riding high, and now I just feel dead to the world.
The problem with me I think is that my passion is gone. During the summer when I was DJing like a mofo, I was writing raps down for an album (damn mic I had wouldn't work so I couldn't do the CD), making a couple amateur videos with a friend (not sexual), and I lifted weights.

I need to take up some new hobbies. For many people, most people don't have the ambition in life to ever take up a hobby or do something. When I started making a rap CD, my friends laughed at me and tried to cut me down. Yet when I was writing tight rhymes and seeing a HB's D cup tits bounce up and down as she is riding my pole, they were sitting in a circle talking about how sad their lives were. The laughed at me when me and a good friend of mine were shooting a video. We spent hours writing plots and filming. Again, while I was doing this and nailing a HB that they all wished they had, they were talking how boring they were.

You need passion and ambition in your life right now. If your old hobbies are now chores, move onto something else. You don't have to like one set thing and thats it. Interests change.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
I didnt' read your post to answer...Hell yeah! It's so easy to catch women that it get's boring. And their company get's boring at times.

I give myself down times now. I will go for a day or so without any female contact at all.

Today I am getting ready to boink my 3rd new girl of the week...yeah it's no lie. two women whom I've given my number too have called me this week. Infact I am stalling since today's wants me to come to her office where she is working all alone...and is managing this prestegious apartment complex where all the rich folks stay in town....you get the picture...

Oh well I guess "It's my duty to please that booty"-Shaft

Monday I plan to just get out of town to the ocean and finish this good Sci-Fi book that I just started....ALONE!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
I get bored with women a lot. I've posted about this before. It is hard for me to even talk to women, they are just not smart for the most part.