I've dealt with a narc for the last 9 years I'm her nearest and dearest now..in the beginning we did sleep together but that stopped becuase narcs do not like sex becuase it's a common thing and they always want to feel special..I think I lasted because I do have narc tendencies since I have been spoiled my whole life but I also have codependent behaviours also. From the beginning years I was like w tf is going on like just unbelievable behavior and rage attacks out of the blue..I was baffled until I stumbled across Sam vaknin on youtube he literally saved me and gave me all knowledge on npd...now I know how to handle all of her sh 1t and can push buttons etc...we have had very few blowups in the last few years since I started understanding but before that it was blowups on a weekly basis. She's a pathological narcissist which is on the extreme end of npd. But I'm the only one in her life who can handle her.
Now I'm dealing with a bpd/narc with the bpd being more dominant. She's different than a full blown narc but I am aware of her behaviours...compared to the narc she shows more emotion and more empathy even though I know it's to get something...it's crazy she blows me up
text text text I sleep over we hang out all day then the next she's giving one line replies and just at the opposite end of how she is when she's engaging...I did have emotions for her but I just tell myself she's a fake c vnt so I don't get emotional no its just a game to me..I feel sorry for any guy that gets involved because I can see how they can easily fall for her and just start smothering her..I catch myself being a little clingy but then i just backup..we hung out for the last 3 days slept over etc messed aorund kissed each other goodbye etc now she's silent basically we exchanged maybe 3 texts today..but I do understand what's going on that's why I'm not asking her to sleep together it boils down to whenever she is feeling the emptiness loneliness or needs something she'll contact me I cannot initiate because she will push for things it seems like it and just think u wanna take up my time then ur going to pay the price because i dont need u right now kind of thing. She told me she loses interest in people fast and is numb to everything and is hypersensitive lazy etc. She claims she actually cares about people which is hard to believe..I do find her comparing me to guys she's dated and mentions subtle cues whether I'm suitable for her and she criticizes me without intentionally doing it...she's just a different kind of person and u better be able to go with the punches because nothing is going to give.
She shows a lot more rapid idealization and devaluation cycles like within a very very short time frame compared to a narc that can idealize for a longer amount of time...but in the end both will come back at some point as long as u just play along and not get psycho on them and as long as u can show u can fulfill their needs I guess...this is just making me think w tf is all this bs just by typing this but it does some to occupy my time when I have nothing else to do so it's a cheap form of entertainment.