I am going to throw a concept at you.
Picture life and time.
Now time as you know it is simply a false hood, the fact of time is that there exists no time but the present.
What exists is momentum of the object, through the present of here and now.
Take space for example to look at the stars is to look at your past, that is to look back in time at the sight you see, as it takes many millions of years for the light from the stars to reach out planet. So the concept of time is justly qualified, it is simply a momentum of an object/state i.e you travelling in the present. Everything else is made to try to map a certain ritual to time.
Time is in fact the man made concept of our worlds revolutions around the sun and the breaking of the night and day (moon and sun revolutions).
So time as you know it is simply a state of momentum of out world around an object. In that sense only the present is worth of note, since all else is simply past. This is kind-a weird but lets move onto Fate.
Does fate exist?
Put it this way, in a way fate does exists and it does not!
Lets assume every eventuality as been mapped out for you life, like a computer game with many endings, with the players choice in the here and now effecting that circumstance! This is similar to fate and your life imo. Simply put your choices you make in the here and now effect your fate. The difference in a computer game and Real life is you are not aware of the many branches of your Life/Fate.
Also which ever path you take as already been decided if we look at it, since if we where to jump into the future your life would simply be a product of your choices, influenced by what ever motivation influenced it. In that respect fate does exists since the path you are on is simply a product of your future, still it is influenced by choice. So choice regardless is your fate.
The only way possible to change ones future fate would be to jump in time and see your life and know the choices you made to get to that stage )or go back in time and change a choice) Then you could pick a choice and change it, thus changing your fate.
Still this is fate regardless because we could jump even further and see the choices you made in going to the future to effect your fate was in fact part of your fate and was ment to be!
The thing with fate is not to concern yourself with-it simply act on the present here and now due to motivation.
In the concept of a girl, well just go for it or not, this is a product of choice and where fate comes in, it already knows what you choose.
At the end of the day you choose your fate, all of it.