I don't think I have any friends who have gone that route, funnily enough.
I can think of one who banged really hot teenage Eastern European hookers every weekend before 'brexit' though lol. But never moved countries to exploit their white privilege.
But most really just seem to not be too bothered! They just spend a tonne of time doing other things, I guess as a kind of replacement. Travelling, porn, video games, jujitsu, gym, porn, football (soccer to most of you), pub nights, working overtime at their jobs, porn etc.
As I say, they arent' willing to do what I do/did to get laid as someone who didn't hit the genetic lottery (which was basically to approach a TONNE of girls and thus increase your odds of 'getting lucky'. Don't forget that cold approach is just tinder in person.)
Most of them would at least get laid from time to time with probably slightly chubby/older women if only they would approach a tonne and eat lots of rejections, but they don't seem to want that. They prefer to go without. Maybe they're hoping to get reincarnated as a good looking tall guy with a lantern jaw and great cheekbones and a great head of hair in their 'next life'! lol