st_99 said:
thats what i've noticed also, is that most weed dealers are just kind of dudes with no real life, good guys, probably play guitar or something, maybe dropped out of college, something like that..
i don't even really know why i brought up this topic. I think its because everytime I meet a cute girl, and think she has a kick ass personality, she mostly likely smokes.. lol. and seing as though i do not, it kind of ticks me off. they are always shocked that i do not, i guess because i come across as cool, care free and what not..
you bring up an interesting while somewhat related point.
like, how can i put this... you meet a girl. and i mean, ****... there is you, then there is the REAL you... in other words, there aren't really things you are hiding, but they are things that you don't come out the bat and just let people know if that makes sense. for instance, with me and my drug history. it's not something i'm ashamed of, but at the same time, it's not something i broadcast to the entire world. most girls i'ved went on dates with dont' have a clue. if youa re around me enough and i like you, you'll
know in time.
what i am getting at is, a BIG red flag to me is, when a girl, moves something up for you to learn about her, faster than i'm supposed to learn it. does that make sense? like let's say i went on a first date with a girl and we went out ot eat and 30 mintues into the date i'm telling her about my drug history. to me, that's a red flag. even if you aren't using drugs, normal people don't broadcast that **** to anyone who will listen. that's a need to know basis. even when i was in AA i'd go out and order a virgin daquari and if a girl asked why i'd just say beucase this is how i like it lol
what i am getting at is, if i meet a girl, i'm not per say, opposed to her smoking the sticky icky every once in a while. but, at the same time, i don't feel that's some **** i need to find out on the first or 2nd date either.
hell now that i think about it, the last time i went on a first date and the girl broke out a weed bag, we were smoking crack by the end of the night lol. that's actually how i got hooked.
so if a girl brought it up like too soon, that would be a red flag to me. I don';t mind, but that's.. that's some private stuff./ if you breaking that out on a first date, that means you either are 1. a ***** 2. stupid 3. so addicted you need to get a fix now or 4. trying to run game on me and use me as a ATM machine. none of the 4 are desirable.