DJ Bootcamp: Week 3

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Another week guys well done. This is one step more closer to that goal of yours and i am sure if you keep this dedication through the next 6 weeks you will get out on the other side of the AFC> DJ tunnel. This week you will have to step up your game because i know this week can be difficult, it was the first time i tried it and consists of holding conversations with HB's. This is the week where basically things begin to happen and i find one of the most rewarding week.

Anything worth any true value never comes easy.

Due to that I like to believe there is an equilibrium in everything, some people complain things are to hard. I on the other hand ask for it because i know the harder road always has the best reward on the other side and i would have it no other way. So for all those who find this week difficult think about all that effort u put in it and all those ups and downs u had to go through and all of that will make u stronger. Just because u do this week, could actually lead u to gain the skills to meet the wife u wished for in the future. If i would of given up at this point i am pretty sure i would of ended up being some 40 yr old virgin haha. Well anyones enough talk the exercise for this week is down below

Exercise 1

While last week we went out and spoke with ten strangers, male or female, young or old, this time our weekly exercise is to go and hold a short conversation (2 – 10 minute each in length) with 10 women that you would normally be interested in dating.

Now, this may seem a little daunting for some people, but when you stop and think about it, there really is no difference between a drop-dead gorgeous babe and middle-aged guy, at least when it comes to holding a brief conversation.

To be successful, just keep everything in perspective... humans are humans. Do this and you won't have any more trouble with this lesson than you did with the one from last week.

Also, in addition to the reading material from this week, you might want to refresh on the reading material from last week since those articles will be just as useful.

After each conversation, write the results in your journal. After completing the assignment, report back to the response thread and share with us one or two of your encounters.

You have until this time next week, to finish this lesson. As well, keep on practicing the skills you learned in the previous two lessons, so that you don't lose them.

And don't forget the 3-second rule discussed in the previous lesson. You'll find that it will be ten times more powerful now, since it will force you to overcome the fear that often develops when you think too much about approaching an attractive girl. Here's a copy-and-paste of the 3-second rule from last week...

"Also, a tip that might help you with this lesson, and the next few lessons, is the 3 second rule (You can find it on ASF). What this means is that when you find someone you might be interested in approaching, don't give yourself more than 3 seconds from the moment you are able, to approach them. Anything longer than 3 seconds highly increases the chance that your nerves will work against you, and that you'll chicken out. Even if you have nothing planned to discuss with them, you'll find that you'll amazingly have something to say if you can only force your feet to propel you to the person."

Okay DJs, let's keep up the momentum. We're getting closer and closer!

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
The DJ bank

This will have the Dj bootcamp in it and also will be your sources of information that i feel will be quite useful along with the bootcamp. I will update this every week with new articles and stuff. This week i am going to add some specific journals to the bank, i feel this would be the most helpful journals to read for this week. They will give u ideas on what to talk about and also some things u can do to make this a bit more fun.

DJ Bootcamp - This will tell you the week's tasks and have a number of articles informing you on how to get through the task as well as building your dj arsenal to get you through this.
or word Version:


This stuff has motivated me greatly and it would of been a lot more harder to go to the next level with out it. I hope you find it as useful has it has been for me.

Weapons of mass seduction - Senor fingers - This is my personal favourite article of this website, the guy will totally change your thinking, his funny has hell and will tell you pretty much every single thing on how to approach a girl.

15 lessons - Pook - One of his greatest pieces and very true and inspirational, u can't help to approach after you read this.

"Keys to the VIP" < search on youtube- reading is not enough my friends, u actually got see these things to believe them. I thought their were so many boundarys in approaches and things i couldn't do. I watched these guys getting girls numbers instantly from screwed up openers to boyfriend being right next to her and i had whole new perspective on approaching and just exactlly what i could do.

Waldens Journal - First person to complete the bootcamp, if you are having problems see how walden overcame the obstacle it may help you.

Approach Journals: i learnt a lot from approach journals and was able to take bits and pieces i liked of a lot of journals to create my own style. The things you see some guys on here do are unbelievable and u will have whole new expectations. They will also help you with what to say and what to do at times, seeing we have all been through the same thing more or less, so u can watch how other people got through them and also learn some of there techniques that they use and see what works for you.

Traps of life: One of the most truest and motivating articles i have read, this is actually in the dj bible, but i didn't want to give you the link and then let you search recklessly for the pages so i found website that has it as well.

NEW! Snow Plowmans Journal - This guy has done hell lot of approaches, This is actually the ONLY journal i was not able to completly read because he has done so much and there is a huge amount of information on how to go about your approach with a million different scenarios and it will give you a lot of ideas and show you how easy this can be.

NEW! Post your field experimentation ideas here, and I'll do them - Incog - This guy has done a lot of crazy **** and i have tried some of the things he has done and well it has gotten good results. This is just to have fun with so you can add some Ancient amazon chick war storys under ur belt lol. The success rate on this are very good in my opinion for obvious reasons because the approach was not aimed for the chick to try and please her, but rather to please urself. Have FUN.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
I am going to put names who made it through week 3, remember your not alone feel free to help eachother out, we are a team. For some reason i am feeling you guys are maybe all bit isolated, but might just be me. Anyway the DJ list, should have some more guys coming along soon when they finish up there field report, but here are the definites.


Daydream Engineer (aim) vicazuvic
Rushing Dude 123 (aim) Rushing dude
Rockyroc (aim) pyro54572
HBK (aim) Dorian khan
Al Moh (aim) almohsetax
Waking up (aim) equivocalx3
Cool Dude (aim) alldayeverydaycj

Btw HBK thinking of doing something like last time, like the work girl experiment. I will try think of something we can try out this week, u got any ideas? and noooo not GM sexy that will be next week lol.
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Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
So yeah I'm still here, sorry again for not posting my report yesterday, my day was packed.

THis week is the deal breaker for me. I already passed this week once or twice but always by grabbing easy opportunitys (like a ball or some kind of party). This time I really have to go through the street/train/bar approaches, otherwise I'll keep failing at week 4 because I don't meet enough women through my social circle to get rejected 10 times in one week^^

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I made it through as well. I know it's late and all, it's cool if you don't put me on the list because evenso I'm still going to continue with week 3.

Basically for the last week I continued helloing, and fell into a very short conversations ranging from talking to some older lady about cats, to a younger girl about random **** casually in a bookstore. Overall it was pretty casual and cool.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright guys don't worry, i added u on the list. Waking up i am not ruthless jeez, has long has u do the task thats all that matters lol. I am also glad u stepped up ur game al moh because week 4 is just round the corner, but for now don't worry about it. I also got to go more serious on this, which i will do after i finished my thing on saturday.

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
rushing dude 123 said:
Alright guys don't worry, i added u on the list. Waking up i am not ruthless jeez, has long has u do the task thats all that matters lol. I am also glad u stepped up ur game al moh because week 4 is just round the corner, but for now don't worry about it. I also got to go more serious on this, which i will do after i finished my thing on saturday.
rofl bootcamp is serious business, you know :woo:

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
hm i finally thought of the task which i am going to try and do. i am going to try and get all 10 of my conversations away from the clubs and attempt to close each one of them no matter how bad it is, unless she has a big wrestler boyfriend next to her lol. I will meet the criteria this week anyway because i am going clubs tommorow probs, but this is going to be just for me.

So rules are for my tasks:

1. no clubs, no gym, no bowling alley, no work approaches. (so i am not in my comfort zone anymore where i usually pick up)

2. all 10 must be attempted to close, unless very very very good reasoning.

HBK u can give it ago to, i am pretty sure u won't have to much trouble attempting to close 10 times out of your highly social areas and clubs. if anyone else wants to start there attempted closes out of ur comfort zones off early are welcome to do so. If not just stick to this weeks task and forget everything i just said.

I got my first one today whilst i was waiting at doctors, there was chick i thought was like 22, but turned out she was 33. i just opened with "how long u been waiting" and the set went on for like 30 minutes. It was a good set for me, but no go, it went pretty good under the circumstances seeing i was dressed trampy at the time and my age. I should of assumed the sale more and if i am going to go all out no looking back and trying to pad my fall.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
I totally agree on that we are not working together here.It does seem like we are all just posting and not acknowledging anyone else.Great point to make!Everyone I am going to add you all on aim right now.Oh and I suggest everyone go to the library and pick up some stand up tapes and books on communication.I read a book on coomunication today and I was traped in it.I think it might help!

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
It is not just me then who feels that huh, the journals served there purpose but i have just cleared them off, i want everyones field reports on this thread that way everyone can see how everyone else is doing. U can still post in ur journals if u want, but i feel u will probs get better feedback if u post it here. On another note i might giv some communication books a read, but for now i think i need to make some use of the information on the website seeing i just need have a quick refresh on everything. I hate reading so much but it is totally necessairy, feels like homework lol.

btw azrael made it through, so there are still 10 djs left. With the ones that we have i am pretty confident u guys will not go out anytime soon. Seeing a lot of u r doing of extra work and going the extra mile, also i know what some of u r already r capable of.

Also guys don't get to into this bootcamp i know it dictates ur life and u r constantlly thinking about it lol. It is about fun, enjoy urself, do all the things u want to do. Take dance lessons, play football, go concerts, go swimming this is ur mother ****in life and life is way to short to b worrying about ****, because to b honest if u do that there would b no need for me to set tasks u would b hitting these boxes anyway. Forget about girls and go about ur day the best u can, the girls will come to u and when they do make ur move, no need to go out there trying to track a girl u have not even seen yet.

Anyways guys i am going bed but just wanted u to know I LOVE U MOTHER ****IN GUYS LMAO

ps. i am not drunk lol


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
ok i like the idea of just posting in here. i was getting the same feeling but bcz its my first b/c i thought it was normal...

anyways tonight was a freaking AWESOME night for me. i went out with my buddies and we just hopped all over the town and in the country. i dont really have any specifics, but i was just the alpha male basically all night, and even though i knew everyone and they were good friends of mine, they are usually in frame control and are in 'more power' so to speak than i am. but tonight was totally different (maybe because of the b/c?!) - i was makin the chics laugh and the guys jealous.

so this didnt really help me out that much with this weeks tasks, but its still a confidence booster and i enjoyed myself. i plan on getting most of it done in 2 or 3 days... and im not that worried about this week to be honest (next week - i will be scared)


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Al Moh When I did my bootcamp I did the exact same thing got all the convos at a party when I was drunk and other low quality crap. So I didn't do week 4 this time when I do it I am doin real approaches. But it'll still feel easier I am on a whole nother level compared to where I was last year.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
I will try do my sets in more detail if i can, but i am very tired so i will just wrap things up of what happened today.

Lost my 400m race by 3 seconds and lost £200 ($400) that sucked lol.
Took one of the girls that goes my gym for coffee and pool which was nice.
Went out with rocky roc and davidg100 again.
Got two numbers.
7/10 conversations done for bootcamp
1/10 conversations for out of state approaches on my task.

Also Thyme try to go for few closes this week, will warm u up for next week, so u don't go unprepared.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
I did one convo in friday with a girl at my ballroom dance class about what she is going to do after school, etc.

Saturday at the gym there was a new girl working there, asked her how long she's been there and if she likes the work, etc. learned that she wants to join the police when she's done with school.



Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
well i have been looking in my everyday life for talking opportunities, but i havent really found any so far this week. but i plan on getting the bulk (if not all) of them done at my college orientation this wednesday through friday. i am going down to my college with all of the other incoming freshman... so it should be a perfect opportunity to DJ. i also plan on going to grad parties of people i know from other towns. that way i will meet girls my age but i wont know them (not the case in grad parties in my own town).

... still pretty worried about this week - should be interesting

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Yesterday another girl I met through some friends (yes, I know...). Still, it was a good convo about jobs, the city she lives in (she's from out of town) etc. It was pretty fun, I can tell my humor improves.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
well I got a chance to talk to waking up on aim which was cool.I hope to get a chance to talk to all of you also on aim.
I am really proud of myself today,because I did not let my mind control me,I straight up broke the chains my mind has me locked up with.Hers the story:

While at my schools library looking for some good books on communication and psychology,I sall a girl across the aisle on her computer, at that moment I did not think anything of it besides a lil thought that I should go up to her but she did not look good at the time.I proceeded t look at the books.I swear I must have spent like 2 hours just searching for books and that's it!I finally find a book that I like called human zoo.I walk back to the aisle where the communication books are.That is the aisle that girl so happened to be at the end of. While walking back I think she must be gone since I been here for so long, but when I get there she was still there.
Looking for another book I did not think to go up to her.then after like 45 minutes looking for a piece of literature I figured I would go up too her.Since she was on the computer I thought I would go up to her and ask if I can go on facebook just as a joke.Well I find my book then I walk towards her but my body just turned the corner and went to where my stuff was.I could not believe it.I sat down and thought to myself I am going to do this I am going to do this.Then the 3 second rule popped in my head,As soon as that happened I got up and went to walk over to her.As I walk up to her I suddenly turn the corner again, and I am back at the same aisle!
I look for another book trying to think of what to say to her.I find another book and just decided to go for it.I walk to her and ask if I am allowed to rent books for free,and that leaded to a convo lasting for I would say like 10 minutes.We talked about where she was from what class she was taking and what I want to major in,just small talk pretty much,oh yea did I mention she was a black girl! I could not believe the convo went so well with a black chick.While talking to her I made sure to open up my body and take a step closer to her.I tried not to stare at her eyes to much,and when she would talk I would sometimes look at my book or look somewhere else.She would sometimes talk and not look at me so I thought she felt uncomfortable. The convo got slow a lil but I did not lose my cool,I went with the silence and she asked a question and kept it going.After a while I completely lost her though because she did not eve try to keep up the convo and she just did her thing on the computer with me just standing there trying to think of what to say.So I said I got to go I did not expect to talk with you that long I got her name which is star and I said later.I wanted to # close but I was so nervous.I should have made the convo end when it was still good and get her # then peace.I could have but whatever.I made some mistakes though.This is what I learned.

Do not give your age unless she asks.
Do not give alot of info about yourself unless you know you still have a chance.Still be careful,if she knows alot about you even a lil then she might think she knows enough about you to make a judgment,stay a mystery!!

Try to open up your body and invade her space,not to much though where you are all up in her face.

Try to stay cool and go with the flow,do not worry about the silence in between convo just go with it.If she does not say anything after a few seconds ask her a question or make a statement about something you are sure will get the convo back.

Do not just ask her alot of questions,give your point of view also.What helped me was I thought of her as a freind and not someone I would get with,even thought this girl was sexy.

I am not sure about asking how old she is.Try to feel that one out fro yourself to see if she will get offended.

Just try to act alpha and play it cool.I was nervous that whole time but I think I did well.

For gods sake FLIRT a little.At least just a few flirty moves when you do this boot camp.A little is better than none at all, so just take baby steps.Try just making one flirty move or comment while in conversation.

Thats all I have right now for me this week that is 1/10.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
well done cool dude learn from ur mistakes, i am still making loads of amateur mistakes right now too. Guys though u really need to pick up the pace u got two days left and if u leave it to the last i am pretty sure u won't make it through. So try to knock all of them if u can tommorow.

I would do my convos, but i am quite busy lately so i won't b able to write them all out this week. My social circles r amazing, but my convos are still more the same. i got 8/10 convos and only 1/10 convos (out of state). That really sucks because its what i want to work on, but i am making to many excuses now. I will not put a time limit on my out of state challenge because that would just put me in state and spoil it. So i hope to complete the challenge soon though hopefully by next week.