DJ Bootcamp Registration!!!!!!!!

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright DJ's i am going to start a new bootcamp on August the 20th, so gives you guys bit of time to contemplate on joining.

It will consist of 8 weeks and you will not be moved out to no army base don't worry, this is something you will do in the comfort of your own town, Every week i will post the week tasks in a new thread and you will do them and proceed to the next week. I have made it pretty far and i can certainly say it will change your life, i pretty much guarentee if you make it out of this you will probablly have very little problem talking/dating to women again. So ask yourself:

Are you the guy in the club/park/mall not being able to strike a convosation.
Are you the guy who can't hold a good convosation.
Are you the guy who is scared of rejection.
Are you the guy who has a problem closing.
Are you the guy who can't talk to girls on the phone and keeps getting flakes.
Are you the guy who can't get those dates or fails on them.
Are you the guy who is never the life of the party.
Are you the guy who has problems approaching groups of girls.
Are you the guy who has very little plates to spin and just ends up going with what you have due to little options.

If you are any of these guys then the bootcamp may be for you, but first you got to admit you have a problem and that you need to work on it so you can become that man you wish to be.

I am not going to ask you guys for why you want it or what your willing to give. Because to be honest if you don't make it then thats fine, because you have not failed me, you have failed yourselves.

The only thing i ask for this bootcamp from you guys, is not to leave things and say "i will do it the next day". I want you to ask yourself at the end of each day "have i become closer to becoming that man of my dreams" it's either no or yes, if you are going to hit no all the time, you will not make it through this bootcamp and it is the reason why so many people can not finish it.

So who ever wants to be in this bootcamp post your name by the 20th, you can give details on why u r doing it and what u feel u need to improve on, if you want to. So the question is are you going to wait for fate to control what knocks on your door or are you going to go out there and get it.

And remember to get the woman of your dreams you first must become the man of your dreams.

DJ out

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
The DJ Bank

This will have the Dj bootcamp in it and also will be your sources of information that i feel will be quite useful along with the bootcamp. The DJ Bank will be updated every week so everytime u pass a task i will add new stuff in the DJ Bank, i will also be adding more new stuff i find out for those who register for the first week.

DJ Bootcamp - This will tell you the week's tasks and have a number of articles to get you through this, so i suggest you read the first week's articles before the 20th.
or word Version:


This stuff has motivated me greatly and it would of been a lot more harder to go to the next level with out it. I hope you find it as useful has it has been for me.

Weapons of mass seduction - Senor fingers - This is my personal favourite article of this website, the guy will totally change your thinking, his funny has hell and will tell you pretty much every single thing on how to approach a girl.

15 lessons - Pook - One of his greatest pieces and very true and inspirational, u can't help to approach after you read this.

"Keys to the VIP" < search on youtube- reading is not enough my friends, u actually got see these things to believe them. I thought their were so many boundarys in approaches and things i couldn't do. I watched these guys getting girls numbers instantly from screwed up openers to boyfriend being right next to her and i had whole new perspective on approaching and just exactlly what i could do.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Ok my story is i am 20, I have been here for quite a while, i have not yet had the pleasure of completing this bootcamp yet and it always itches at the back of my mind. This time it is not about that, i am here on this camp to improve my social skills to even a better level to a stage where i am constantly on fire. I feel at the moment i am at a good stage seeing i do have choices on women, where i am trying to find the best one for me, but at moment the girls i have been meeting do not have that spark i am looking for or the situation is a bit too complicated.

I know i still have a lot to learn and for this one it is not going to be just about the girls, its not going to be about the people, it is going to be entirelly for me. I am setting myself a task of getting to a stage where i can do all the things i want consistently all the time.

My Task: I am quite a sporty guy and i want to add has many sports to my lists has possible has well has skills. For i know a lot of people can take a lot of things away from u such has money and other stuff that is quite meaninless sitting there at the time. People however can't take ur knowledge. Which is why i am going to invest all the money i get into knowledge and skills. The list for what i want to b doing after this camp is below.

Boxing* - buy punch bag at home and continue going boxing club
Football* Keep playing twice a week with friends
Muay Thai* use my MT personal trainer and go once a week to classes
Rugby- hm need to find out about this one
Swimming* - keep swimming and perfect butterfly
Salsa- take some intensive courses and classes and use it for dates 2.
Pool*- Play with friends and dates
Krav maga- Book on the intense course and then fit few classes every month
Kendo - Join a club and start learning how to do it
Running* - start running 3 times week again.
Rock/mountain climbing - use it for dates
400metre Track*- Find a new track i can use and bind it with running.
Guitar- read the book and video when i am exhausted physically on Rest day
Wing chun- Join classes
Tennis*- Go with friends and dates
Golf- Can use for dates and to get body recovering after intensive sport day.
Massaging- Take intensive day course during the bootcamp. Practise on dates
Cooking- take a cooking class. Good to meet new people and for my nutrition
Spanish- Learn it during travelling on bus and such till i can get by on it.
Magic tricks- Just learn a trick or 2 for awesomeness lol, <not much time doing this.
Basketball Hm this one would b more one on one with friend every so often.
Wrestling* I do this with my friends really lol maybe i can get a match in the 3 months.

*= already done or doing just need to maintain.

I know it is quite a lot, but with all the time wasted watching tv and doing nothing i am very sure they can completly b replaced with this and with time to spare. I am going to try and mix dates with some of these things, that way women do not stop me doing things i want to do and waste my time on it. So i can tackle two birds with one stone, I know if i can do all this stuff guys i will feel so great at the end of this.

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
Sure, sign me up. I didn't complete the Spring one and it bothers me too. I feel like I'm in a much better position to do so this time, though. I've added in a lot of exercise and I've begun to take charge in my life. I've already noticed that it's had an impact on my conversations with women.

I'd like to improve my phone game in particular.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
sign me up man im ready for a challenge.

this time though, im going to do things a little differently. im going to do everything i can to get away from my analytical nature - and that includes spending too much time on this website. i am going to try and make my posts short, simple, and to the point. For example...

my ONLY goal for this bootcamp is to get that 'aura' that screams i am a confident, spontaneous, and fun person.

that is it. my entire life in the past i have overanalyzed everything - taking life in steps so measured and thought out that they could have been posted in a science journal for the university. but i dont want that anymore - it hasnt been working for me. i am just going to flow and have fun... and i will rely on my instincts and feelings to be the judge of whether i am being successful. i will be able, for example, to know my number closing isnt up to par because something just wont feel right, not bcz a book tells me i didnt get the 3 ioi's.

so that is where i am at. i am going to rely as much as i can on my instincts to get me through. i want to be an afc transformed into a natural.

and i love your question you want us to ask ourselves "have i become closer to becoming that man of my dreams?" this will be the only analyzing i will be doing.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
oh and dude i could definately help you out with the magic department. i was grounded for a month this year and i decided i would learn some easy magic tricks really good. i also made sure that they were all tricks that i could do anywhere and not make it seem like it was planned (aka i didnt really learn any card tricks or wands or crap like that, just coin tricks and toothpicks you know stuff like that) and believe me it gets some definite attention from chicks and you are the center of it all. lemme know if you want me to help you out here.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
alright guys welcome your in, good job on joining, i c u all have ur own problems and some of u have already been doing bit of previous work before hand which is good, make sure to keep urself social before the 20th. I do not want any "i will wait for the bootcamp to start" stuff, DJs do not talk like that. I suggest u plan on all the things ur doing, where ur going to go, what your going to do, even ur exercise regimes and also read all the articles i have presented for u, that is your tasks right now.

I have put u guys on the list and will continue to do this before the 20th.

DJ List
Mr Bond
Rushing dude

Thanks thyme, yeh b sure to message some of those magic tricks ill b sure to learn them, it is always good to have a few tricks up ur sleeve.....literally lol.

Ps: Also guys private me ur msn addys if u want that way we can all stay in touch.

Don Esco

New Member
Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
Dude Im in
I love to improve even though i get about 5 numbers every weekend when i go out, hey but sometimes none


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
Yea I'll join in on this. It'll be nice to be doin the bootcamp with other people. I just barely finished week one for my own bootcamp, I'm still one lazy a$$ mofo lol. And it's really hard to do 50 hi's where Im from because there aren't a lot of people outside and I lack a car. But this is around school time and sports will have me all over the place so this will be much easier for me now.

I'm in =)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
I hope this works out for me. All I need to do is stop being petrified of the opposite sex


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Im in. Its time I got this area of my life handled and peer preassure will be usefull!

Im in a fairly unique situation. Ive reached a point in my life where for the first time I have the chance to choose my path. Im currently in the process of getting rid of most of my possessions and moving out of my flat.
For the next X weeks and months Im going to be living out of a rucksack. showering in my Gym and sleeping wherever I can find a place to put my sleeping bag down for 8 hours.

Im about to embark on a massive self improovment program. working on my fittness, strength, skills/hobbys, intellectual learning, art, social abilitys, seduction skills etc etc..
sorting out my issues surrounding women is a key aim for me. possibly THE aim.

So lets do this. Im ready.

Jose Yero

New Member
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
I'm down. I haven't posted here in the past, but I have been doing a ton of reading and practicing. What better time than now to register an account?This seems like a great idea as classes are about to start again for me. I'm at the point where I am comfortable dealing with women when I see them regularly and am getting good results, but hell I wanna be a rockstar! I want to be able to approach that 10 on the street and get the same results with her that I get with the girl I've been working on at the gym for several weeks.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
cure you are doing something that i have always wanted to do (except i envisioned my 'pioneering' to be in a van or something and i could travel around the country for the adventure of a lifetime).

so cure... i will be looking forward to reading your posts - you are doing something very unique that not many people in the world would even consider.

props to you man, and good luck

Captin Krunch

Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sing Me Up! 16 1/2 and im going to try my hardest to follow through the whole bootcamp....which is my first bootcamp by the way lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Sign me up and I'm young but I'm probably already doing these things without a program, lots of plates already

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Nice got a few more recruits some experienced, some not has much, but it dosn't matter, u get exactlly what u put in to it and there is always room for more improvement. I am also sure if all of u guys were 100% happy with urself at the moment u wudn't probablly b on this site to begin with.

So i will update the list and u guys r going to b like brothers in this so make sure to help eachother out and also if ur not sure or going through a slump (we all do trust me) on anything just say and we will help u through it.

DJ List
Mr Bond
Rushing dude
Don Esco
Jose yero
Captain Krunch


Senior Don Juan
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
Sign me up!!
Are you the guy in the club/park/mall not being able to strike a convosation.YES
Are you the guy who can't hold a good convosation.NO
Are you the guy who is scared of rejection.Not really
Are you the guy who has a problem closing.YES
Are you the guy who can't talk to girls on the phone and keeps getting flakes.Depends
Are you the guy who can't get those dates or fails on them.Generally yes
Are you the guy who is never the life of the party.Depends... not really
Are you the guy who has problems approaching groups of girls.YES
Are you the guy who has very little plates to spin and just ends up going with what you have due to little options.Sometimes, YES

My story: I've been lurking on this site for quite a while now and have had an account for ages but never really posted. I've had some serious relationships and some flings. The last time I had sex was around 4 months ago with my last serious girlfriend (she's also the only girl I did it with). I'm turning 20 next week, and I'm gonna be a freshman in college which is why I think this is the best time for me to finally start this bootcamp... I've known about it for a while, but in highschool, there weren't as many opportunities and my parents were rather restricting. Now that I'm finally free I'd like to move on take control of my life, also college orientation for me starts on the 25th, so it gives me a great opprtunity to get out of my comfort zone.

Errm, my main goals are to get rid of my fear of approach (which is huge btw)... I can be a pretty shy guy lol. I'd like to be one of those guys who gets laid regularly (I think I'm gonna have to learn some ****ing skills though lol... I'm good at giving head but I think my ****ing skills are lacklustre, not cuz of my size or anything, just technique wise, if anyone wanna gimme tips that'd help lol). Also I'm a pretty good looking guy... I wanna stay goodlooking, and will keep on going to the gym regularly and eating healthy. I think I'm a rather interesting guy... I mean I've lived in over 6 countries (going to college in Florida btw) and have an international background... but sometimes I feel like I just got nothing good or interesting to say, I'm scared to offend people, and especially girls by being too forward.

Anyways, I hope we can help eachother out in this journey and try finish it together!! Looking forward to August 20th (I'm moving to Florida on the 21st btw!!! so perfect timing haha). New environment = new me!