Well,if you don't close with a number and you asked for it,even if you get the email address,that should count as a rejection.Even a pager number.Cell phone too,unless she gives you her home number at the same time and that goes with email adds. and pagres too,but you GOTTA get the number.I'm only 16,but I learned awhile ago if you go out there and TRY and get rejected,it works.Confidence goes up and you wont be scared of rejection.I learned this from my friend when i was 15 and he was 14.Then i read that on this web-site about a year and a half ago,so i tried it.I'll tell yall some examples
One time I was out with my friends and they were scared too appraoch a girl,except one already had a girl friend.At this time,I did my rejections,so it doesnt even phase me.
Me:Hey how you doin?
Me:Whats your name?
Her:Jessica(It started with a J,but i forgot)
Me:Ohh!Well,I came over here,because I think you're real attractive,so you got a boy friend?
ME:ah!I see....
Me:erll,I'm gonna stop talkin too you,because if you were my girl,I wouldn't want anyone tryin too talk to you,but it was nice meeting you though.
She just smiles during all this)
Me:Well,it was nice meeting you,bye.
I went too my homies an I was like "DAMN,she had a boy friend,oh well"heh heh later on....
She toled her friend all this and we were in virgin megastore.I was standing and talking to a friend and I see two boys and Jessica and her friend talkin an lookin at me
Her Friend
With a ghetto girl attitude)How you gonna go up too someone and talk too them and you dont know em!?
Her friend:Jessica come here.
Her friend
idn't he start talkin to you?
She nodded her head yea)
At this point the girl i was talkin to was like "uh oh,you look like you in trouble"
Me:naw,no ones in trouble here.So get back here cuzz i havent seen you for a year!
Me:Well I said,Hey how you doin,whats your name,and do you have a boy friend.(I sounded very polite,with class)
As far as i was concerned,convo ended with the ghetto white chick cuzz after i told her THAT,all she could say was...
Her friend
After that Jessica stood there and said nuthin,she looked confused.It seemed like she was likin me a lil,but i left her and rolled out!
I have more stories for people that still might be scared too do approaches.This sorta thing builds character too,so please do this!
Another thing that might help is too,wile out an not give a F*CK!But do TRY and get rejected cuzz then it'll be more fun,then your convo skills will build up too and you'll get more girls in the process from building more confidence and other things.
You might even get more attractive too the eyes of women.One lady in her 30's said that i was as cute as a button,but she dont wanna go too jail.ahahaha,my friends told me that and I was like "WHAT!?"I'm JADT,so take care everyone!