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DJ Boot Camp - Week #4

Don Coroleon

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
Whats up fellow Dons,

Well i haven't been to this site for a couple of weeks because of shool and all so i'm a little behind. But today i plan on playing a little game of catch up.

I'm in college and have 8 o'clock classes everyday this quarter so i figure that's plenty of time during the day to get ten rejections.

I'll be back with the word.


Vegas Playa

Don Juan
May 9, 2002
Reaction score
Vegas, Baby!
Just got back from clubbing at the Hard Rock Hotel. One of the guys in our group got us into the VIP room at Baby's, an underground club underneath the hotel. Went up to and talked to a few different women while I was there, but all of them were visiting from out of town for the Memorial Day weekend so I didn't go for the # close.

Meanwhile, our waitress was this HOT looking Asian (I must have an Asian thang going on lately!) with one of those tatoos right above her ayss (I LOVE that shyt). Of course, that's par for the course at the Hard Rock (or, as we locals call it, the Hard C0ck), where the waitress are all 9s and 10s. Decided to go on a kamikaze mission and approach her for her number. As expected, she blew me off, saying she was too busy to talk and that she would get back to me, but never did. Rejection #6!

I brought my own wheels, and as I was leaving I spotted two girls out front who were falling down drunk and offered to give them a ride back to the Mandalay Bay Hotel, where they were staying. One was on the chunky side and visiting from San Diego, while the other, more attractive one was a local who was staying with her friend.

As I dropped them off, the chunky one gave me her number in San Diego without me asking for it. Meanwhile, I asked for the more attractive girl's number, especially since she was a local. Unfortunately, she was too drunk to find her business card, and I was a bit too drunk to remember to ask her for her home phone number. So basically I fumbled that opportunity.

Oh well, too many Red Bulls and Vodka! It's all good, though, and its all practice.


"Fear and fatigue block the mind. Face both, then courage and confidence flow into you." B.K.S. Iyengar


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
Reaction score
NYC baby!
I didn't know we had an extra week until today! Argh. Ah wellz, I'll just have to get some rejections tomorrow. It better not rain. I can't go out today at all either cuz I'm forced to stay home today to study for the SAT IIs coming up on Saturday. Wish me confidence

Don Coroleon

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
What up Dons,

Well yesterday I went out like I said in effort to start getting my rejections. It was my third class of the day and there were about seventy people in the lecture hall.

My friend and I got to class and sat at the very back so that we would have the best view of all the honies that passed by. Class was getting ready to start when all of us sudden this thick white girl rolls up.

This girl got booty! and she was representing with her tight skin tight black pants (showing mad curvature) and her white top complementing her bust.

No joke, this girl was about a 9 so I told my friend that I was going to hit her up after class (with the premise of getting rejected).

When class was out, I went outside before she did and posted up in front of the lecture hall pretentding to be checking my messages on my phone. When I saw her pass by me, I started my approach.

While I was talking to her about class and how boring the lectures were, it supprised me how open she was during the conversation.

We talked all the way back to her apartment and that's when I went in for the close.

Me: "Well I have to get going. I might be throwing a party next week so maybe i'll hit you up. Let me get your #"

Her: "Alright." (As she drops her bag and rips out a sheet of paper)

Her: "Here...Let me give you my cell."

I was expecting to get rejected but turns out that she's now a target. I'm going home for the weekend so i'll try to get some rejections there.

Until then...Stay up Playas.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Me first number close, even though it wasn't really one ) :

I was working at the dressing room, to earn some extra money, friday night. So a girl (6) walked by and asked me for a pencil because she wanted to write down a number.

While writing down her number she talked to her female friend and said that she wanted to get the number of challenger (so the guy had the same name than me) So I asked her "So you wanted to have my number?" (I didn't really think of it as a number close, just courios about the guys name, as "Challenger()" isn't a common name).
Without rising her view from wrtiting down the number she told me "no!".
I explained it to her and she was like "Oh really?.." So this was salving the situation ..

But anyway, I was kind of shocked afterwards as I thought about the situation, because I was really in a good mood, did some jokes on her before, she was only a 6 !! and nevertheless she rejected me ...

[This message has been edited by Challenger (edited 05-26-2002).]

future marine

Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2002
Reaction score
ive got good news and bad news and a request. first the good news. ive finaly filled my quota on 10 hellos and convos also im up to 7 convos with datable women. as an added bonus i got the number of a woman that ive liked alot since my freshman year of high school yesterday. this woulnt of been possible back in my afc days. i used to think i was in love with her and had her on a pesestool the size of a sky scraper, yet i did nothing but make an arse of my self in front of her. now thanks to this site she has been removed from her pedostool and i went for the # and got it. though i am certan i will mess this up. getting rid of the nevousness and getting the number is a moral victory in its self.
now the bad news i only have one regection. i cant seem to gather the couarage to fufill my quota. i caare about what ppl think of me too much even though i have only 1 1/2 months before i ship out too boot camp. i get demoralized to easaly every time i encounter a woman that has her b!tch barrier up or gives bad vibes.
Now my request. i need a swift kick in the a$$.

pain is weakness leaving the body

a good offensie is better than than the best defensive

Ralph Bellamy

Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by future marine:
Now my request. i need a swift kick in the a$$.
You are about to join the Marines and defend our country against Osama but you can't approach a girl who might reject you? Forget that shyt! Face her down! Worst she can do is be rude and give you an opening to bust her chops (and charm her socks off). Just don't play up the Marine angle too much or you will get too many #'s and not enough rejections for this exercise.

Remember the Marines always go in first...meaning first shot at all the women.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
North Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Hmm I got another number last night...
this rejection stuff is alot harder than I thought. Interesting situation actually.
I'll explain later.
Here are my totals so far:

-4 rejections
-6 numbers

That would usally be a good thing but not for this exercise. :S



Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
Reaction score
NYC baby!
Hey! Well today was pretty damn good. I got up, went through my morning, went to Mass, taught at CCD, and then ate at Mickey Ds. After that, it was time for me to get my rejections. I approached about 10-12 girls today, out of them, some ignored me, some basically walked away, some I walked away from, 5 rejected me, and I got one e-mail. Overall, a productive, yet tiring day. Sometimes I still don't go for the close though, one case in point was a cute girl and her friend and we were having a decent convo. I ask the cute girl for her name, and it was Judy. Then I was like, oh ****, didn't I hit on this girl before? So I became disoriented and said, ok bye. Now I remember that I hit on a different Judy on the library steps. Argh. Ah wellz, I'll learn to always close if given the opportunity, cuz I prolly won't see them again so it won't matter. Bring on next week!


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2001
Reaction score
Just checkin in, in case someone thinks I went AWOL, lol.

Let's see over the course of the last two weeks, my tally so far. (and for my entire life too, afc b4, don't ask

7 rejections so far, 1 married, 5 boyfriend responses

2 numbers and a date next Thursday


-got dissed on my first number, girl cancelled on me last minute with totally lame excuse

-got a freaky feeling about my upcoming date, the girl didn't remember my name, but did remember the situation where we met

that's it for now

have a good one


Sep 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Woo Hoo, I'm back in the mix ya'll. I can finally walk like a normal person now. I'm going out this wk to get those rejections.

Master of the Universe

Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
Happy Memorial Day (US) Fellow DJs,

Well, I was able to get to 9 rejections. Still one more to go, but I'm sure I'll get it before the day is over. By far, the most common rejection was the boyfriend, but since my goal was to get rejected, I didn't even bother with a bf destroyer.

Probably the most interesting event that occurred was Thursday, when I was buying a shirt for my cousin, for his birthday. I saw a pretty cute sales girl in Macy's and approach her. Here's the convo:

Me: How are you today?
Her: Fine, and you?
Me: I'm walking on sunshine!
Her: walking... on... sunshine?
Me: Yeah, you know the rays of the sun? Well, I'm walking on them.
Her: (Starts laughing) Well, that's a beautiful expression.
Me: (I smile)
Her: So what are you looking for?
Me: Well, I'm thinking of buying a shirt for my cousin. What you do recommend?
Her: Is your cousin a man or woman?
Me: If he's a woman, then it wouldn't make much sense for me to be in the Men's section? Now would it? (said with a sly grin)
Her: (out of balance) Well, a cousin could be a male or female.
Me: (smiling) I know... I'm just giving you a hard time. (I then give her a hug as a gesture of goodwill).

(She helps me find a shirt for my cousin)
Me: He's going to really like this shirt, especially after I tell him that an attractive young woman picked it out for him.
Her: (She laughs and smiles).

I go to pay for the shirt, and somewhere during our conversation she mentions something about her boyfriend. I dig a little further, and find out that they've been going out for a year. At the cash register is another sales girl. I start talking to both of them, and decide since my goal is to get a rejection, I might as well ask out the first girl, even though she mentioned she has a bf.

So while talking to both chicks, I ask the second girl whether if I asked the first girl out, if the first girl would go out with me. They both giggle, and the second girl suggests that I ask the first. So I do. To my surprise, she says "Yes, I would" and proceeds to give me her phone number. As I was leaving, she stops me and asks me if I was planning on giving her my phone number as well, which I then did.

Strange situation since she mentioned the bf, and then agrees to go out with me. Even stranger is her asking for my number after giving me hers, which is usually a mark of high interest level.

Anyway, it looks like you guys have been doing great as well!


Congratulations on the phone number!!! Now, you just have to go back so you can actually WATCH the movie

Vegas Playa,

Wonderful win/win situation. Now, let's all go Unleash Hell!


You can reach me at the_masteroftheuniverse@yahoo.com However, you can just proceed from the beginning, and post your results as you go on. Good luck!


"kick me where it hurts!!!!"

OK, I'm kicking you. Was there a reason, or just for the fun of it?


Congratulations on your new job! Especially since you've got those amazing fringe benefits (access to hot chicks)!

As for closing the sales, anything too detailed would be beyond the scope of this post, but read this post in the reading material. It should help you out...

How to "Close the Sale" 95% of the time and get that date! by Master of the Universe http://www.sosuave.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/001200.html

DJ Red,

Yahoo!!! Another DJ uses his skills to get a job! Congratulations!!!

As for that chick, hmm... I would have probably told her "I could always spray paint my skin dark brown. What do you think?" (with a smile). Just make sure you had good rapport with her so she doesn't take it as a racist remark.

I also like Ralph Bellamy's response.

Vegas Playa,

"What did she think I wanted her number for---to discuss the series finale of Ally McBeal?"

Well, isn't that WHY you were asking for her number in the first place? You mean you actually had another reason. You men are all animals!!!

BTW, in regards to your situation in the Hard C0ck Hotel, yeah... too many Red Bulls and Vodka will do that to you. =)


Hope you did well on your test!

Don Coroleon,

Don't you hate it when a girl just won't let you get a rejection in peace, and just has to RUIN everything by giving you her phone number


Next time you see her, thank her for helping you reach your goal!

future marine,

First of all, great job in getting her number! The only thing though, is that you have to get rid of the "though i am certan i will mess this up" mentality. This girl should be thanking her lucky stars that you decided to give her the time of day, and she's going to be waiting by her phone for 5 days until you call her, at which point, she will go to church and light a candle to thank her guardian angel for you into her life.

As for getting demoralized easily when you approach a girl that blows you off, I want you to read Ralph Bellamy's response again. There is much truth to it!


Yeah, it's pretty tough to get a rejection in this world!


Wow, you got 5 rejections in one day. Man, you are doing great with approaching girls. Next week, we'll work on more successfully closing for the numbers. Keep it up!


"got dissed on my first number, girl cancelled on me last minute with totally lame excuse"

Happens to all DJs at one point or another. Don't let it phase you!


Glad to have you back man, and glad that you're all better!

OK guys, if you still need to get more rejections, go out and get them. Week #5 will be posted later today or tomorrow by the latest.

Master of the Universe

"Life's a joke... take it too seriously, and the joke's on you" - Master of the Universe

"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways." - Lan Mandragoran, The Wheel of Time


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Master of the Universe:


"kick me where it hurts!!!!"

OK, I'm kicking you. Was there a reason, or just for the fun of it?

we've already discussed in that other thread. And I do punches where it hurts just for the fun of it, not kicks

As for that chick, hmm... I would have probably told her "I could always spray paint my skin dark brown. What do you think?" (with a smile). Just make sure you had good rapport with her so she doesn't take it as a racist remark.
hum. Like what she said about not dating white men couldn't be considered racist, huh...

Alright. So I decided I'll wait for my new shoes before resuming this boot camp. And to finish some more homework...

Heh, a friend told me I have a good poker face... hmm.. must use that to my advantage! somehow! good night!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2000
Reaction score
Albany, NY
Two more rejections WooHoo!!!

And the interesting thing is that they both surprised me... well actually, I think I've been surprised by every rejection so far, but that's another issue.

1. Got a number from a girl in a coffee shop while I was waiting for a Blind Date (I told her I was waiting for a friend)... the problem was that the blind date was there the whole time, but she didn't want to approach me while I was with this other girl. When I left to go call and see what was up with the 'date' she came and talked to the other girl and asked my name, and then started asking about me... and I think ruining my chances with the girl I met. When I called the girl, she said she had a boyfriend (as of three days ago... I had waited six to call) I said, "Three days huh... so it's obviously pretty serious..." she laughed and then said... "it might be." So I don't know whether her longtime crush finally recognized her existence, or if she just thinks I'm a two-timing jizzball, but her attitude definitely changed from one meeting to the next. She was totally into me before.

2. At a different coffee shop (I just noticed this, but these are extraordinarily good places to meet women) today, I saw this cutie studying... I walked over to her table and said, "Please tell me you're not studying on a holiday..." Which got no response... she didn't even look up. I was about to figure she was just a ***** and give up, but as I was picking up my drink, she looked up and we made eye-contact, so I went over and started talking to her. I had her laughing consistently, but I guess I didn't give it long enough to gain rapport. After about 2-3 minutes, I asked her what time it was then excused myself and asked for her number. She said, "I don't think I'm going to give you my number." Have you ever heard a more rediculous sounding statement?! I felt like pulling out a George Carlin on her and asking what she meant by she didn't think... either she was or she wasnt'... etc. Instead I said "is this like a blanket policy or something?" She looked at me kind of confused, so I just said fukk it and left. I haven't gone down in flames like that for a long long time... but interestingly enough, I wasn't hurt at all, merely shocked... I have gotten to the point that I ALWAYS expect a girl to say yes to me.'

That brings me to five rejections... I guess I've got my work cut out for tomorrow if the next week is about to be posted.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Homestead,Florida,United States
Got 2 #'s and 3 e-mails.I haven't been rejected yet but then again I've only been going after 6 and 7's.I did get this one hot girls #.But have'nt been able to communicate with her beacause she's always working.Which leads me to my next question.What do i talk about when I get on the phone with her should I ask to come over when her parent aren't home?I hope you can help me out with this one M.O.T.U.

Don Coroleon

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
You should probably try arranging a time where you two can get together and have lunch or something.

I don't know how well you two know each other but if you're already thinking about inviting her over to your house when her parents are out, it seems that she must seem pretty comfortable around u.

If that's the case, then invite her over for a movie which will open the door for much kino.


Sep 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, TX
2 for 2, no rejections yet, Oh Darn.

One was at my school when I was trying to sell my books back but it was too late and they weren't taking back my books. Anyway, saw some girl just sitting down at a table studying so I seys "the school years over girl, why you still studying" she was like "I'm geting ready for summer school, bla,bla ,bla" or some $hit. So I talked to her and got her number.

I went to another bookstore and saw this girl eyeing me but there were 2 other guys there, her coworkers. Anyway I talk to the guy about selling my books and decide not to sell them back since they ain't giving me enough money. Anywayz I wanted to talk to that girl in the bookstore so i turn around and look at her, she looks at me with a little smile but all I do is say "take care" then she say sbye to me and waves. It was hard b/c I for some reason don't enjoy talking to girls when others are around.

Another scenario was today when I was doing my physical therapy at the fitness center. I get on the bike then I look about 12 feet down and see some black girl with some huge a$$ tatas looking right at me working out on a bike also. all I did was look at her for like 5 seconds then I had to look at my trainer who was giving me instructions. Wish I talked to her but I wasn't feeling it. I should have smiled and said hi but fukk it

"Got another # when I went to get my pay check at my job, I see this gal in the parking lot and seys "Howz it going", then I'm like "so you here on a date or what" "she's like no, I'm coming to see my girlfriends who are inside", so i talk to her for a second and I gets her number.

I'ma go to this Big market tomorrow then I'll probably go to the mall by myself to get some clothes and get numbers (something I've never done, going by myself)

I still need to get 10 rejections but it feels good to be back ya'll.

[This message has been edited by StuartScott (edited 05-31-2002).]

Master of the Universe

Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score

Yeah, coffee shops are one of my favorite places for getting numbers also. One thing I LOVE to do is listen when the employees call the names of the customers to pick up their drinks. I then remember the customer's name if she is an attractive chick, and later on I'll walk up to her and say "Hey <Name>, how have you been?" and start a conversation with her. The look of shock as these girls try to figure out where they know me from is just hilarious!


Like Don Coroleon said, if you're thinking about inviting her to your place on a first date, then you must already know her pretty well.

If that's not the case however, then invite her out for coffee or for an action date. Check out Week #5 for more ideas.


It's good to have you back, and to see you going strong!

Master of the Universe

"Life's a joke... take it too seriously, and the joke's on you" - Master of the Universe

"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways." - Lan Mandragoran, The Wheel of Time


Sep 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Got rejected at Wal-Mart.

Saw girl, posted outside, waited for her to walk past me then I made my move.

Me: Hey, you look familiar, did you go to "bla bla High School"

Her: No, I didn't go there.

Me: Fukk the bull$hit, do you got a man.

Her: Yeah

Me: Oh, is is that serious.

Her: Yeah.

Me: Aight then, Latez.