Week #2 Day #1
Bump (btw, am I supposed to answer threads in the archive)
Alright, week one went fine and today started week #2

Around 7:30PM I grabbed my bike to cycle around a little to check if there were some chicks on the street.
It was dark already, so there was almost nobody on the streets. I saw only two girls (don't know what's up with the people here in the evenings

1. There was this corner of two streets and at the moment I crossed the corner and at the same time a girl crossed the same corner while letting the dog out. We were both kind of surpised and had some eye contact, but I couldn't find the guts to stop and start a convo.
2. The next girl was also letting her dog out

but had an older woman which prolly was her mother walking two or three meters in front of her. I decided not to approach, because I didn't want her mother to freak out. Was this a good thing to do?
So it didn't really work out. I was wondering two things:
-is it actually a good idea to approach girls in the evening outside (when it's dark)? Girls are always told by their moms to watch out for strangers and especially in the evenings this will work in my disadvantage, won't it?
-is it a good thing to do an approach with one of her parents around? Wouldn't her mom just freak out?
I'm having exams this week so I won't have the amount of time I normally have to do fun things. Yet I planned to go to the sporting centre to get my ass out of these books

, but the problem is that almost everybody over there is a couple of years older than I am. I usually have some conversations with strangers in the dressing rooms, but this doesn't involve girls, so I was thinking whether I should approach a girl outside if she's older than I am? I'm 17 so I won't approach a 24-yo chick, but 18 or 19? should I?