Master Don Juan
I want to turn away from the "this is my specific problem - help me!" discussion, and talk in general about certain things. I also want to move away from the pickup talk and talk more about girls we've been involved with (LTRs if you choose to call them that).
Basically, when you're with a girl for an extended period of time (or sometimes for a few days even) - she will suddenly become b!tchy out of no where; i personally wouldn't classify them as sh!t test; they seem to come more from mental lapses... sometimes - it may make a little bit of sense that she becomes this way (somewhat justified); but most of the time it will make none at all! women often will begin to snap about things that they liked in the "honeymoon" stage...
case and point? about a year ago i had been with a girl for 9 months or so (we weren't exclusive and didn't spend a whole lot of time together; so it wasn't serious). We'd always share food; feed each other, etc. She always saw it as cute. One morning, after she had had a rough week, and very good night with me - she sat down with her cheese/sausage/egg bagel from a local diner and she was wondering what something that looked strange was that was on it. I "made the mistake" or grabbing it and lifting up the bagel to see what she was talking about... she slapped my hand hard and said "don't f'ing touch my food like that!" (meanwhile, the devil horns were growning, steam was coming from her ears, and her eyes were turning red; aka: she's suddenly pissed beyond belief!) - - - this was 9 months in... she had never showed one sign of insanity... we touched each others foods all the time... she used to suck my fingers and much freakier stuff
... i was at first dumbfounded and sat there for about 30 seconds... Then i got up grabbed my jacket and left without saying a word... i determined at that point that i was done.. and i was... it wasn't such a big deal because we weren't a big deal, but i always look back and wonder "what if?" - - - This isn't a "what if?" where i'm sad, it's just one from a psychology stand point...
And this seems to be a weakness in guys games, once they get in good with a woman. You see a lot of guys on here like "what happened to my girlfriend? she was so into me, and now she just b!tches at me all the time about dumb stuff."
So this is mainly a 3 part question/discussion...
1) What is it that you think brings on this sudden burst of b!tchiness??
2) Can it be prevented?
3) What is the best response in your opinion to a girl suddenly acting b!tchy??? (not specific words, but specific actions. such as - neg her, don't take her seriously, tease her for being so serious, pull yourself away from her as i did, etc. examples are good though.)
Just curious what people think. I have my own opinions, but prefer lively discussions over just posting an article.
Basically, when you're with a girl for an extended period of time (or sometimes for a few days even) - she will suddenly become b!tchy out of no where; i personally wouldn't classify them as sh!t test; they seem to come more from mental lapses... sometimes - it may make a little bit of sense that she becomes this way (somewhat justified); but most of the time it will make none at all! women often will begin to snap about things that they liked in the "honeymoon" stage...
case and point? about a year ago i had been with a girl for 9 months or so (we weren't exclusive and didn't spend a whole lot of time together; so it wasn't serious). We'd always share food; feed each other, etc. She always saw it as cute. One morning, after she had had a rough week, and very good night with me - she sat down with her cheese/sausage/egg bagel from a local diner and she was wondering what something that looked strange was that was on it. I "made the mistake" or grabbing it and lifting up the bagel to see what she was talking about... she slapped my hand hard and said "don't f'ing touch my food like that!" (meanwhile, the devil horns were growning, steam was coming from her ears, and her eyes were turning red; aka: she's suddenly pissed beyond belief!) - - - this was 9 months in... she had never showed one sign of insanity... we touched each others foods all the time... she used to suck my fingers and much freakier stuff
And this seems to be a weakness in guys games, once they get in good with a woman. You see a lot of guys on here like "what happened to my girlfriend? she was so into me, and now she just b!tches at me all the time about dumb stuff."
So this is mainly a 3 part question/discussion...
1) What is it that you think brings on this sudden burst of b!tchiness??
2) Can it be prevented?
3) What is the best response in your opinion to a girl suddenly acting b!tchy??? (not specific words, but specific actions. such as - neg her, don't take her seriously, tease her for being so serious, pull yourself away from her as i did, etc. examples are good though.)
Just curious what people think. I have my own opinions, but prefer lively discussions over just posting an article.