Totally disagree. He's not talking about smart or intelligent people; he's going on a stereotype of swats and highbrow intellectuals.
Intelligent guys DO accept they're wrong, because they know that learning is the essence of being smart. Arrogant guys are the ones who never accept they're wrong. There is a difference, and it's usually UNintelligent people who are most "blind and arrogant".
Smart guys aren't always socially inept as it takes a smart person to understand others, build rapport, adapt to different people in different situations.
The idea of intelligent men putting logic over emotion is stereotypical bullsh!t. Mathematicians and scientists may be guilty of this, but some of history's most intellgent artists, writers and musicians were driven by pure emotion, fantasy and passion.
They seek only informational solutions? Well, actually even intellectuals such as scientists and mathematicians carry out experiments and fieldwork, so the image of an intelligent person learning only from books is another stereotype.
You can also look at Leonardo Da Vinci, who is one of the most celebrated geniuses of all time, and also one of the most gifted seducers of all time too.
Smart people usually have time to THINK about things.
haha. Classic quote! Smart people usually have the same amount of time as not so smart people
if they're in the same situation. Or does he think that smart people can induce Matrix-style bullet time??
As you can probably guess, I'm not a big David DeAngelo fan, and this is one of the reasons why. He makes too many prejudgements and draws on stereotypes, when I actually think he's a little out of touch with reality.