Discussion: The Top 10 Reasons Why Very Intelligent Men Fail with Women


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2004
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i can relate to the 'Men think, women feel' cliche...but how do you actually apply that?

The example he gave was like "Why is it that all women say that they want sweet, nice guys... but they all date sexy, selfish bad boys?" as an emotional conversation. Couldn't you also say that you could 'think' about that answer, like to find out why women date selfish bad boys? I really can't see how to separate the two (any help?).


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
He missed the main thing

I think the main reason a lot of otherwise attractive super-intelligent men don't have a lot of women is that there simply aren't all that many super-intelligent women, either. And a lot of super-intelligent people just aren't much for small-talk, and find it excruciatingly boring, and often tend to have uncommon tastes in music, film, etc., as well. That goes for both sexes.

Therefore, a lot of super-intelligent men can be great macks, but have a hard time finding relationships. Less compatible people to choose from. All the more reason smart people should go for chemistry first. When a woman is attracted enough to someone, she'll emphasize points of compatibility, rather than points of incompatibility.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2004
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California, the Bay Area
Interesting thread, I posted this on another part of the board but I will post it here also. it is also about the intelligence/compatibility debate.
This is not my table, I found it on another site some time back and thought it would be interesting to post it here now that we are talking about intelligent people not relating. It gets you thinking about something that may have not occured to people posting about DJ/pickup thory. take it with a grain of salt though- This is just some psychologist's opinion about intelligence and the personality associated with the given level of I.Q. I also think he is an Ayn Rand fan by how he labeled these.
Do you guys think it possible to be a Don Juan on either end of this spectrum?

Category 11 – OLYMPIAN - IQ over 188.

In all of human history only about a dozen people has been this smart. William James Sidis is one example. He lectured Harvard mathematicians on four-dimensional mathematics at age 11 and was a professor of mathematics at Rice University at age 14. He easily mastered many more languages than the then 'world record' of around 40. He would do the entire New York Times crossword in his head. Because of his eccentricities, academics and the press mercilessly hounded him. At the age of 22 he published a book discussing black holes a full 15 years before Nobel laureate Chandrasekhar thought of them. He eventually refused to do anything academic or have anything to do with academic society. Who knows what these people think about or what they think of the rest of humanity?

Category 10 - UBERMENSCH – IQ 172 - 188

Freakish. Keynes - who used to intimidate Bertrand Russell - was probably in this category. My guess is that Nietzsche and jurist Hugo de Groote were others. While still of primary school age only around 1 in 1000 professors can look them in the eye intellectually. They tend to read competently before they are 3 yr. old. They find even grand system building relatively easy. They are seldom understood or appreciated. Most feel profoundly isolated from society - even when they are appreciated. A large proportion of this group opt out of society and never make revolutionary contributions in the standard academic fields or professions. It seems to be very difficult to motivate them to play the academic/scholarly/professional game because they regard even the most venerable of traditions and institutions as absurd or silly. Consider that their intellect is as far above that of the average person as the average person's intellect is above that of a human “vegetable” – see below. Even the mind of the average professor appears to him like the mind of the average brick layer would appear to the professor.

Category 9 - FOUNTAINHEAD – IQ 156 - 172

Genius. The smarter Nobel Prize winners and most historical geniuses (people like Einstein, Hawkins, Byron, Milton, Kant, Newton, Russell , Rand) are to be found in this category. Most exceed the average postgraduate in academic competence - even professors – while still in primary school and probably knew more than their teachers from about the 6th grade onwards. Their powers of comprehension and reason are such that they can see that many alternative systems (theories) account for the essentials inherent in abstract hypotheses and may be able to compare these in turn and bring them within the ambit of a single grand formal system (theory). They can and do read philosophy for pleasure well before puberty. They can read at the university level before the average person can comprehend their first reader i.e. 'I see a cat.' They can probably perceive several logically consistent ethical systems and may find themselves struggling with the problem of constructing a grand ethical system. A common experience with people in this category or higher is that they are not wanted - that the masses (including the professional classes) find them an affront of some sort. Fortunately they are plentiful in absolute numbers, so many of them do rise above the envy and hostility. Some teacher, inspiring role model or challenging puzzle manages to interest a few in humanity's theoretical and practical problems. Their IQ is close enough to the smarter KEEPERS to allow for some communication and influence. They are the source of virtually all of humanity's advances.

Category 8 - JUDGE – IQ 140 - 156

Brilliant. Most professional mathematicians, physicists, philosophers and high court judges or very senior counsel, can be found in this group. They are autodidacts par excellence. Highly regarded original academic work rarely occurs with lower IQs. Some in this group exceed the average university student in academic competence while still in primary school. They garner most academic honors like Phi Beta Kappa election, Rhodes scholarships, maths Olympiads, etc. Many Nobel laureates and some historical geniuses - like Sartre - are also to be found here. Their reasoning powers are sufficient to enable them to build intellectual systems (theories) out of the essential features (not superficialities) of a situation. They can read anything and probably read philosophy for pleasure. Morality is now a matter of self-chosen ethical principles held to a standard of logical consistency. People in this category make up the society's intellectual leaders. Most original ideas start with these people, however their contribution tends to be in bits and pieces rather than a whole new system or new way of seeing things.
Category 7 - KEEPER – IQ 124 - 140

Superior. This group forms the bulk of the better doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants and other professionals, U.S. Presidents, CEOs of large companies and academics. This category of people and all those above them don't require assistance to learn. They can find the information and master the methods by themselves. They are capable of postgraduate work, including PhDs, but may struggle with a few subjects such as post-graduate mathematics, physics and philosophy. They usually appreciate that abstract hypotheses can be systematized and often attempt to do so (try to form theories), but for the most part they tend to miss the essentials and build systems out of superficialities. Reading philosophy and legal tracts with comprehension is possible. Morality is decidedly a matter of principles for this group but nevertheless they tend to accept established systems - rarely is the principled system a self-chosen one. These people tend to be the keepers, and transmitters, of knowledge and the higher points of any culture, but can't create it themselves.
Category 6 - GUARD – IQ 108 - 124

Bright. Their best work level is that of most teachers, low to middle level management and military officers, substandard to fair professionals and some elected national or provincial politicians. They can learn via the typical university format of lectures and textbooks. They would struggle at, but sometimes graduate from, university. Abstract, what-if hypothetical thinking begins in this group but is still superficial. Some may be aware that their hypotheses could form part of a coherent whole but cannot draw out the whole themselves. Their best reading level is editorials, magazines like Time, The Economist and Scientific American, and classical novels. Principled morality also begins in this group i.e. they can see there are non-arbitrary principles or laws that should govern ethical behavior and thought. They can also see that these laws are social constructs and have not come down from heaven or other ultimate authority. This group makes up the moral, intellectual and practical leadership assistants of society.
Category 5 - PLEB – IQ 92 - 108

Mediocre. This is the average person, able to function at the level of skilled blue-collar, clerical, sales or police work. Learning varies from explicit coaching with hands on experience to study guides and textbook work with some practical experience. They should be able to deal with a high school curriculum and graduate but quite a few, even with hard work, won't do well enough to enter university. Their reasoning is proficient but pretty concrete- at the level of non-essential surface details and their reading level is, at best, news stories (not editorials), popular magazines and novels. Morality is conventional - a matter of serving the social order and tradition or doing your duty as defined by some authority - church, teacher, parent or state. This large group is the glue of society but given the wrong authority it (and the 2 groups below it) may do horrible things in the name of morality


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, the Bay Area
Category 4 - BARBARIAN – IQ 76 - 92

Dull. Life is tough at this level. Anything other than unskilled labor is a trial, though simple semi-skilled work is possible. Typical jobs are truck (taxi?) driver, mine laborer, butcher, bricklayer, painter and maybe plumber. Learning is slow, simple and needs to be supervised closely to be effective. With application they may graduate from primary school but will nevertheless flounder quite badly in high school. Their reasoning is very superficial and concrete – they cannot see the essential form inherent in many examples of similar things. Most will never be functionally literate and the rest will not understand anything more complex than a popular magazine. It has been estimated that people in this category commit about 75% of all petty and violent crimes. Morality is very much of a primitive conventional sort, i.e. the good is whatever pleases himself or significant others and the bad is anything that displeases them. The vast majority of serious social problems are associated with people in this category because there are so many of them statistically and they are just smart enough to be let loose.
Category 3 - NEANDERTHAL – IQ 60 - 76

Mildly retarded. In the old days, these people are used to be called morons or feeble minded. At least some intermittent outside assistance becomes necessary. With special education a maximum of Grade 6 is possible by age 18. At this level and below people are inevitably functionally illiterate even if they have been taught to read for at least 4 years. Their communication and social skills are reasonable but by social/communication skills I am not referring to negotiation skills or wit, but basics like washing hands, dressing, brushing teeth, using toilet paper, looking at the person addressing them and finding the local doctor. They are socially and vocationally adequate (at menial labor) given special training and supervision. Many are able to lead a relatively independent life. Real (if superficial and concrete) logic appears in this category. Conventional morality also begins to appear in this category i.e. the good is whatever pleases significant others and the bad anything that displeases them. At this point or below the law begins to regard them as being too stupid to know the difference between right and wrong and won't hold them responsible should they commit a serious crime.
Category 2 - AUSTRALOPITHICUS – IQ 44 - 60

Moderately retarded. Limited support becomes essential and with extended special education a maximum of Grade 4 could be attained by age 18. Their social and communication skills are fair but there is little self-awareness. They can function vocationally in a sheltered workshop. They need supervision in their living arrangements and cannot live independently. There thinking does not involve much in the way of logic. Their ethical thinking is pre-moral i.e. involves conditioning, but there is the beginning of a quid pro quo sort of morality. The average adult chimpanzee has a general intelligence level corresponding to this category - with some obviously dumber and some smart enough to rise above it. The gorilla Koko (which was taught sign language) has reached an IQ of around 75 on human IQ tests three times. I don't know about you but I find this pretty sobering in all sorts of ways. Apes however lack language, which virtually all humans possess, even at this IQ level and below.

Category 1 - REPTILE – IQ 28 - 44

Severely retarded. They used to be called imbeciles - congenitally weak minded. They require extensive support and demonstrate little or no social and communication skills but they can however be trained in basic health habits e.g. toilet trained. They cannot profit from academic training at all, cannot be employed in sheltered workshops and must be supervised domestically. Good and bad is a crude matter of conditioning in the same way you might get an animal to behave. Sensory-motor impairments are common.
Category 0 - TRIFFID – IQ 12 - 28

Profound retardation. Below an IQ of 20-25 implies profound retardation. These people used to be called idiots in the old days. Support must be pervasive and involves constant care and supervision. An IQ of 20 lies between a minimal semblance of humanity and complete vegetable status.


Category “-1” - VEGETABLE – IQ below 12

Functioning is absolutely minimal. They are incapable of self-maintenance in any way. Toilet training is not possible.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Women don't like a$$holes.(I should know)

It's a perception and myth women have imposed on us just to **** with us.

The thing about "jerks" is that they aren't afraid of women.Unfortantley when you repeat that phrase to a "nice-guy" -they aren't afarid of women-they get offended and assume your telling them they have to be a mysognist to get women.

"Women like adventure"?Don't make me laugh.Women are so dull it's not funny.Chics are infact scared of doing guy sh!t.

It's better to be smooth,to be romantic,for real.Just don't let them boss you around.When she gives you sh!t,stomp on it.

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
