Sandow said:
" thats the biggest problem, ur waiting for IOIs when going indirect. Sometimes the IOIs won't ever come unless u express urs first."
Well, it depends on what you consider what IOI's and IOD's are. If a girl is lsitening, it's an IOI. If she starts asking you questions, then that's an IOI. Remember, its an indicator that shes interested, not attracted. I think some of us are thinking that IOI's are BIG hints, but in actuality they are just subtle hints that she is at least interested.
You got a good point...but strong IOI is more of another way to say Indicators of Attraction.....we can't wait till they show Indicators of Attraction, we assume she's attracted and keep going rather than waiting. Her being there is a sign of attraction if she knows u like her.
Now if course everyone has different game, and you should do what works for you best. But personally, I've always supported indirect game.
Absolutely. Use what works
"But Sandow, u will never see her IOI's without Direct game?" Well, its also a great way to get rejected right off the bat and kill your chances. Example: Day after day I watch all these desperate losers at bars get shot down left and right because they are coming off way too strong!!" Its hilarious these guys don't have a clue!
Nah, with indirect u can still see Indicators of Attraction from her...even if u didn't state that ur into her. Its just that there will be times where the girl won't show it flat out and that u just assume she is still attracted. But most Indirect people will wait so long for it to come, that they are wasting time to where all they had to do was not even care, and keep going into letting her know the true intent.
With the loser guys....thats the thing they come from a frame of being a loser and do not even understand being direct. Just cuz their forward and drunk, doesn't mean thats direct game. Direct being a great way to get rejected off the bat and kill ur chances? Nah, Direct is such a powerful way of seduction that alot of the time women won't reject u off the bat, because u come from a frame of power. The ones who u don't get with, shouldn't even be of interest. Either they're in a dedicated relationship, not right for u, or just don't want to have sex that night.
Ur choosing her. Ur qualifying her based on opener. Sure, direct opens less, because ur putting all on the line from the opening, but it closes more

. Girls can sense this and they want a guy they can prove their attractiveness too

...having the confidence to go up to a woman like this....hits a switch in her, it says alot about u. What man has that kind of confidence? Their reactions(typically a giggle) is proof of this.
Don't be that guy. Ask her something different, and just listen. Trust me it'll be refreshing for her to meet someone that isn't trying to instantly get in her pants. Remember, girls do not want to feel easy or like a slut. She already has her anti-slut defense up. Once she starts warming up to you, transition into direct. You're in. Start pulling the trigger. What most idiots do ,especially drunk ones, is that they pull the trigger way too early.
I have to agree here, even if i find indirect kinda pointless overall.... indirect does have its good points. For one, ur not boring the girl...especially if it aint a stupid indirect routine, but a routine of ur own. It can prevent her from having shields at times, and ****blocking won't happen as u can talk about really interesting stuff girls are into. But thats where it gets MUCH HARDER for indirect...cuz of having to eventually be sexual with her...which that sexual tension will take MUCH LONGER to build than say a guy who was direct with her, which had things be a bit more sexual faster and the flow kept going.
But in terms of drunk guys....thats the thing, those drunk idiots don't do direct game. They're just going up to them drunk and being forward. Direct game would them be sober, let them know a statement of desire and intent and the girl can take it or leave it, while being dominant. Also, most guys at clubs open girls in an indirect way/don't really open at all/just trying to grind with them/buy them a drink. So its not like indirect is anything new. Just cause a girl doesn't want to feel easy, doesn't mean u have to fly under the radar. When direct, yea..she might put up a lil more resistence but since u assume she's attracted to u, just plow as if it doesn't mean anything.
Special circumstance. Drunk girls. Honestly, you don't need any game to get these girls. If your decent looking and don't do anything retarded, then direct game works best on these girls. Seek and destroy with these babes. haha like tonight
Are u sure? Direct Game usually works best on the hottest who aren't as drunk ;-) Now Cavemaning...i agree lol