Plus what happens when you do your "direct way" and the girl rejects you? The women around you just seen you get rejected, which not only zaps a lot of your confidence, but it also makes them more likely to reject you as well as your thirsty tail now leaves ONE GIRL and goes to hit on the next girl. Plus, it could get you kicked out of the store if women start complaining.
Doesn't work this way in real time. For several months, I did spam approach--literally every girl in the bar, even girls I had no sexual interest in. It was necessary for me to shake the fvck out of my ego to get out of my head. But a funny thing happens when a girl sees you get rejected and you literally don't give a sh1t. They think, 1.)
Wow, this must work for this guy if he does it and 2.)
Wow, he laughed at a girl trying to destroy him--he must have a looooot going for him.
I can think of a couple instances: In a couple of my social circles I'm 'the guy who approaches'--the girls beg me to approach so they can watch; incidentally,
most of these girls who've watch me get rejected dozens of times have come onto me sexually. Another thing, I have a favorite venue. It's tiny and packed and I'm there enough that people know who I am. It's my spot. I bumped into one of the girls who's seen me do hundreds of approaches, thought she looked really good that night; she eagerly gave me her number and I almost got her back to the house via
text (she has a bf she told me about via text and flaked at the last second). I also had a memorable night where I saw a girl walk in in high heels and said, "Why the fvck are you wearing heals." She cursed me out--I mean screaming--and her friend walked up behind her. I turned to the friend: "Oh my god, is she always like that?" Her friend smiled; I pulled her in, talked a little, made out with her.
But you're looking at things from a male to female attraction model: If a dude saw a girl spam approaching he'd think,
Oh my god, what a wh0re. For a woman, she thinks,
Wow, he must not be afraid of any of the alphas friend/boyfriend/husband couldn't do that...he must be alpha. Especially, once you're socially calibrated. And then, when you're good, and a girl sees 5 girls laughing and smiling and getting attracted she thinks,
Wow, he must be really hot...I hope he talks to me. After a good set, I can look around and see girls just orbiting; if the set falls apart, these girls are already like 95% DTF before I open my mouth.
Now, unlike
@deesade, I run night game; I work groups (I
never see a hot girl out by herself). I guess if I was creeping Barnes & Nobles there
could be consequences. But the bartenders/bouncers/owners just see a guy who makes
something interesting happen--a lot of them, at this point, are just like, Well that's the local player, let's see who leaves with him tonight.
My way is to just to have a normal, regular, conversation with HER like you would with ANYBODY. From that conversation you and her are having, if you start to feel "flirty vibes" or when you flirt with her she responds positively to it....then you just proceed from there.
If she isn't as talkative when you mention "the Ramsey v.s. Orman" book choice, then there's no harm nor foul. You didn't get "rejected", maybe she just doesn't feel like being bothered, isn't social, is on a period, is in a rush, or a variety of ANYTHING ELSE.
This approach also doesn't make you come off like you are HITTING on her, which if you do that she might automatically put her SHIELD up.
Not a bad technique; but the girl
knows why you're approaching. The only real difference between direct approach & indirect approach is how much of your ego you put on the line & how much responsibility you put on the girl. In theory, yeah there's some benefit to an indirect approach--less likely to trigger ASD, less bad sets. But there are drawbacks; you're the 'Oh, well it was nice meeting you...' convo supply guy; if you do escalate at a bad time you're the 'Surprise! I have a ****' guy; you risk looking like a guy with a hidden agenda. I've found it more efficient to be direct, but to throw in a TON of dis-qualifiers & qualifiers.
So her experience is, "Oh, he's hitting on me. Oh, he's talking sh1t about the city where I'm from. Oh, he's touching me. Oh, he likes my smile. Oh, he says I look stuck up. Oh, he's complimenting my eyes. Oh, he's making fun of my accent." Basically, Push-Pull. The more shield she puts up the harder I bust on her. By the time I've settled into a more baseline conversation, I'm not the random guy hitting on her: She knows my likes/dislikes; she
feels like she won me over--but just barely & that I made a well-rounded inventory of her various qualities; she
feels intense relief that I'm not putting pressure on her via judgment; she
feels comfort that there are already things I don't like about her and I'm still talking to her anyway.
I'll even say things like, "Guys probably hit on you all the time:
Hey, girl, let me buy you a drink; let me buy your time and attention, girl. Ashley, why are you doing this to me?" or, "God, guys are fvcking weird around hot girls. What's the creepiest sh1t any guy has ever done?" Girls
love this stuff--one, it feels like they finally found a guy who understands her reality; two, I'm implying that I'm not one of those creepy desperate guys (since creepy desperate guys aren't aware that they're creepy); three, it gives her a chance to demonstrate that she is desirable; four, it's hilarious. Like when a girl says something creepy that some dude did I'll usually do that exact thing and they'll be like, "OMG I HATE YOU! Lol."
It's not like we're going around saying, "Hey mami you look sexy," while leering and breathing through our mouths.