We don't know her (you hardly know her), but always solid advice is to not smother the girl and let space be taken.
I am not saying you necessarily are making her
'feel' that way, but women pick up on that vibe very quickly and come to their own conclusions with little to nothing to go on. It is a self defense and self preservation mechanism and also allows her to entertain other 'seemingly' better options. Lame? Certainly, but it is what it is...
As others have said, she is on a dating app so the likelihood there are other men in the periphery is near
100%. No reason to get upset about that,
but understand the competition and how the woman is the chooser. You should not make her want to choose you though!
From the onset you want a woman that is highly interested and you should not subjugate yourself to her will or wants in any capacity to garner her favor. That would be an ill founded investment. Instead, reflect on what you might have done 'wrong', or rather acknowledge what you could have done better. Don't spend too much time there though, if you go deep into thought about this chick than you are likely to over analyze and ruminate.
In my opinion, if the goal is to foster a relationship then I see no reason to not confirm the date, BUT
if she was very interested in you she likely would have reached out to you to confirm. Some guys play the game where they intentionally do not confirm the date as a test of her interest. I don't do this at this point in my life, I would rather filter the girls out ASAP and not waste mental energy on some lukewarm wishy washy person.
You will have less opportunities, but you will save yourself a heck of a lot of time and are more likely to only have experiences with women with high interest levels in you. Also, do not hesitate to lead and make definitive statements, but do your best to not suffocate her. That said,
she did still come see you promptly and apologized... so take note of that.
Is this girl interested in you?
I would say based off what limited info you've provided she is probably
mildly interested or likely apprehensive. With that in mind I would ask yourself whether or not you want to continue moving forward with things.
Can her interest level be increased alongside chemistry and whatnot? Sure it can work... but the net gain just might not be worth the effort.
In other words
is the juice going to be worth the squeeze?
Me personally? I'd toss her to the back of my mind, focus on more important things, keep my options open and remain positive to future exchanges with women.
If you want to proceed with her I would cut back on communication this early on and be okay with space. If she is interested and receptive to you then she will initiate as well.
You have already opened the barrier for communication so she is well aware that she can reach you. If she is genuinely busy and has made that clear you have to interpret that in your own way.
It could be a degree of rejection? it could also be
"No, not right now". The response (if you choose to move forward) is to leave the ball in her court and move on regardless.
Also, you certainly give off the vibes of a BF when you just met her and your last text was kinda goofy

No harm no foul, but I wouldn't ask her what her priorities are because she has told you with her actions
"You aren't it".
I'm not a an avid fan of this writer, but this short article is pertinent. Good luck fella