Hail Mr. Fingers!
wow man, I really like the stuff you right about. I find it both interesting theory and fun reading! I must say that I agree with leoncour when he commented about not just working on chicks but making male friends too. The topic of finding new male friends has interested me. I am, over the summer, going to embark upon a massive social proofing program. I am going to try to become that social butterfly, who everyone knows, who everyone likes, who everyone is excited to see. I basically am going to try to meet everyone in my city, I have a big smile on my face just thinking about it, it is going to be great fun; but, of course, I am not experienced with being very social so I am going to have some trouble in the beginning and your posts help me a great deal. I like what you write because it is not just about banging a bunch of girls, it is about becoming a more socially powerful and interesting person.